Mycket stor atombombsliknande explosion i Donetsk

Monday, 09 February 2015 05:02

I natt drabbades Donetsk av en extremt stor explosion. Bilden skulle kunna leda tankarna till en liten atombomb, men de flesta källor på nätet förnekar det. Det är mera troligt att en raket från den ukrainska armén, möjligtvis en Tochka-U missil, träffade ett ammunitionsförråd eller liknande.

Säkert är att onödigt många människoliv har gått till spillo, därför att USA, EU och Sverige iscensatte ett "folkligt" uppror för drygt ett år sedan i Kiev, som ledde nazister till makten i Väst-Ukraina och därmed en splittring av landet genom en grym inbördeskrig med över 50 000 döda.

White TV tittare kände redan till att dödssiffrorna i Ukraina varit mycket högre än vad gammelmedia har rapporterat.

"The powerful explosion took place at 10:50pm local time on Sunday. Local militia reported that a military chemical plant DKZHI was the target of Kiev’s artillery shelling." meddelar Russia Today litet sent och fortsätter: "The factory is known for producing chemical products used for industrial explosives, ammunition and equipment artillery bombs. This is not the first time the plant has been the target of a Kiev attack. It was also hit with artillery rockets in September and November.

The militia forces would not immediately confirm if there were casualties, either among militiamen or civilians. But they said the fire, which started after the explosion, poses no threat of a chemical spill, which is a cause of great concern at the plant, as it handles toxic compounds in producing explosives.   .....

Ukrainian military deployed multiple rocket system Smerch (the BM-30 Tornado) to shell the area in the city, Boris Filatov, former deputy head of the industrial Dnepropetrovsk Region and a member of the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada), said on his Facebook page.  ......

Earlier, Ukrainian far-right politician and paramilitary commander Dmitry Yarosh, who is involved in the Kiev military action in southeastern Ukraine, confirmed on his Facebook page that the explosion was caused by Ukrainian artillery.

Yarosh, who is wanted by Interpol on charges of inciting terrorism, was elected to the Rada in October 2014. He played a key role in the protests on Maidan (Kiev’s Independence Square), which led to the toppling of Viktor Yanukovich’s government earlier that year. Back in May, the Right Sector leader received less than 1 percent of the vote in Ukraine’s presidential election"

Engeslka Epoch Times rapporterade tidigare:

"A deputy commander with the Donetsk People’s Republic told that it was likely a missile that caused the blast, but he didn’t rule out the possibility of a factory explosion.

“There was a mushroom cloud over Donetsk,” one of the rebels told Ukrainian news website, adding that “dozens of homes were left without windows.” A mushroom cloud can be produced by conventional explosives and even volcanic eruptions–not just nuclear bombs.

Ukraine-based Euromaidan PR, a citizen-journalist news website, posted several Twitter updates about the explosion, also saying the Ukrainian army launched the attack on a rebel-held site.  Locals could reportedly hear the blast for miles.

Some said they saw the “mushroom cloud” near the Donetsk railway station, and one said many houses were shaking “like an earthquake,” reported People in Makeyevka and Avdeyevka said they could hear the explosion." .

Den fjärde filmen visar hur stort kratern blev efter explosionen.


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