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Gold against Mind Control

Thursday, 30 January 2014 20:28

Millions of healthy and normal people all over the world complain about hearing foreign voices in their skull (v2k), about being targeted by unknown radiation; about being tormented and raped by this radiation, about gang stalking, about that someone is able to read their thoughts and making comments on them, about getting their memories hacked, about somebody seeing with their eyes/hearing with their ears and commenting those signals.

Those people are called targeted individuals (ti). Their number is constantly growing.

Every day since I started recording live interviews with ti’s about 3 years ago, I receive at least one e-mail, one phone call or one letter from a desperate ti from all corners in the world. They contact me because I take them serious and listen to them. I do not go into the evil and carefully designed trap that claims, they are mentally ill. I studied the research from David Icke, Cathy O’Brien, Helmut Lammer och Heiner Gehring that opened my eyes for this covert technology, which targets people since more than 60 years.

The majority of the ti’s are not aware that they are targeted. Otherwise the mental enslavement would not work. But a growing minority is aware of the technology and complain. Thanks to the Internet they can learn about other ti’s and realize that they are not crazy or alone.


I felt always very miserable that I could not offer help to all the suffering ti’s. The radiation penetrates every material and part of the body. The first ti reaction is to build a shelter with shielding material against electromagnetic radiation, tin foiled hats for example. But that does not help. Those using the electronic harassment mock about the ti’s and use corrupt journalists and doctors to spread the mockery in order to hide the torture technology.


We found out that the secret services of Russia, USA, Israel and Sweden developed the mind control technology using a secret physics: scalar waves. Since the death of James Clerk Maxwell 1879 physicists forged intentionally the Maxwell field equations and put the part describing the scalar waves wrongly to zero, so that today only the electromagnetic wave is explained by the Maxwell equation torso. Thanks to physics professor Konstantin Meyl do we now know a lot about scalar waves. Those being relevant for our body are the magnetic scalar waves. They transport neutrinos quicker than light and penetrate everything, even the whole earth. They transport both, energy and information, enabling them to transfer holographic 3d coloured pictures and thoughts, not build up by pixels.


After long research and waiting I got a hint in Germany about a year ago, that gold protects against mind control. Gold emits destructive interference against scalar waves disturbing the resonance between the chip/DNA in a ti and the beamer in the hands of a criminal secret agent or doctor.

Real ti’s don’t have money, so they can’t afford gold. That’s why we found out that homeopathic gold (aurum metallicum) helps. It is very cheap and available in most countries. Homeopathy does not help with chemical instruments but with physical, simply by waves, constructive and destructive interference. The potencies D12, D30 and C100 gave best results with a lot of ti’s that tested it. Side effects are not known.


We started 2013 a European ti association: European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH), seated in Sweden. Everybody may become a member.


Listen now to my interview with the most famous ti, Magnus Olsson from Sweden and managing director of EUCACH, about his very liberating experience with homeopathic gold during 2013.


White TV got this comment from an American TI 10th April 2014:

"Thank you. Gold works. It not only stops the physical pain, but also restores energy balance, so as, the ability to focus, to almost normal level. I do not think I have ever been more grateful than for this information and there are no words to express it. With all my heart, thank you. Gold truly saves life. What slightly worries me is that each day I have to increase it (I started with 6 pillules of potency 30X on 3 April and today I took approx 14-20 granules with potency 200C) as the attacks feel much more aggressive, but still I am amazed with the difference the gold has made to me. I really almost lost hope that I'll ever think clearly or feel better again. Thank you."



Internationell namninsamling att Reinfeldt-regeringen skall stoppa chemtrails

Tuesday, 28 January 2014 19:00

Det här alarmerande tipset om censur på Facebook kom till White TV nyligen:

"Hej! Jag har försökt sprida bifogad länk (chemtrails) till Facebook på två olika sätt, men jag lyckas inte få in den. Tror du att den censureras? Vänliga hälsningar XXX YYYYYY".

Helena B. har startat ett internationellt upprop med namninsamling att den svenska regeringen skall sätta stop för chemtrails i Sverige:

Swedish government: I want the Swedish government to stop spray chemtrails over Sweden


Se även på White TV:

Världen protesterar mot Chemtrails 2014, även i Stockholm;

Geoengineering det verkliga klimathotet;

Amerikanska Evergreen Aviation medger vädermanipulation;

Chemtrails mörkar solen över Rejmyre;

Morgellons biologisk krigföring mot oss alla;

Vattentät teknisk bevisning att chemtrails finns;

US-Airforce Academy Chemtrail Manual;

Chemtrails vållar sjukdomar i Sverige;

Chemtrails övertygade Anne Heche och Hollywood: "Toxic Skies";

Grattis Pernilla Hagberg till fin och modig hemsida:;

Chemtrails viktigt steg mot sterila och robotiserade människor;

HAARP mörkläggare erkänner vädermanipulation;

HAARP och Chemtrails orsakade Frankenstorm Sandy;

Chemtrails, Morgellons, HAARP, AI och nanoteknologi skall förslava människor till robotar;

Pernilla Hagberg (MP) intervjuas av chemtrailforskaren Werner Altnickel;

Jetplan stänger av sin chemtrail mitt under flyget;

All radioaktivitet och chemtrails kan neutraliseras med skalärvåg- och nanoteknologi;

US Congressman Kucinich erkänner Chemtrails;

Meteorologer borde känna till Chemtrails och Vädermanipulationen;

Chemtrails och den praktiska Monsanto-Konspirationen;

Chemtrails en stor okänd fara;

Morgellons orsakad av Chemtrails?;

Sverige och Norge med i HAARP-Konspirationen;



Världen protesterar mot Chemtrails 2014, även i Stockholm

Saturday, 25 January 2014 20:02

Foto T A, 7.9.13 kl 16.37 chemtrail ovanför Falköping, en kondensationsstrimma skulle vara mycket kortare

Helena B har nu startat ett internationellt upprop med namninsamling, att den svenska regeringen skall stoppa chemtrails!

Obs! Lång text, längst ner kommer filmen

Idag, den 25 januari 2014, utbröt protester mot chemtrails över hela världen. Det kallas för global march mot chemtrails och geoengineering. I Stockholm samlades eldsjälar vid slussen som trotsade kylan och framförallt ett utfrysande etablissemang, lett av oärliga politiker, meteorologer samt censurerade och censurerande journalister.

Foto T A, chemtrails över Falköping bredar ut sig som konstgjorda moln, 27.8.13, kl 13.39

Chemtrails sprutas ut från militära och civila flygplan och liknar kondensationsstrimmor. Tittar man närmare ser man dock skillnaden. Kondensationsstrimman är ganska kort och försvinner inom några minuter medans chemtrails stannar kvar länge efter flygplanet och breddar ut sig som smutsiga moln efteråt. De är späckade med farliga metaller och mikrochips i nanostorlek för att hjälpa HAARP och därmed sammanhängande mind control program.

Foto T A, chemtrails över Falköping 26 aug 2013 kl. 21.05

Här ser ni bilder från en White TV tittare, T A, som bor i Falköping och skrev i somras så här:

"...stort sett varje dag ser himlen ut så här, skrämmande, man ser verkligen hur himlen rutas in! Intressanta slöjor efter att strecken brett ut sig!
Man undrar om nya flygplansbränslet endast är vatten då det ser ut att vara ganska mycket "kondens".
Såg på någon översiktskarta att nedre delen av Sverige har mycket lois, haarp, eiscat antenner!
Sen verkar folk vara helt skadade här nere, påminner om USA:S hillbillies...väldigt svårt att hitta någon som inte är indoktrinerad eller verkar förstörd, känns som om jag landat på en annan planet!

Titta även vid horisonten på bilderna, rutnätet blir tydligt, ett plan sprayade medans jag fotade, men det går så högt upp att det syntes knappt, bara feta strecket efter som måste vara riktigt tjockt med chem eftersom det syntes men inte planet knappt, samtidigt som det går plan på troligtvis samma höjd, där strecket försvinner direkt, dvs vanlig kondensstrimma

"7 plan på mindre än 10 minuter, de går ju oftare än tåget!" (T A, Falköping, 7.9.13)

Foto T A, chemtrails Falköping 7 sept 2013, 20.05

Lyssna på White TV:s intervju med chemtrailsaktivisten Conny Lundberg från Nacka idag.

Se även på White TV: Geoengineering det verkliga klimathotet;

Amerikanska Evergreen Aviation medger vädermanipulation;

Chemtrails mörkar solen över Rejmyre;

Morgellons biologisk krigföring mot oss alla;

Vattentät teknisk bevisning att chemtrails finns;

US-Airforce Academy Chemtrail Manual;

Chemtrails vållar sjukdomar i Sverige;

Chemtrails övertygade Anne Heche och Hollywood: "Toxic Skies";

Grattis Pernilla Hagberg till fin och modig hemsida:;

Chemtrails viktigt steg mot sterila och robotiserade människor;

HAARP mörkläggare erkänner vädermanipulation;

HAARP och Chemtrails orsakade Frankenstorm Sandy;

Chemtrails, Morgellons, HAARP, AI och nanoteknologi skall förslava människor till robotar;

Pernilla Hagberg (MP) intervjuas av chemtrailforskaren Werner Altnickel;

Jetplan stänger av sin chemtrail mitt under flyget;

All radioaktivitet och chemtrails kan neutraliseras med skalärvåg- och nanoteknologi;

US Congressman Kucinich erkänner Chemtrails;

Meteorologer borde känna till Chemtrails och Vädermanipulationen;

Chemtrails och den praktiska Monsanto-Konspirationen;

Chemtrails en stor okänd fara;

Morgellons orsakad av Chemtrails?;

Sverige och Norge med i HAARP-Konspirationen;


Mind Control har utvecklats till fruktansvärda dimensioner sedan 1970-talet

Wednesday, 22 January 2014 20:06


Targeted individual (ti) Magnus Olsson, som driver världens mest framgångsrika blogg om tankekontroll (, har en mycket pålitlig informationskälla i USA, som har försett honom över en längre tid med trovärdig information om tankekontroll / mind control. Igår sändes nedanstående text från USA, som kan läsas i sin helhet här.

Som kontrast visas filmen längst ner där professor Antony Sutton berättar om sin mind control forskning på 1970-talet. Dagens teknologi har fjärmat sig med ljusår från den tiden, då den amerikanska Senatens Church Committee avslöjade mycket, vilket bl. a. ledde till att många amerikanska ti's fick 100 000 USD i skadestånd av den amerikanska staten.

Här kommer kärntexten av info som Magnus Olsson fick igår, 21 jan 2014, och där han även blir omnämnt som en av få utomstående (i relation till USA) som fattat mind control galoppen. Magnus vet från källan att författaren syftar till vår Magnus Olsson. Vi vet inte vad författaren Don från U.S. Navy Special Operations Officers heter med efternamn eller om han eller hans enhet finns. Magnus Olsson och White TV:s Henning Witte har dock så mycket erfarenhet på området mind control, att de bedömer innehållet i texten som trovärdigt:

First, all 315 million Americans are targeted individuals. They are in an electro-magnetic concentration camp, under unbreakable electronic mind control.
- There is a secret military-police structure that silently controls much of America, especially in regards to current and future plans regarding population culling and management. On the lowest level are actual police and soldiers. As I was told, “everyone who carries a holster and a badge is directly under our control.” It is all under Northcom. Navy elements and private ‘black ops’ security firms are used for much of it, especially the dirty work. It is all done by neural frequency weapons/systems running on the now thoroughly complete atmospheric topologies of HAARP, ELF waves etc. with nanobots from chemtrails/aerosols in and around the subject(s). In the bigger picture, Americans (and the global population) are being buried alive in a frequency fence. Even the tiny handful of people who have had exposure to mind control, for example insiders themselves, or most targeted individuals, have no idea how fantastically advanced, subtle and powerful the current system really is. It is beyond words. Anybody can be taken over within seconds and be totally remote-controlled without knowing it. It is beyond the capacity of those who haven’t experienced this being done to themselves and others around them to even comprehend this.
- All Americans are computers. It takes an average of approximately five minutes to access any American and remote control them. The same apparently applies to Europeans and likely (potentially) most of the world. It can all be seen like a computer network where the human (brain and every single cell of the body) is the computer, and the mind (and entire biological system) is the software. A general patch/update can be pushed down to everyone in a general or highly granular targeted demographic. This could be a ‘patch’ to put you in any emotional state, say, to suddenly ‘see the light’ and be a proponent of any ideology, religious belief, have a certain disposition towards certain other people or groups, anything. A patch could be sent to everyone that fixes and prevents cancer – this basically already exists. Likewise you could be given cancer or a heart attack, stroke or otherwise killed instantly. You could be knocked out while driving around a curve.
An aside: I was told by a handler one time that it’s not a health care system we have but rather “wildlife management.”
- Many targeted individuals experience street theatre / gang-stalking. They are ignorant of what is actually happening to them. They believe hundreds of random strangers, or regular supernumeraries like the mailman, around them every day, are secretly paid by the government or other entities to mess with them. How it actually works is that live operators monitor them remotely and simply control anyone around them. Reference the scene in the movie Control Factor with the waitress. Humans are taken over that easily.
- Instantaneous communication with synthetic telepathy – how it works: This also can apply to gang stalking applications. It’s actually faster than instant. The operators, and possibly you mentally depending how things are configured, exist in a time-space bubble outside of our linear time. This gives the operators time to put together any kind of information to send you. Quantum Jumping (teleportation) used in ‘alien abductions’ works the same way. Via the electromagnetic-nanotech topologies the subject can be in essence ported to a lab, tested, fixed, brainwashed, raped, messed with, then sent back in-tact as they were or altered and never know anything at all happened unless the operators choose to leave them with a screen memory. Clones of course can be made and used in conjunction with this.
- The weather is almost TOTALLY controlled. It can be microcontrolled. Lightning and thunder can be directed. Wind can be created and blown on anyone, strong or a soft breeze. A voice can be put in it. TI’s familiar with sensory type auditory communication can understand this. Even sunlight and darkness in your room, believe it or not. They can simulate shooting stars. They can generate sounds of gunfire.
- Animals of course can be easily totally controlled. Cats, dogs etc. can be used as spy devices but obviously any human can too without knowing it. Birds can be commandeered and flown right over and around you, peck on your window etc.
- Worst of all are the extreme evil science projects that are being done by Navy and other military-industrial-medical-complex black ops elements to de-soul the population and try and control the heavens. Reference soul-catcher technology. Nobody would have believed the Nazis were doing the things they were doing. Same principle.
- They’ve ripped off ineffable spiritual energies from various people who are or were highly spiritual and can pump these cloned frequencies into people in church services. Likewise they can totally kill spirituality in naturally spiritual people. They can also of course whisper messages into the minds (auditory channel) of anyone. They can and WILL stop all organic, natural dreams in the entire population and instead pump in synthetic dreams and nightmares.
- Anyone reading this can have their opinion of it totally changed to think it’s all BS, whether they are currently under RNM or not. Remember within 5 minutes anyone can be an ‘open access target’. Any decision in business, government, finance etc. can be instantly or slowly totally controlled and changed. Massive debts can be forgiven and even forgotten about with the creditor walking away cheerful. Laws of supply and demand (how are gold and silver now?) are meaningless if and when need be. It’s all a matter of perspective, is it not? What an amazing economy to say nothing of other global theatre!
- When we chat about participants in staged events like the Boston Marathon, shootings etc we say ‘they didn’t know... there was something, it was something... something happened but I can’t remember, they didn’t
- We have a term for a human who’s been made into a hybrid, altered, robotoid like every single congressman/senator, the president etc etc... We say they’re ‘Moo Goo Gai Pan’. If they only knew that they’re immortal! Laboratory, human factory products now.
How does the world work in 2013?
MORE: I should clarify that it takes 5 minutes to first identify and lock in on a person's location and then take them over. Everyone of course is already stored in government databases and can easily be located and tracked if they are of interest. Once an agency decides to check you out then you can be instantly accessed from then on - by them and affiliated groups. They can also use you as a spying/reporting mechanism to automatically feed info from your own mind and what you see around you and others back to them. They can then expand a peoplenetwork for others like you (who you associate with) that may of interest.
As I said, they can actually teleport you to a lab and do intensive interrogations and studies as well over the course extended time in another synthetic time-space dimension, take and use your DNA, spiritual properties, use you for breeding, do surgeries on you to enhance you or harm you etc. Obviously they can train you in anything, brainwash you deeply and powerfully and use you for staged state- sponsored terrorism, as an actor at the scene, as the perpetrator, and of course coordinate and choreograph the entire event. They'll do this to cops and even other military-contractor personnel involved as well. Select units/people get ‘super soldier’ moo-goo-gai-pan cybernetic enhancements and are outfitted for remote medical treatments on the spot via remotely delivered nano-biotechnology.
The entire country and pretty much world is now under this system. Virtually the entire population is oblivious. Magnus Olsen is one of the few outsiders who has a clue about this. Inside military/gov't personnel who are ‘in the program’ are sworn to secrecy and are totally tracked. Most of the lower level personnel are probably under Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) for this reason so if they even have serious thoughts about talking etc they can be identified as a threat and prevented. That's why you never hear about this from the inside. As a civilian resource I have unusual freedom in this regard as I'm not sworn to any oath, however nobody would ever believe me except for insiders and some TI's.
At some point, maybe now, one individual will be able to issue commands instantly via their thoughts over the system to do x, y or z to any other person at any time. You can use your imagination, they could take them over or have them commandeered by another resource at their base/office who takes them over and makes them do as they want... business decision, money, sex, whatever. I am pretty sure my main controllers either have this ability or close to it. They may require some kind of small, portable security device, but that's all. Imagine the possibilities inside a casino, or controlling a football player in the Superbowl or a UFC fighters muscles or brain, or a
business competitor’s decisions. I was always afraid to even think about it much. It's a system of total subjugation and slavery over the masses by those with this technology. I also forgot to mention satellites are part of the overall networking hardware.
Brought to you by Don and four other U.S. Navy Special Operations Officers

Se även Henning Wittes intervju med Magnus Olsson på White TV: Guld skyddar mot mind control / tankekontroll;



Guld skyddar mot mind control / tankekontroll

Thursday, 16 January 2014 22:51

Verkställande direktören för European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) Magnus Olsson från Sverige har sedan flera år klagat över att ha fallit offer för mind control. Någon kan läsa hans tankar och minnen, vålla honom stor smärta i alla kroppsdelar och styra hans vilja och ord.

Teknologin för mind control/tankekontroll är över 60 år gammal men man lyckades aldrig att hitta ett skydd mot den. Nu testade Magnus Olsson homeopatiskt guld, aurum metallicum, under nästan ett år och det visade sig, att guldet blev ett effektivt skydd mot mind control. Han tar aurum metallicum D12, D30 och D200 varje morgon och kväll resp. 6 kulor = 36 per dygn. Tidigare tog han C100, men C-potenserna tillverkas tyvärr inte längre i Sverige.

Detta är ett sensationellt genombrott i mänsklighetens befrielsekamp möt de mörka krafterna!

Länkar till magnus Olssons hemsidor: