Ukrainas nazijunta värre än Hitler

Wednesday, 04 February 2015 18:14

Det är nu ett år sedan NATO:s-Stay Behind-krypskyttar mördade ca. 100 demonstranter på båda sidor av Maidanfronten för att öppna vägen för en nazijunta som sedan dess har styrt Väst-Ukraina. USA fick sin vilja igenom, och EU med speciellt starkt stöd från Sverige (Bildt) ställde sig på ondskans sida. Sedan Hitlers maktövertagande 1933 hade världen blivit förskonat av tvättäkta nazister i någon regering. Att just Tysklands Merkel stödjer nazisterna i Kiev är extra skamligt.

källa: Svoboda ordförande Oleh Tyahnybok till vänster om Hitlerhälsande Arseni Jazenjuk, till höger den tyska agenten Vitali Klitschko (Udar)

När Hitlers första år vid makten och Ukrainajuntans jämförs visar det sig, att Tyskland hade det mycket bättre under Hitler än Ukraina under sin regeringschef Arsenij Petrovytj Jatsenjuk, en scientolog från USA, vilket betyder en fullständig fjärrstyrd marionett under CIA:s mind control.

I Tyskland försvann den fruktansvärda arbetslösheten under Weimarrepubliken nästan över natt tack vare ett smart sätt att finansiera nya jobb med Öffa- och Mefoväxlar. Kriminaliteten försvann mycket snabbt. Jag minns att båda mina föräldrar ofta nämnde det, att deras föräldrar slapp beväpna sig när de lämnade huset när Hitler kommit till makten (Machtergreifung), därför att tiderna innan var extremt osäkra. Många kriminella drev lös i samhället och spärrades inte in, lite som i Sverige idag. Judeförföljelserna hade inte riktigt börjat ännu. Det tyska folket kände en samhörighet. Slagsmål på gatan mellan olika partier fanns inte längre. Tyskland blomstrade.

I Ukraina startar nazijuntan direkt ett inbördeskrig, där den ukrainska armén får order att skjuta prick på den obeväpnade civilbefolkningen (se bilden ovan och filmen nedan med kartor som ringar in civila mål). Ryska språket förbjuds trots att det står i konstitutionen att Ukraina skall vara flerspråkig. Folk blir misshandlat på öppen gata bara därför att de talar ryska. Kvinnor kidnappas från gator för att bli våldtagna, ofta av utländska legoknektar, som finansieras av Väst/Israel.

Det visas en öppen och extrem rasism mot ryssar och judar i Ukraina nuförtiden och gammelmedia och Väst-politiker tiger resp. stödjer detta beteende med pengar och besök. Den ukrainska ekonomin ligger i spillror redan efter ett halvt år.

Hur illa vardagen för folk som tillhör fel "ras" har blivit skildrar detta öppna brev från en ukrainsk flicka.

Sedan publiceras ett öppet brev till Angela Merkel från 6 ryska soldater, som överlevde helvetet i Stalingrad under WW2.

Skönt att de antinazistiska trupperna från Öst-Ukraina nu vinner på bred front. De har helt enkelt betydligt bättre moral. Soldaterna från den ukrainska armén deserterar i massor och söker skydd i Ryssland. Därför har nazisterna givit och verkställt order att skjuta sina egna trupper ifall de vill retirera eller fly.

Flickans brev:

"Unfortunately, I had to close all posts in my VK(VKontakte) about Maidan (they aren’t erased, but now are visible only to me) because after the Maidan “victory” in Kiev the real nightmare began. About that, people prefer not to speak because they are very much afraid. There are [Right Sector] militants everywhere.

My co-worker was beat in front of the entrance to her apartment for writing anti-maidan posts in her VK page. How did they find her? No one knows. She is in intensive care and at the first mention of that event, you can’t appease her tears.

At school the other day, my neighbor’s boy called his parents at the break using a mobile phone and spoke with them in Russian. His schoolmates took away his phone and broke it. They broke his bag, tore all his textbooks and note-books, and then beat him up. They demanded he speak only Ukrainian or “for the rest of his life be afraid because they will find and will cripple him”. This is a boy in 7th grade.

From time to time on the streets it is possible to see this picture; As a person is approaching a group of people, the group asks questions: “Were you on Maidan? Do you support Maidan? ” If both answers are “no” the group cruelly beats them and kicks them.

In Kiev now the majority of Russians and Russian-speaking people, initially and after Maidan who  did not support Maidan are compelled to remember the Soviet period when “even walls have ears” and to keep mum. Because we, unlike other regions [Donesk, Lugansk] have no chance of separating from Ukraine.

In Kiev now, as many as speak in whispers at personal meetings are doomed. Here its already a totalitarian mode and probably will only get worse.

Everything is getting aggravated with that. For some reason a lot Russians, and Russian-speaking people were at Maidan and in every possible way helped Maidan’s people.
Kiev is completely split. Here associating with Russians is impossible. They are now enemies in addition to Yanukovych. Its awful that this war( the gun battles that ended Maidan) is here. Such cruelty beating on absolutely peaceful people. Their only crime is that they dared to be against vandals and cheap swindlers of people.

Please, don’t mention my nickname in context with this information.

If people find and cripple people already for posts in VK, that truth very much frightens us, “especially women and mothers”.

Nu Stalingradveteranernas Merkelbrev:

"Dear Frau Merkel,

Here in the 70th year after the victory over Nazism, we, veterans of that terrible war and participants in that most horrible combat, are aware that a spectre again is haunting Europe, a spectre of the Brown Plague. This time it is Ukraine that has become the nursery of Nazism, where from the fountainhead of an ideology in ultranationalism, antisemitism, and inhumaneness, there have come into practice rejections of other cultures, physical violence, elimination of dissenters, and murders motivated by ethnic hatred.

Before us there stand familiar pictures: torchlight parades, thugs in nazi-emblemed uniforms, upraised right hands in the Nazi salute, fascist processions with police protection through the center of Kiev, and the imposition, on certain people, of second-class status.

We have seen all this before, and we know where it leads.

In Ukraine the Brown Plague has been smoldering over the last decade, and has broken out into a civil war. Nazist-like formations such as Right Wing (Praviy Sektor), such as the so-called National Guard, numerous informal but well-armed battalions like “Azov,” with regular Ukrainian army support, with air strikes and with heavy artillery, have been systematically destroying the population of Eastern Ukraine.

They are murdering innocent people simply because the people wish to speak their own language, because they have a different idea about the future of their country, and because they do not wish to live in a government led by Banderists.

Banderists are followers of the so-called Ukraine Liberation Army, which, we remind you, Frau Merkel, fought in the time of the Second World War on the side of the Vermacht, and with the SS Galizia Division, who distinguished themselves in the murder of Soviet Jewry. They exalt their idealogical forebears, renaming the streets of Ukrainian cities after Nazi war criminals! The history of the 20th Century is being rewritten before our eyes. No wonder that the Banderists of our time — with a fanaticist’s gleam that is familiar to us veterans from the front of the World War, at Stalingrad — are calling for wiping Donbass off the face of the earth, and incinerating citizens of their own country in the east with napalm! There is documentary evidence that they have killed people simply for wearing the Ribbon of St. George, our symbol of the victory over fascism.

The truth is, Frau Merkel, that in Ukraine an all-out orgy of fascism is going on. It’s not just some anti-semitic remarks in Parliament or by dropouts about the superiority of one “race” over another. It is a matter of full-scale bloody crimes, whose victims now number in the hundreds and in the thousands.

But the west has taken a very strange position, and we do not understand it. The position can be understood as accommodating Ukrainian Nazis. It is understood in Ukraine as the position of Europe, and it is beginning to be perceived as such in Russia. And we would like to know what the German people would say about it from the vantage point of their historic national experience.

It is important for us to know your view, the view of the leader of the great people that once suffered the Brown Plague, but at the cost of terrible sacrifice, recovered from it. We are aware of how they struggle in your country with any manifestations of Nazism, and believe us, we appreciate it. All the more, it makes us wonder why, cleaning out any possible germs of nazism in you country, you are unconcerned about a full-scale outbreak of it in another part of Europe?

Why do European leaders march in support of French caricaturists murdered by Islamic terrorists, but do not march against fascism in Ukraine? Why did the head of state, who ordered annihilation of part of his own population, participate in this march? Why do 12 French victims deserve attention, but thousands of Ukrainian and Russian victims do not?

Do you know how many children got killed in East Ukraine by thugs with Nazi emblems on their uniform? Do you want to know? We will offer you this information — if you do not already have it. Why do the people of Europe look calmly upon the massive violence in Ukraine? Is it simply because there is no mention of it in your mainstream media? Then where is their well-known independance? Independance from facts? Independance from truth? What is the actual goal of your economic sanctions? Weaken Russia as a power? Support Fascism in Ukraine? Or just to eliminate our pensions which we get as veterans of the World War?

Dear Frau Merkel, the grim history of the 20th Sentury has taught us a few lessons.Vidare läsning här.

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