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Tyska CDU (motsvarar M) vill utropa historiskt asylnödläge i parlamentet för att stoppa EU:s förödande migrationspolitik och stänga Tysklands gränser

Sunday, 26 January 2025 05:26

Det är ännu sålänge tyst eller bakom penninggiriga betalväggar i de flesta svenska alternativ/media att Tysklands största parti, CDU, vilket betyder Kristdemokraterna motsvarande M i Sverige, vill redan före nyvalet den 23 februari 2025 få en majoritet i parlamentet Bundestag för att rösta fram asylnödläge för Tyskland för att kunna stoppa den förödande EU-rätten på migrationsområdet. M a o Tyskland ska utan EU få kunna stänga sina gränser helt på obestämd tid, blockera alla nya migranter och kasta ut kriminella och fuskarna, resp låsa in på obestämd tid de inkräktare som inte går att utvisa.

CDU-chefen Friedrich Merz vill få med sig AfD, Alternative für Deutschland, som han hittills alltid blockerad och föraktad för att slicka den Djupa staten. Men nu är det alltså andra puckar. För att få igenom asylnödläget behövs eventuellt några röster också från den nyligen kollapsade Trafikljus (röd, gult/liberalerna, grönt) regeringen under Olaf Scholz, som formellt fortfarande bildar övergångsregeringen fram till valet den 23 februari.

Källa Alice Weidel och Elon Musk


Detta initiativ är historiskt för Tyskland: att ge långfingret till EU, att stänga gränserna totalt och att vilja samarbeta med det hatade AfD under Musk promotade Alice Weidel, som vill lämna det destruktiva EU och den hemska Euron!

CDU skriver uttryckligen i sitt förslag till Bundestag att det sista barnmordet av en invandrare i bayerska Aschaffenburg efter talrika andra massmord genomförda av migranter är den utlösande faktorn för detta historiska och heroiska försök att rädda Tyskland ifrån undergång!

Dags för M, KD och SD att ändra sin asylsvekpolitik. L går tyvärr inte att rädda.


Se även på WTV:

Nyår 2024-25 invandrarterror i Berlin som fulmedia förtiger Upd 8.1.25;



Israel mördade Palestinier på Västbanken efter Gaza-vapenvilan då Trump tog bort sanktioner mot israeliska ”bosättare” Upd 24.1

Tuesday, 21 January 2025 21:59

Bara Nordfront publicerade denna skandal idag:

Israel har under dagen slagit till mot Västbanken. Samtidigt har judiska ”bosättare” deltagit i attacker nu när Trump dragit tillbaka sanktioner mot dem


"Vapenvilan i Gaza mellan Hamas och Israel är nu inne på sin tredje dag. Trots det har den judiska terrorarmén IDF under dagen passat på att slå till mot staden Jenin på Västbanken. Följden av angreppet är minst åtta döda och fler än 35 skadade palestinier, enligt palestinska myndigheter.

Israels premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu, som är internationellt efterlyst för krigsbrott, säger i ett uttalande att målet med operationen ”Iron Wall” är att ”utradera terrorismen”.

Israeliska bosättare har även under dagen satt eld på palestinska byggnader och bilar staden Jinasfut på Västbanken, under den israeliska arméns beskydd. Uppemot 21 palestinier rapporteras ha skadats när israeliska soldater bland annat använde sig av tårgas mot dem."

Läs även:

FN: Israels attacker gör sjukhusen till dödsfällor

Mycket viktig artikel hur svinaktigt Israhell beter sig!


Nästan bara civila dödsoffer när Israel bombade ”terrorcentral”

och på Nordfront:

Israel tänker bryta mot vapenvilan med Libanon



Mordförsök 20 januari 2025 mot Trump med ammonium nitrat som i Oklahoma City 1995 på gång? + Hämnd attack för Trumps Qassem Soleimani mord

Sunday, 19 January 2025 08:12


Bill Still låter en duktig siare komma till tals om ett nytt planerad mordförsök mot Trump i morgon. Han var den ende som kunde förutse mordförsöket mot Trump i somras den 13 juli 2024 i Butler, Pennsylvania, där hans skyddsänglar vred på Trumps huvud så att enbart örat sårades litet. Två människor i publiken dog. Bara detta visar att det inte var en fakeattack. Den 20-åriga mördaren sköts sedan också.

Nu förutser samma kille ett nytt planerad mord mot Trump i morgon den 20 januari 2025 under hans president invigning i Washington på samma sätt som den 19 april 1995 i Oklahoma City med en pansrad lastbil fylld med ammonium nitrat. Timothy McVeigh var under svår mind control, han dömdes oskyldig till döden. De kriminella element från NSA som fjärrstyrde honom med hemliga mind control vapen åtalades aldrig.

Siaren ser också de närmaste dagarna 1000 terrorister komma upp från underjordiska Reptilbaser i 10 olika städer attackera USA och Trumps familj som hämnd för Trumps mord på den iranska generalen Qassem Soleimani den 3 januari 2020.


Se även på WTV:

Oklahoma bomber McVeigh was Mind Controlled;

Trump vidrig massmördare och krigshetsare, Qassem Soleimani/Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis bekämpade IS;

Terroristen Trump bad Irak att medla med Iran för att lura iranska generalen i en fälla, typisk maffia;

Trump massmördare, tappat makten och svikit sina vallöften;



Sveriges bästa politiker Elsa Widding har ny egen hemsida:

Sunday, 05 January 2025 10:25


Stort Grattis Elsa Widding till din nya hemsida


Elsa är den bästa och modigaste politikern i Sverige och blev därför utkastat från SD, vars bunkergäng under Jimmie Åkesson är under hård Mossad-mind-control!


Hennes YouTube kanal heter Klimatkarusellen Elsa Widding:


Se även på WTV:

Mossad splittrar SD och SDU;

Israel tappar kontrollen över SD därför skall Kasselstrand och Hahne uteslutas;



Germany’s ruling coalition plans to legally normalize pedophilia and molestation of underage children. Polisen underrapporterar pedobrott

Saturday, 04 January 2025 11:18


"The current German government is preparing a number of legislative initiatives aimed at normalizing the molestation of underage children in society and lowering the age of consent to 10 years. The human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice received important information about the plans of the Green Party and the CDU/CSU to decriminalize sexual relations with children. The Foundation to Battle Injustice found out how and through which channels the normalization of sexual relations with minors is being imposed on German citizens and who is the main organizer.

The number of child molestation and sexual abuse cases in Germany has risen catastrophically over the past few years. According to the latest reports from the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the number of reported cases of child sexual abuse has increased significantly. In 2023, 16,375 cases were reported, an increase of 5.5 percent over the previous year and almost 5,000 more than in 2017. A large majority of victims are underage girls. The alarming trend goes far beyond physical violence: the distribution and possession of child abuse images is also on the rise every year. Between 2016 and 2023, the number of reported child pornography possession cases in Germany increased almost 8-fold, from 5,687 to 45,191. This demonstrates the ubiquity and growth of horrific and inhumane practices and shows that there is no reason for them to decrease.


The alarming trend not only raises serious concerns about the safety and well-being of minors, but also highlights systemic shortcomings of German law enforcement and government in combating these heinous and persistent crimes. Despite the seriousness of these acts, numerous cases of child molestation are systematically silenced by the major German media, further entrenching a vicious cycle of violence and impunity.


The Foundation to Battle Injustice, through close and months-long work with sources from high-ranking German officials and human rights activists, has uncovered disturbing evidence of actions by Germany’s ruling coalition to normalize pedophilia in German society. Human rights activists were able to identify a pattern of actions and individuals responsible for creating mechanisms that seek to decriminalize sexual crimes against children and contravene German law as well as a host of international conventions and agreements.


How sexual abuse of minors is becoming part of German society


Germany’s ruling coalition plans to legally normalize pedophilia and molestation of underage children

The current German government is preparing a number of legislative initiatives aimed at normalizing the molestation of underage children in society and lowering the age of consent to 10 years. The human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice received important information about the plans of the Green Party and the CDU/CSU to decriminalize sexual relations with children. The Foundation to Battle Injustice found out how and through which channels the normalization of sexual relations with minors is being imposed on German citizens and who is the main organizer.

The number of child molestation and sexual abuse cases in Germany has risen catastrophically over the past few years. According to the latest reports from the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the number of reported cases of child sexual abuse has increased significantly. In 2023, 16,375 cases were reported, an increase of 5.5 percent over the previous year and almost 5,000 more than in 2017. A large majority of victims are underage girls. The alarming trend goes far beyond physical violence: the distribution and possession of child abuse images is also on the rise every year. Between 2016 and 2023, the number of reported child pornography possession cases in Germany increased almost 8-fold, from 5,687 to 45,191. This demonstrates the ubiquity and growth of horrific and inhumane practices and shows that there is no reason for them to decrease.


The distribution of child pornography and child sexual abuse in Germany

The alarming trend not only raises serious concerns about the safety and well-being of minors, but also highlights systemic shortcomings of German law enforcement and government in combating these heinous and persistent crimes. Despite the seriousness of these acts, numerous cases of child molestation are systematically silenced by the major German media, further entrenching a vicious cycle of violence and impunity.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice, through close and months-long work with sources from high-ranking German officials and human rights activists, has uncovered disturbing evidence of actions by Germany’s ruling coalition to normalize pedophilia in German society. Human rights activists were able to identify a pattern of actions and individuals responsible for creating mechanisms that seek to decriminalize sexual crimes against children and contravene German law as well as a host of international conventions and agreements.


How sexual abuse of minors is becoming part of German society


In Germany, a country known for its progressive values and strict legal protections, the number of sexual offenses against underage children has reached record levels in recent years. This alarming trend is largely due to the activities of a significant pedophile lobby in Germany. This group uses various channels, including legislative initiatives and media outlets, to promote the normalization of sexual relations with children.

Experts estimate that there are about 250,000 male pedophiles living in Germany. Surveys indicate that between three and six percent of German men admit to having sexual fantasies involving prepubescent children. Meanwhile, crimes against children and the trafficking of child pornography are on the rise in Germany. In July 2022, 1.4 million people attended an LGBT* demonstration in Cologne. Among the participants were pedophiles who demanded that their attraction to minors be recognized as a sexual identity protected by the country’s basic law. They displayed a flag symbolizing the pride of “people who experience attraction to minors.” The activists use the acronym LGBTIQ+P and demand the “official inclusion of pedophiles” in the LGBT* movement. Describing the symbolism of their flag, the pedo activists say the colors “unite pedo-, hebe- and/or partheno/ephebophiles,” meaning people with sexual paraphilias who prefer a certain age range. In this case, the blue and pink stripes on the flag symbolize sexual interest in boys and girls, respectively.

The key demand of the pedophile demonstrators who took part in the demonstration in Cologne was as follows:


“We demand that pedophiles be officially included in the designation of persons with a non-traditional orientation. Pedophilia is an independent sexual identity and should therefore also be protected by Article 3 of the Basic Law.”


The organizer of the demonstration, Hugo Winkels, claims he was unaware of plans for pedophiles to participate in the march. However, according to a German human rights activist who has specialized in the protection of childhood and the rights of minors for many years, Winkels is part of Cologne’s pedophile lobby. He has previously been tried for sexual harassment of minors. The German media deliberately glosses over this fact in his biography.

In August 2022, Carsten Stahl, a human rights activist, reality TV star, and school bullying consultant, commented on the murder of 14-year-old Eileen from Baden-Württemberg. He said that Germany is a paradise for pedophiles, rapists, and child pornography, and German courts “defend the rights of criminals more than the rights of children.” Stahl urges German politicians to pay attention to the problems of their own people and country.

In June 2022, the German government granted the right from mid-2023 for residents over the age of 14 to change their gender and name once a year. However, Berlin politician Rüdiger Lautmann criticized this decision and called for lowering the minimum age from which it is possible to change gender to 7 years. Lautmann published a book back in 1994 titled “Attraction to a Child: Portrait of a Pedophile,” which was condemned as encouraging pedophilia. However, Lautmann claims that he simply “tried to understand pedophile criminals and describe their modus operandi.” Three years later, he was involved in the creation of a pamphlet on children and sexuality, which stated that sexuality between children and adults was “largely approved.” Lautmann also served on the board of trustees of the Working Group on Humane Sexuality, which at the time took the position that pedosexual contact could be consensual despite the age difference between participants.

In Berlin, two LGBT* kindergartens opened in October 2022, teaching young children about the “diversity of love.” The pilot project of such kindergartens was proposed by the Berlin Gay Council, which has some very dubious personalities in its ranks. One such person is the aforementioned sociologist Rüdiger Lautmann, who has been accused of promoting pedophilia for 40 years for his scandalous books on relevant topics.

Lautmann is advocating for the normalization of non-traditional relationships among underage children. He stated:

“The upbringing of children will include books that show children that not only a prince and a princess can fall in love with each other, but also two men.”

Meanwhile, Tagesspiegel, one of Germany’s largest media outlets, published an article criticizing the fundamental values of religious institutions. According to the creators of the LGBT* kindergartens, these institutions “oppress people with a non-traditional orientation.” The youth wing of “Alternative for Germany” protested against the construction of an LGBT kindergarten in Berlin’s Schöneberg. “Young Alternative is outraged by the news about the former chairman of the ‘gay council’ Lautmann, who sympathized with pedophiles. Such people cannot be trusted to work with children,” the organization believes.

The growing prevalence of pedophilia and the shift in public rhetoric towards the possibility of decriminalizing sexual crimes against children in Germany is an alarming signal for German society. Human rights activists from the Foundation to Battle Injustice have uncovered the legislative and social levers the German government is using to normalize relations with underage children.


The wave of pedophilia that has swept German society at the will of the German government


As evidence, the expert points to a March 2023 ruling by the German Constitutional Court. The court declared that the ban on child marriage violates the country’s Basic Law. This ruling was part of the “Anti-Child Marriage Act,” which the federal government passed in 2017 amid an increase in the number of refugees. However, Germany’s highest court ruled that the blanket ban is inhumane. The court decided that each individual case must be considered separately.

One of the biggest lobbies for decriminalizing pedophilia in Germany has historically been the Green Party. The party has most actively lobbied for the normalization of pedophilia. Many of its members have non-traditional orientations. The “Greens” were founded in West Germany in 1980. When writing their political program, they immediately demanded a revision of Articles 174 and 176 of the German Criminal Code. These articles concern the sexual abuse of foster children and sexual contact with children under 14 years of age. The “revised” version of the 1982 program retained this point. In 1985, the party presented the document “Sexuality and Domination,” which promoted pedophilia. The document argued that sex with children without violence means mutual consent, which should not be a criminal offense. The requirement to legalize pedophilia was formally abolished and dropped from the party goals of the Greens only in 1993. This happened when they merged with the “Union 90” from East Germany.


For the current investigation, the Foundation was also able to contact a former high-ranking official of the Hamburg Police Department. He reported that over the past few years, his department had repeatedly received direct instructions to underreport the number of sexual offenses against children and to not accept applications from victims of violence. The law enforcer estimates that the figures reported by the government are 55-60% lower than the real ones. He believes the situation could become critical in the next couple of years."

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