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Geoengineering det verkliga klimathotet

Tuesday, 29 October 2013 22:57

När stormen St Jude annonserades för England som sedan kom till Sverige igår, riktas en första misstanke mot HAARP och EISCAT anläggningen, som kan producera stormar efter "behov". Hittills har det inte kommit fram några bevis att St Jude, som kallas Simone i Sverige, varit konstgjord. Men den ger en bra anledning att fokusera på denna massförstörelsevapen: geoengineering med HAARP, EISCAT och LOIS i spetsen.

Geoengineering är det verkliga klimathotet, inte växthuseffekten. Den trollas enbart fram för att uppfinna svepskäl att råna världsbefolkningen med hjälp av en co2-skatt...

Se även på White TV: Geoengineering bakom den extremt kalla vintern?;

Massutdöenden på jorden genom geoengineering och chemtrails;


Whistleblower Barrie Trower varnar för mobilteknologi, trådlös Internet och mind control

Friday, 25 October 2013 23:14

Den förre MI5 agenten och fysikern Dr. Barrie Trower varnar igen för all teknologi som använder mikrovågor för informationsöverföring.

Se även White TV:s interview med Barrie Trower från sept. 2012.


Konspirationsexperten Ole Dammegård avslöjar CIA/Allen Dulles Operation 40

Tuesday, 22 October 2013 20:49


Ole Dammegård, brodern till Shanti Ritam från partiet De Fria, fick fly från Sverige efter talrika hot mot hans konspirationsforskning om Palmemordet, Anna Lindh-mordet och M/S Estonia massmordet, som ledde till hans mycket läsvärda bok Statskupp i Slowmotion, som finns på Svenska och på Engelska.

I den här intervjun med den kände Yale-juristen Alfred Lambremont Webre lägger han en stor konspirationspuzzle som ger ett upprepad mönster i stora politiska mord, som den på John F. Kennedy för snart 50 år sedan eller på Olof Palme. En nyckelgrupp i den dolda USA-ledda brottsligheten är Operation 40, som grundades av CIA direktören Allen Dulles i början på 1960-talet.

"Ole Dammegard has achieve breakthrough research in the origins, structure, and operations of CIA Operation 40, writing “Operation 40 was a Central Intelligence Agency sponsored undercover operation started in the early 1960s, which was to become active in the United States and the Caribbean (including Cuba), Central America, and Mexico as well as Europe and South Africa.

“Allen W. Dulles, the director of the CIA, established Operation 40 after a confidential memorandum from Colonel J. C. King, chief of CIA’s Western Hemisphere Division. It obtained its name because originally there were 40 agents involved, mainly Cuban exiles. It was approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower and was presided over by Vice-President Richard Nixon.

“George Herbert Walker Bush was asked to cooperate in funding the group. The man assigned to him for his new mission was Féliz Rodríguez. This included finding private funding as a result of pressure from American corporations which had suffered at the hands of Fidel Castro.

“One member, Frank Sturgis, allegedly told author Mike Canfield: ‘This assassination group would upon orders, naturally, assassinate either members of the military or the political parties of the foreign country that you were going to infiltrate, and if necessary, some of your own members who were suspected of being foreign agents…’

“The members of Operation 40 have kept themselves very busy and are involved in the murders of John Lennon, Che Guevara, President Salvador Allende, Nobel Prize winning poet Pablo Neruda, Orlando Letelier, General Carlos Prats, South African Robert Smit, the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed seventy-three people, the Watergate burglary, the Iran-Contras scandal, and even 9/11 and onwards.” skriver Alfred på sin websida Exopolitics.

Se även White TV's populära intervju: Ole Dammegård: Anna Lindh offer för internationell konspiration;

Rothschilds Mossad mördade J F Kennedy;

Rothschild marionetten George HW Bush djupt insyltat i Kennedy mordet;

Lee Harvey Oswald var under MK-Ultra mind control, tankekontroll;


Scientology sekten CIA:s hemliga mind control arm?

Monday, 21 October 2013 22:00


Den 17 okt 2013 hade Aftonbladets minsta inslag rubriken: Criuses kyrka dömd för bedrägeri. Att den ökända Scientologi sekten blev dömd framgick inte av den lilla rubriken. Detta och inslagets storlek är ett indicium att även AB står under kontroll.

White TV:s Henning Witte har en nära släkting i Tyskland som föll offer för mind control under 1990-talet. Han påstod hela tiden att Scientologi låg bakom hans tankekontroll. Påfallande är också att Scientologi driver enheter som erbjuder hjärnkontroll offer, targeted individuals (ti) "hjälp" i Tyskland.

Nyligen fick White TV ett tips från en mycket insatt och extremt pålitlig källa, att Scientologi rörelsen skulle vara CIA:s hemliga arm för mind control forskning. Filmen nedan kommer till samma resultat. Nätet är fullt med liknande uppgifter.

I filmen kommer på minut 5:55 en bild där man refererar till White TV:s tyska intervju om mind control anklagelser mot Scientology sekten. Sedan visas att Scientologi grundades samtidigt som CIA:s över 100 mind control program under MK-Ultra. Filmen länkar Scientologi ihop med satanism, barnporr, barnsex, barntortyr och barnhandel. Polis- och åklagarväsens toppar samt höga politiker skyddar dessa brott i alla länder.

Det är därför föga förvånande när filmen mot slutet visar Scientologi grundaren L. Ron Hubbards satanistiska rötter och hur han mörklägger det. White TV hade redan i ett inslag om ett av världens största svin, magikern och Hitler supportern Aleister Crowley, avslöjat, hur tät hans kontakter var med Hubbard.

Scientology Mind Control angeklagt from Henning Witte on Vimeo.


Washington shooter Aaron Alexis bad White TV:s samarbetspartner FFCHS om hjälp mot mind control

Saturday, 19 October 2013 22:40

källa, Aaron Alexis massakrerades i Washington av amerikansk statsterrorism

White TV hade redan tidigt rapporterat upprepade gånger, att massakern i Washingtons Navy Yard den 16 sept 2013 var utförd under mind control. Aaron Alexis fjärrstyrdes med tankekontroll och är därför helt oskyldig!

Nu visar det sig att stackars Aaron Alexis har vänt sig till en amerikansk stödorganisation för mind control offer, targeted individuals (ti): FREEDOM FROM COVERT HARASSMENT AND SURVEILLANCE (FFCHS) under ledning av Derrick Robinson, som White TV har mycket tät samarbete med. Här kommer korrespondensen:

On Sunday, September 1st, 2013 at 10:31 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, Mr. Aaron Alexis (through his gMail account) wrote to Mr. Derrick Robinson:



My name is Aaron. I am ex-navy, and have been working as a contractor for

the DoD (Editor’s Note: Department of Defense). I have recently come under

attack after blowing up at Norfolk airport in Virginia.


The first attack started coming when I was on assignment in Rhode

Island. I was hearing what I though [sic] was people next door telling lies

about me. In truth I didn't know that I was under attack and thought I could

escape what I was experiencing, by leaving the hotel I was in. It wasn't

until it almost  cost me my job that I realized that one, I wasn't crazy,

and that two that I had to figure out what was going on.


I am glad I found this site, however I need assistance because, I have

not allowed them to scare me off my job, but I fear the constant

bombardment from the ELF (Editor’s Note: Extremely Low Frequency) weapon

is starting to take it's toll on my body. I am currently in DC now near the

pentagon. I think I know the specific group in the military that is responsible

for developing and assisting the military with [sic].


Any assistance you can give me and at the same time what ever info I

can give you on what I know please contact me ASAP.

Aaron Alexis


On Sunday, September 1st, 2013 at 10:45 a.m. PST, Mr. Derrick Robinson wrote back to Mr. Aaron Alexis:


Hi Aaron,


Thanks for writing to us.  We are very familiar with government

harassment using covert technologies.  Feel free to join our efforts to

gain freedom from the matrix.

This is a national, as well as international effort.   Many are finding

us because governments often are abusive and usually do not regulate



Call or write me anytime for more information about how you can become



Peace & Liberty,

Derrick Robinson, President

Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance

[Mr. Robinson’s e-mail address]

[Mr. Robinson’s phone number]


On Sunday, September 1st, 2013 at 11:24 a.m. PST, Mr. Aaron Alexis wrote back to Mr. Derrick Robinson:


I have what I believe to be the locations for where they've been

developing these weapons for decades. The ELF weapons are part of

the weapons systems of most of the modern vessels fielded by the

Navy. I want to become part of this effort mostly for self preservation.

The voices they've induced into my head are tiresome. However If [sic]

I can figure out how to keep them from disturbing my sleep cycles I

would be most interested to find out.

Aaron Alexis


On Sunday, September 1st, 2013 at 11:33 a.m. PST, Mr. Derrick Robinson wrote back to Mr. Aaron Alexis:

Hi Aaron.


May I ask what kind of work you do?  And yes these are mostly ELF

weapons.  Do you have access to any of the technologies being used

against us?


We are also seeking ways to protect ourselves from the electromagetic

(Editor’s Note: ElectroMagnetic/electromagnetic was intended)

attacks.  Sound [sic] like you would be a good addition to our technical team

which is researching the devices and how they can be applied.


There is also a good support network in the DC area.  I will connect you

to them if you'd like.

Call when you can.


[Mr. Robinson’s phone number]


On Sunday, September 1st, 2013 at 11:38 & 36 seconds a.m. PST, Mr. Aaron Alexis wrote back to Mr. Derrick Robinson:

Message-ID: <CAOFAnf6v8dFMZWvjW1CUAvLdX5S7yb5c+ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it >

Subject: Re: Need assistance on dealing with the direct energy attacks!!


I don't have direct access to the equipment, how ever I do have knowledge

of where some of the attacks might be coming from. I don't want to call you

from my phone, they record everything I've been saying. And because I'm

under the employ of the DoD I don't want to risk getting you or my self in

trouble. If you can send me info on who to get in touch with, like

addresses, I think would be better.



Mr. Robinson has informed me that there is exactly one more message that occurred between he and Mr. Alexis: It was e-mailed from Mr. Robinson at 11:47 a.m. PST, Sunday, September 1st, 2013 to let Mr. Alexis know that he could also reach Mr. Robinson through Instant Messaging.

Sadly, Mr. Alexis was not heard from by Mr. Robinson thereafter.

Tyvärr kunde Derrick Robinson inte hjälpa Aaron Alexis. Från White TV hade han fått rådet att ta homöopatiskt guld, aurum metallicum, D40 och C100 samtidigt. White TV would have given the advice to Aaron Alexis to take homeopathic gold, aurum metallicum, D40 and C100 at once against mind control.

Se även på White TV: Washington D.C. Navy Base Shooting: Aaron Alexis under mind control;

Dr. John Hall och Alex Jones bekräftar: Washington shooter Aaron Alexis mind controled;