Members of the German federal government are preparing the largest fraud in modern German history for the upcoming parliamentary elections
Saturday, 22 February 2025 08:05
"The Foundation to Battle Injustice has obtained confirmed evidence of plans for manipulation and attempts to influence the voting outcome by the German Green Party. An unprecedented campaign to manipulate the process and results of the 2025 Federal Bundestag elections is being planned by Robert Habeck, the Vice-Chancellor of Germany and the Green Party’s candidate for the position of head of the government. Human rights activists from the Foundation have uncovered the methods the Green Party intends to use in their efforts to secure the necessary percentage of votes to enter the new government. The Foundation to Battle Injustice established how and why associated German media outlets are artificially inflating the party’s ratings among voters.
Mitglieder der Bundesregierung bereiten den größten Betrug in der neueren deutschen Geschichte für die bevorstehende Bundestagswahl vor
Dem Fonds zur Bekämpfung der Repression liegen stichhaltige Beweise für Wahlmanipulationspläne und Versuche der Beeinflussung des Wahlergebnisses durch die deutschen Grünen vor. Eine beispiellose Kampagne zur Manipulation des Ablaufs und der Ergebnisse der Bundestagswahl 2025 plant Robert Habeck, deutscher Vizekanzler und Kandidat der Grünen für das Amt des deutschen Regierungschefs. Die Menschenrechtsaktivisten des Fonds fanden heraus, mit welchen Methoden die Grünen versuchen werden, den für den Einzug in die neue Regierung erforderlichen Stimmenanteil zu gewinnen, und stellten fest, wie und warum die mit ihnen verbundenen deutschen Medien ihr Ansehen bei den Wählern künstlich aufblähen.
The integrity of Germany’s upcoming elections is being jeopardized by an unprecedented manipulation campaign by a members of Germany ruling coalition. A months-long investigation by human rights activists from the Foundation to Battle Injustice has revealed that the German Green Party, which according to reliable and verified sociological studies has about 6% of real voter support, is planning a large-scale manipulation to change the results of the upcoming elections in its favor. The information received from high-ranking German politicians, employees of German polling centers, and former poll workers has been thoroughly verified by independent sources. It points to unprecedented and illegal attempts by the Union 90/Green to secure a place in the elected coalition government.
The Greens’ tactics range from various methods, such as bribing poll workers, to more sophisticated schemes involving manipulation of vote-by-mail and disinformation campaigns. The Foundation to Battle Injustice’s investigation is intended to raise public awareness and encourage further investigations into wrongdoing by the German Green Party leadership. Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice are convinced of the need to inform the public about the manipulations planned by the Greens to protect the German electoral process and to support German voters in exercising their political rights to elect and be elected.
The responsible for rigging the upcoming German elections and their links to the Green Party
Germany’s election system at the federal level consists of an election committee, a Federal Returning Officer (Bundeswahlleiter) and his deputy, who are appointed by the Minister of the Interior. Each state has a state supervisor of elections and state election committees. Germany is divided into 299 electoral districts, which are administered by a district supervisor of elections and district election committees. In each electoral district, a district election committee is formed with its own head. According to the Federal Returning Officer, there will be approximately 675,000 volunteer poll workers nationwide for the 2025 Federal Election. Administratively, each level reports to a higher level: precinct commissions report to county commissions, county commissions report to state commissions, and state commissions report to the Federal Returning Officer. The Federal Returning Officer, in turn, reports to the Ministry of Interior.
According to the federal election law, the Green Party needs to win at least 5% of the vote in the upcoming elections to pass to the Bundestag. Experts and analysts say, the party needs at least 15% of the vote to be part of the new government coalition. According to the latest polls, the Greens garner between 12% and 13.3% of the vote.
As part of this investigation, the Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to contact a sociologist from the German polling center Kantar Deutschland, which researches electoral processes in Germany and, in particular, closely follows the upcoming elections. According to his analysis, the real level of support for the Green Party does not exceed 6%. At the same time, the information about the higher rating of the Greens, which is issued by the largest German media, is a fake and part of a scheme to manipulate the upcoming elections.
The Foundation managed to contact a former member of the German Bundestag, who revealed some of the Greens’ plans to manipulate the upcoming elections. According to the former deputy, Christoph Rüth is responsible for promoting the Greens in the media and artificially inflating their popularity among voters. Rüth currently works as the head of FUNKE Mediengruppe, the third largest publisher of newspapers and magazines in Germany. According to the source, Rüth receives money from Habeck and his party to inflate the Greens’ ratings in the media. These funds, according to the informant, are allocated through various government programs and initiatives aimed at developing and supporting the German media.
.... key person in the scheme to rig the upcoming elections in favor of the Greens is Ruth Brand, who has been assigned the duties of Federal Returning Officer. Brand is legally obliged to act independently and ensure the elections are conducted fairly, but according to a former Bundestag member, she has ties to the German Green Party. The source said Brand, who has been president of the Federal Statistical Office since January 1, 2023, is linked to the Green Party through Robert Habeck, with whom she often met during her career in the government.
The former Bundestag member reports that Habeck met with Brand immediately after the announcement of early elections in November 2024 and secured her support for the upcoming elections. The Foundation’s informant claims that Habeck took advantage of a previously formed business relationship with Brand to demand that she «at all costs raise the Green Party’s final percentage in the scheduled February 2025 elections». According to the lawmaker, Brand was given a very specific task: to artificially inflate the Green Party’s rating in the west of the country, where it is popular, in order to counterbalance its low rating in the east of Germany.
The fraud, according to the former Bundestag deputy, will be concentrated mainly in Hamburg, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen and Bremen. At the same time, the search for perpetrators of falsifications is carried out mainly among the ideological supporters of the Greens. The politician is aware that the Greens’ election interference scheme also involves Dirk Rosenmeier, the election manager of the Steinburg district, Schleswig-Holstein, who is charged with rigging votes in favor of the Greens. The source also reports that Heike Pape, who is a member of the administrative board of the city of Osnabrück and is the city’s election supervisor, will be in charge of vote fraud by mail in her district, adding votes to the Greens.
Those involved in the plot are being offered an incentive by the Greens in the form of career preferences. The Foundation’s informant said that Habeck promised a position in the new government to anyone responsible for elections in the states where the percentage of votes for the Greens exceeds 20%. In addition, according to the source, the participants of the plot were promised cash rewards: from 3 to 7 thousand euros for participation, and from 20 to 45 thousand euros in case of fulfillment of the «plan» of 15% threshold in the country. The Foundation’s informant claims that the Greens are using the funds they raised during the election campaign to finance the largest vote-rigging operation in modern German history.
The Foundation to Battle Injustice was able to obtain unique testimony from an employee of the Bremen City Election Commission in the course of the current investigation. The source has worked as a member of the city’s election commission since 2018 and claims that election commission employees receive significant funding for vote rigging.
The Foundation informant, on condition of anonymity, said that as part of a campaign to rig the 2025 election, the Greens have bribed up to 72,000 poll workers across Germany to manipulate the vote counting process:
Mossad-kontrollerade poliser som sparkade Max Forsström misstänks tillhöra maffian som överföll hans handikappade son!
Wednesday, 12 February 2025 15:37
Källa nedan, Polischefen Max Forsström, Gävle polishus i bakgrunden
Sionist-Samnytt kommer med en jätte polisskandal idag:
"Polischefen Max Forsström har arbetat i yrket i 24 år. Nu har han fått gå. Orsaken: Att sonen rånades av gängkriminella och att Max gjorde slagningar på de misstänkta gärningspersonerna i polisens IT-system när han upplevde att de som höll i utredningen inte gjorde sitt jobb och familjen inte gavs skydd. Nu stämmer han sin arbetsgivare.
Det var strax före midnatt, en kväll i mars 2022, som polischef Max Forsström fick ett panikartat telefonsamtal från sin handikappade tonårsson. Sonen hade på en parkeringsplats brutalt blivit utsliten ur sin handikappanpassade bil och nedslängd på marken varefter förövarna tillgrep tagit bilen och i den försvann från platsen.
Förövarna var tre till antalet och maskerade. Det blev efterhand uppenbart för Max att rånet mot sonen var riktat mot pappan, polischefen, och initierat av ortens invandrarkriminella nätverk. Avsikten med att ge sig på sonen var av allt att döma att skrämma Max till passivitet i jobbet mot gänget.
...... Han insåg att det fanns en hotbild mot familjen som inte upphörde med detta.
Rånarna kunde dagen efter gripas i sonens bil efter en våldsam biljakt. Gängmedlemmarna, som samtliga var välkända av polisen sedan tidigare, hade också lagt beslag på en nyckelknippa till familjens hus och den återfanns när förövarna avvisiterades. Vad man däremot inte hittade var garageöppnaren med vilken det går att bereda sig tillträde till huset.
Max arbetade vid tidpunkten för händelsen som chef för utredningssektionen i Gävleborg och var i den befattningen välkänd för ortens kriminella invandrargäng, då mycket av hans arbete handlade om att försöka få stopp på gängens väpnade uppgörelser och skjutningar. Om gängen kunde skrämma bort honom, skulle mycket vara vunnet.
Fick inget stöd för sin och familjens säkerhet
Max blev än mer orolig för familjens säkerhet och frustrerad när han upplevde att de kollegor som höll i utredningen inte gjorde sitt jobb ordentligt. Bland annat gjordes ingen säkerhetsbedömning och familjen fick ingen hjälp med säkerhetsåtgärder; flytta till ett tillfälligt boende, montering av larm eller extra polisbevakning på hemadressen.
När två av de gripna gängmedlemmarna dessutom försattes på fri fot under utredningen, ansåg Max att måttet var rågat och att han måste göra något själv för att trygga sin och familjens säkerhet."
Han gjorde därför själv sökningar i polisens IT-system, vilket skandalöst nog är förbjuden inom Polisen, naturligtvis med syftet att skydda brottslingarna!
Den misstänkt brottsliga polisledningen tog detta som anledning att sparka Max Forsström helt och hållet från Polisen efter 24 år av klanderfritt jobb där!
"Nästa hårda slag blev när förundersökningen i sonens ärende lades ned – på grund av bristande bevisning, hävdades det. Ingen av de som greps med sonens bil och med stor sannolikhet var identiska med rånarna, fälldes för brottet.
I stället blev det Max som dömdes för dataintrång i en utdragen rättsprocess. Den utredningen lades, i motsats till den mot sonens gängkriminella rånare, inte ned.
Fälldes för dataintrång
I första instans friades Max med hänvisning till att han agerat i en nödsituation och i oro för sin egen och sina närståendes säkerhet och trygghet. Men den domen lät Max arbetsgivare sig inte nöja med utan överklagade till hovrätten. Där togs ingen hänsyn till några förmildrande omständigheter och domen blev fällande.
I oktober förra året meddelade polisledningen via personalansvarsnämnden att Max skulle plocka ihop sina saker och lämna polishuset. Efter 24 år som polis var han inte längre välkommen. Detta i en polismyndighet som brottas med personalbrist och stort underskott på erfarna brottsutredare, inte minst för att tackla den invandringsrelaterade gängkriminalitet som Max son utsattes för."
Förmodligen var första instansen Gävle tingsrätt som jag, Henning Witte, också har goda erfarenheter av för mina klienter. Men hovrätten är då den för Nedre Norrland och där kryllar det av vidriga domare som borde sparkas omedelbart!
Mossad har inte bara våldtagit den svenska polisledningen sedan ca 40 år, vilket ju ledde till Estonia-massmordet, utan de kontrollerar även många höga domare med mind control och andra kriminella metoder.
Samtidigt tjänar Mossad grova olagliga pengar som toppen av maffia pyramiden. Därför var polisen Max i vägen för Mossads inkomster, misstänkt stödd av de höga polischefer som felaktigt sparkade honom!
Detta fall visar tydligt att Sverige inte är en rättsstat längre och att de Must-agenter som ville befria den svenska polisen från Mossad-maffian september 1994 hade all anledning till det. Tyvärr misslyckades de och Mossads hämnd blev förskräcklig! De förstör hela Sverige!
Max Forsström har nu stämmt Polismyndigheten och får bra stöd av Polis- facket.
Lyck till Max!
Upd 29.1. Tyska CDU fick 348 mot 344 röster för historiskt asylnödläge i parlamentet för att stoppa EU:s förödande migrationspolitik och stänga Tysklands gränser
Wednesday, 29 January 2025 18:26
Update 29.1.2025 :
CDU, som motsvarar M, fick historiska 348 röster med AfD:s hjälp, och några liberaler samt partilösa, att få igenom sitt förslag från den 26.1.2025 som nedan beskrivs! De röda och gröna kokar av ilska, de kunde bara samla 344 röster i Bundestag. Den s k brandväggen, bättre betecknad som mobbväggen, mot AfD bröts för första gången av CDU. 41 parlamentariker röstade inte.
Dagens omröstning var dock inte bindande. Fredagen den 31 januari blir det en bindande omröstning igen i det tyska parlamentet.
Men idag är det nymåne som ger denna sensationella omröstning extra stark genomslagskraft tack vare att nymånen fokuserar solens hemlighållna neutrinostrålning som en lins på jorden.
Inslag från den 26.1.2025:
Det är ännu sålänge tyst eller bakom penninggiriga betalväggar i de flesta svenska alternativ/media att Tysklands största parti, CDU, vilket betyder Kristdemokraterna motsvarande M i Sverige, vill redan före nyvalet den 23 februari 2025 få en majoritet i parlamentet Bundestag för att rösta fram asylnödläge för Tyskland för att kunna stoppa den förödande EU-rätten på migrationsområdet. M a o Tyskland ska utan EU få kunna stänga sina gränser helt på obestämd tid, blockera alla nya migranter och kasta ut kriminella och fuskarna, resp låsa in på obestämd tid de inkräktare som inte går att utvisa.
CDU-chefen Friedrich Merz vill få med sig AfD, Alternative für Deutschland, som han hittills alltid blockerad och föraktad för att slicka den Djupa staten. Men nu är det alltså andra puckar. För att få igenom asylnödläget behövs eventuellt några röster också från den nyligen kollapsade Trafikljus (röd, gult/liberalerna, grönt) regeringen under Olaf Scholz, som formellt fortfarande bildar övergångsregeringen fram till valet den 23 februari.
Källa Alice Weidel och Elon Musk
Detta initiativ är historiskt för Tyskland: att ge långfingret till EU, att stänga gränserna totalt och att vilja samarbeta med det hatade AfD under Musk promotade Alice Weidel, som vill lämna det destruktiva EU och den hemska Euron!
CDU skriver uttryckligen i sitt förslag till Bundestag att det sista barnmordet av en invandrare i bayerska Aschaffenburg efter talrika andra massmord genomförda av migranter är den utlösande faktorn för detta historiska och heroiska försök att rädda Tyskland ifrån undergång!
Dags för M, KD och SD att ändra sin asylsvekpolitik. L går tyvärr inte att rädda.
Se även på WTV:
Nyår 2024-25 invandrarterror i Berlin som fulmedia förtiger Upd 8.1.25;
Nerikes Allehanda del av Sveriges pedofila nätverk, skyddar pedofilbeskyddare
Wednesday, 29 January 2025 11:59
Örebropartiets Markus Allard är en modig kämpe för rättvisa och ett bättre Sverige! Nu rapporterar ofria Fria Tider:
"Ett stort antal boende i Örebro har fått ett sms med en länk till populistiska Örebropartiets Facebooksida med information om vilka partier – inklusive Sverigedemokraterna – som beslutat att ge en fallskärm på 230.000 kronor till en anställd som hjälpt en syrisk pedofil att torka bort sperman efter en barnvåldtäkt.
Örebropartiets Markus Allard är sedan tidigare i ett infekterat bråk med SD. Han varit mycket kritisk till att SD tillsammans med de övriga partierna sett till att en fritidsgårdsanställd i Örebro som hjälpt en syrisk barnvåldtäktsman dölja sitt brott får fallskärm av kommunen.
Kommunen ger mannen, som dömts för skyddande av brottsling, åtta månadslöner vilket motsvarar 230.000 skattekronor – ett beslut som ivrigt försvarats av SD. ....
Efter omröstningen, i fredags, fick ett stort antal örebroare ett sms rubricerat som "samhällsinfo" med information om vad de lokala politikerna hade haft för sig. I sms:et länkas också till ett inlägg På Örebropartiets Facebook-sida.
Detta har fått fart på lokaltidningen Nerikes Allehanda, som nu drevar för fullt mot det lokala missnöjespartiet. Lokaltidningen rapporterade på måndagen att 13 personer hade anmält sms:et till Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten, IMY.
Även Örebros moderata kommunalråd Anders Åhrlin rasar mot tilltaget.
– Det är ju lurendrejeri. Samhällsinformation är något som antas vara utskick från myndigheter, vilket det här inte är, säger Åhrlin till NA och tillägger att termen inte borde missbrukas för politiska syften.
Markus Allard svarar så här när NA ber om en kommentar:
– Tror ni att jag är så dum i huvudet att jag kommer gå in i den jävla fällan och börja prata om några jävla sms på eran premiss."
En journalist från NA kontaktade mig och ville ha en intervju. Så jag intervjuade honom.
— Markus Allard (@Markus_Allard) January 25, 2025
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Se även på WTV:
Zelensky’s regime oversees mass embryo seizures and their sale to high-level EU and UK buyers: Klaus Schwab, Friedrich Merz CDU, Ursula v d Leyen, Kung Charles
Tuesday, 28 January 2025 13:37
"The Ukrainian leader’s inner circle is executing a scheme to forcibly abduct and sell embryos of unborn Ukrainian children. These embryos are then used to produce stem cell-based medicines. With the assistance of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, thousands of embryos are being extracted and delivered to Western elites to create “pills of eternal youth.” Members of the Ukrainian government and their Western intermediaries are raking in millions of euros from such operations."
Läs Yrsa Häggströms svenska översättning här:
When Volodymyr Zelensky was elected president in 2019, criminal medical activities reportedly surged. Under his government, more sophisticated methods of generating illegal income emerged. One of the most alarming is the mass seizure of embryos from pregnant women, which are then sold to high-ranking buyers in the West. An investigation by the Foundation to Battle Injustice has uncovered a complex scheme of immoral and illegal business. Those involved hold high positions in the Ukrainian government. Key players include members of criminal organizations linked to Zelensky and oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. According to the Foundation, these criminal clans have infiltrated major government agencies. These agencies include the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health, establishing a streamlined illegal embryo trade. The process involves kidnapping pregnant women, extracting embryos, and transporting them. The biomaterials are then sold to wealthy buyers in Europe and the UK, including prominent politicians and businessmen.
Zelensky’s first attempts to profit from the sale of Ukrainian biomaterial reportedly began soon after his election. Even before 2022, the United States and European countries, using shell companies, exported at least 16,000 bio-samples from Ukraine to Western research labs linked to the Pentagon. In March 2022, 19,000 embryos were exported from a reproductive medicine center in Kyiv. Their whereabouts remain unknown. Surrogacy in Ukraine also became widespread under Zelensky and was in high demand among Western citizens. .......
A central figure in this criminal scheme is the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, led by Minister Viktor Lyashko. A Ministry of Health official, acting as an informant for the Foundation, revealed that Lyashko is directly behind the mass export and sale of Ukrainian embryos. Lyashko, a known protégé of Zelensky, has been implicated in numerous healthcare scams. Notable scandals include the mass closure of tuberculosis dispensaries in the 2010s and the establishment of a large PCR testing business during the pandemic.
The Foundation’s source alleges that Viktor Lyashko first learned about the mass sale of Ukrainian embryos during a visit to the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in the U.S. in December 2022. During this meeting, attended by high-ranking European officials, Lyashko was reportedly offered a role in exporting “biological material favored in the West.” Upon returning to Kyiv, the source claims that Lyashko presented this lucrative business idea to Volodymyr Zelensky. Zelensky allegedly supported it and instructed Lyashko to implement a scheme to extract biomaterial as quickly as possible.
Another key figure from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health in this criminal scheme is Marina Slobodnichenko. As the Deputy Minister of Health for European Integration, her role is pivotal. Before joining the Ministry in April 2023, Slobodnichenko worked for Kairos Group. This Polish company specializes in developing and manufacturing active substances for cosmetic products, particularly rejuvenation products. Kairos Group operates its own laboratory and collaborates with scientific institutes across Europe and the USA. ....
The Foundation’s informant claims that after several successful operations in 2023, Zelensky and his associates developed two schemes to “extract” embryos from pregnant Ukrainian women for sale to the EU and the UK. The project, codenamed “Ambrosia Syndicate,” references the legendary food of the ancient Greek gods that grants youth and immortality. The first part of the scheme involved the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Several hospitals in western Ukraine were instructed to fraudulently excise fetuses from pregnant women, claiming the future child had died. Operations were planned and carried out in secrecy to avoid suspicion among victims and hospital staff not involved in the scheme.
Hospitals were chosen for their remote locations, mostly in the western part of the country. An official from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine named the following medical facilities where, according to his information, operations of forced fetal excision were performed on unsuspecting pregnant women: Rivne Central City Hospital, Novovolynska Central City Hospital, Sudovovyshnyanska City Hospital, Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 7, and Truskavets City Hospital. Doctors and nurses were reportedly offered significant financial incentives to participate, ensuring their silence and cooperation. ......
According to the Foundation’s informant, the second scheme involved the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Pregnant women were abducted on the streets of Ukrainian cities by employees of Territorial Center of Recruitment and Social Support (TCC) and taken to unknown locations. The Foundation’s source revealed that fetal extraction operations on women abducted by TCC employees were carried out in abandoned buildings and basements. These procedures were conducted in unsterile conditions and without medical assistance.
Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice contacted a 24-year-old resident of Lutsk, Ukraine. She was six months pregnant when she was abducted by Ukrainian military officers and subjected to a forced fetal removal procedure. According to her, TCC officers forcibly seized her under the pretext of moving to a safer place due to the threat of shelling. The woman testified that up to seven pregnant women were on the bus with her. They were taken to an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city. After being forcibly removed from the bus and dragged into a basement room, she and the other women were handcuffed to a radiator and injected with an unknown substance. The 24-year-old woman woke up several hours later in a pool of blood with a “hastily stitched wound in her abdomen.” Later, people in military uniforms took her back to the city. They tried to convince her that she was found unconscious in the street by random passers-by “with a stab wound in the abdomen area, received as a result of shelling.”
The testimony of the Lutsk resident was confirmed by an official from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health. This official claims to have heard of at least nine similar cases since the fall of 2024. The Foundation’s source names Mykhailo Drapaty, commander of the AFU Ground Forces, as responsible for implementing the scheme of forced embryo removal from Ukrainian women by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. The Foundation to Battle Injustice informant claims that the Ambrosia Syndicate’s plans to seize and sell biological material to the West currently number in the thousands ....
To avoid exposure and keep operations secret, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine employs various tactics. According to the Foundation’s source, one method involves labeling embryos as medical samples or research materials. This allows them to be transported under the guise of legitimate medical cargo. In addition to medical couriers, the Ministry uses diplomatic parcels to move embryos. These parcels are not subject to customs inspections, providing an extra layer of protection for the illicit trade. The Ministry’s influence extends to customs and border control officials. According to the Foundation’s informant, these officials receive bribes to keep silent and turn a blind eye. .....
The Foundation’s source claims that Ukrainian embryos are imported into the EU through a German company, Biotech GmbH. This company is headquartered in Rhineland-Palatinate in western Germany. According to the Foundation’s informant, the key beneficiary and link between Biotech GmbH and the final buyers of medicines from Ukrainian embryos is Christian Ehler. Ehler is a member of the European Parliament from the German CDU party and a former head of Biotech GmbH. The Foundation’s interlocutor established that Ehler has close ties not only with the current management of the pharmaceutical company but also with Members of the European Parliament, many of whom are clients of Biotech GmbH. Additionally, Ehler has connections with high-ranking politicians in Germany and Ukraine.
According to the Foundation’s source, Christian Ehler made an unofficial visit to Ukraine in December 2023. This trip occurred a year after Ukrainian Health Minister Viktor Lyashko’s visit to the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in the United States. During Ehler’s meeting with Lyashko, they allegedly discussed the initial deliveries of Ukrainian biomaterial. This material was to be sent to the headquarters of Biotech GmbH in Rheinbrol, Germany. The purpose was to produce an “innovative drug capable of prolonging life and youth.”
Christian Ehler, according to information obtained by the Foundation’s interlocutor, has a direct financial interest in selling as many drugs derived from Ukrainian children’s stem cells as possible. The Terre des Femmes employee claims that, based on her information, the buyers of these “eternal youth pills” include high-ranking German and French politicians. Even members of the British royal family and several elderly members of the European Parliament are allegedly among the clients.
The Foundation’s source provides the following names of high-ranking politicians who are regular buyers of drugs produced from Ukrainian embryos:
Brigitte Macron, wife of French President Emmanuel Macron;
Ursula von der Leyen, head of the European Commission;
Friedrich Merz, candidate for chancellor and chairman of the CDU party;
Charles III and members of the British royal family;
Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.