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Turkisk oppositionspolitiker fick 25 års fängelse för bevis att Erdogan stöder ISIS

2017-07-01 20:08

Enis Berberoglu is a very courageous turkish polititian. He is innocent!

A Turkish court has sentenced a prominent lawmaker (CHP Deputy Chairman Enis Berberoglu anm. WTV)  from the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) to 25 years in jail for his role in leaking secret documents to a newspaper showing the country's National Intelligence Organization (MIT) shipped weapons to foreign-backed Takfiri terrorists in Syria.  ....

CHP spokesman Engin Altay sharply condemned the decision, saying he saw the verdict as an attempt by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government to intimidate the opposition.

"This decision is intimidation to the opposition. This decision is intimidation to all who are displeased with the Justice and Development Party (AKP)," Altay told reporters outside the Caglayan Justice Palace in Istanbul.

He said the decision was a sign that the judiciary in Turkey was under the command of government executive organs.

Back in May 2015, Cumhuriyet daily posted on its website footage showing Turkish security forces in early 2014 intercepting a convoy of trucks carrying arms for the militants in Syria.

The paper said the trucks were carrying some 1,000 mortar shells, hundreds of grenade launchers and more than 80,000 rounds of ammunition for light and heavy weapons.  ......

Ankara denied the allegation and claimed that the trucks had been carrying humanitarian aid to Syria. However, Berberoglu defended the video, saying it was genuine.

The incident triggered a huge controversy in Turkey with many bashing the government for explicitly supporting terrorism in neighboring Syria.

Cumhuriyet’s former editor-in-chief Can Dundar and Ankara bureau chief Erdem Gul were among other defendants in the case.

Last year, Dundar and Gul were sentenced to at least five years in jail for revealing what was said to be state secrets. The prosecutor is now seeking an additional 10 years in prison for the two over the report on MIT trucks.

Turkey arrests 78 lawyers in post-coup crackdown

Meanwhile, Turkish forces have arrested 78 lawyers as part of an investigation into suspected links to the movement of US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara accuses of having orchestrated last year’s failed coup against Erdogan." rapporterar Press TV.

Annan Erdogan-kritik på WTV:

Erdogan galen, turkisk lag förbjuder valkampanj utomlands. Res inte till Turkiet!

Don't travel to Turkey, Erdogan dangerous dictator;

Turkiet attackerar Syrien utan dess tillstånd och utan Rysslands och Irans godkännande;

Erdogan skall ställas inför Internationella Brottsdomstolen (ICC) i Haag;


HIV och migranter – ett nedtystat problem och andra

2017-06-30 21:23

Av Jan Erik Sigdell

Tidigare blev i många länder en person som visade sig vara HIV-positiv inte utan vidare insläppt. Idag är det delvis tvärtom! En HIV-smittad kan nu få asyl redan av detta skäl! Migrationspolitiken leder till sjukdomsimport. Även tuberkulos och andra sjukdomar importeras. Med den massiva eruption av våldtäkter som politiken också har lett till – med en ökning av omkring 1500%! – kan det nog inte vara på annat sätt än att ett (sannolikt växande) antal av offren nu också är HIV-positiva. Om detta tycks ingen (tillgänglig) statistik finnas. Den vore kanske inte ”politiskt korrekt”… Man kanske inte vill att sådana siffror kommer fram. Politiken får ju inte avslöjas som dödligt misslyckad. Kanske man av det skälet inte ens bryr sig om att systematiskt testa varje våldtäktsoffer. Dessa kan då ovetande föra smittan vidare.

En person som vet att han eller hon är HIV-positiv gör sig straffbar med att ha sex utan skydd. Men vem tänker på det när det gäller migranter?

Det har i Mellaneuropa dykt upp fall där barn har smittats med tuberkulos av en migrant som arbetade med dem i ett daghem. Andra sjukdomar att se upp med är naturligtvis syfilis och gonorré. Har man fått gonorré märker man det väl snart, men syfilis har en lång inkubationstid och första tecknet kan förbises.

Observera att jag skriver migranter och inte flyktingar. Man har uppskattat att endast omkring 20% av migranter är verkliga flyktingar. De andra är opportunister som på folkets bekostnad söker en tillvaro som är bättre för dem. Därmed importeras också kriminalitet och terrorism. Det självklara kravet på att de, för att få asyl, skall skriva under på ett språk som de förstår att respektera landets lagar, kultur och religion (inte överta kultur och religion, bara samexistera med dem) tycks ingen politiker hittills ha lyckats begripa. Därmed öppnas dörr och port för rasism mot den inhemska befolkningen (som man ju aldrig talar om), islamisering. kvinnoförakt och våld. Man importerar också bottenskrapet i det samhälle som de kommer från.

I slutet av juni kom det fram att den svenska polisen inte längre klarar av att hantera all migrantkriminalitet och skriker på hjälp:

Schweden: Polizei kapituliert vor Migrantengewalt!

Sweden Civil War: National Police Chief, 'Help Us, Help Us!' och

Varifrån skulle den hjälpen komma? Svenska armén? Den vaknar tydligen först nu upp efter en lång vintersömn… NATO (North Atlantic Terror Organization)? Ryssland?

Det torde vara av det skälet som Stefan Löfvén i slutet av juni reste till Polen under två dagar för att försöka övertyga polackerna att ta in en massa mera migranter, men så dumma är de säkert inte. Den hemliga avsikten vore då att försöka länka om migranter från Sverige till Polen istället för att ärligt införa fungerande gränskontroller. Då hade han svetsat på rätt ställe.

Men i Sverige har regeringen inte lyckats svetsa ihop politik med realitetsförnuft och har tydligen fallit mellan rälsarna, överkörda av verklighetsexpressens snabbtåg på väg mot avgrundens brant. Då kan det numera göra detsamma om inte alla vagnarna är bra svetsade. Följden av deras katastrofala hantering av migranter är lastad på det tåget och de försöker nu bara rädda rumpan för att slippa erkänna sitt ödesdigra misstag. En rapport nyligen i alternativmedier säger (13 juni): “8 more areas in Sweden added to list of so-called ‘no-go zones’” (



Israel provocerar Syrien hela tiden och hjälper ISIS och andra terrorister

2017-06-29 21:04


De senaste dagarna är de alternativa media fullt med rapporter hur Israel ständigt attackerar Syrien i mindre omfattning men så, att ISIS och de andra utländska terroristerna på syrisk mark får bra avlastning, så att de kan fortsätta med sina vidriga mord på syriska soldater och civilister, inte minst barn.

"United Nations UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has expressed concerns about a spike in contacts between Israeli armed forces and Syria militants in recent months.

In a report released recently, Guterres warned that the growing interactions between the two sides could lead to escalation and cause harm to members of the UN Disengagement Observer Force deployed to the Golan Heights.

According to the report, UN observers listed 16 meetings between the Israel forces and the Syria militants in the border area, including on Mount Hermon, in proximity to UN outposts in Syria’s Quneitra Province and the Golan Heights, from March 2 to May 16.

“Relative to the previous reporting period, there has been a significant increase in interaction” between Israeli soldiers and individuals from the Syrian side of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, “occurring on four occasions in February, three in March, eight in April and on one occasion in May,” the report said." meddelar GlobalReseach.


"Al-Qaeda attacked a Syrian Arab Army position in Madinat al-Baath (map) next to the Israel occupied Golan heights. Al-Qaeda requested Israeli fire-support by launching some mortars towards empty space in the Israel occupied area. The Israeli Defense Force accepted the request and destroyed two Syrian Arab Army tanks. Two Syrian soldiers were killed. The SAA held steady and the al-Qaeda attack on its position failed." skriver GlobalResearch den 24 juni 2017


samma datum samma källa:

Israel’s Fire Support for Its Al-Qaeda Mercenaries Started Three Years Ago

och den 26 juni 2017

Syria: Israeli Airstrikes in Support of al Qaeda


och den 25 juni 2017

Injured Terrorists Taken to Israeli Hospitals: Syria

Obs: någon Israelslickare saboterar mitt skrivande hela tiden genom att störa kopiering och förlinkning!

Den 28 juni 2017 alarmerar Red Ice:

"Israel has launched several unprovoked air raids and bombings against Syrian army positions over the past few days in a blatant attempt to disrupt the Syrian government’s lightning advance on the ISIS capital Raqqa.

At the same time, the Jewish Lobby’s puppet governments in the US and the UK have announced that they will also attack Syria, using the patently false claim that the Assad government is “preparing another chemical attack.”

As Press TV pointed out, the Israeli attacks were supposedly in response to rockets fired from Syria into Israel—but the reality is that the rocket fire came from Syrian “rebel” factions, supported by Israel and America, and had nothing to do with the Syrian government."

Läs även från den mycket bildade och modige Israel Shahak:

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

Liknande terrorstöd avslöjanden på WTV:

Det går att stoppa terrorism, ta bort Mossad, MI6, CIA;



USA visste att Syrien inte använt kemiska vapen den 7.4.17

2017-06-27 21:01


Den tyska tidningen Welt am Sonntag (Springer) hade den 25 juni 2017 sensationella uppgifter från Seymour Hersh om att USA:s underrättelsetjänster visste, att Syrien inte använt kemiska vapen den 7 april 2017, men att Trump litade på fakenews från fulmedia att bomba Syrien och deras flygplan ändå:

"Intelligence officials doubted the alleged Sarin gas attack at Khan Sheikhoun. WELT AM SONNTAG presents a chat protocol of a security advisor and an active American soldier on duty at a key base in the region.

This conversation was provided to Seymour Hersh. It is between a security adviser and an active US American soldier on duty on a key operational base about the events in Khan Sheikhoun. We have made abbreviations: American soldier (AS) and Security Advisor (SA). WELT AM SONNTAG [Welt on Sunday] is aware of the location of the deployment. For security reasons, certain details of military operations have been omitted.

[Die Welt is one of Germany’s foremost daily news media in print and online].

April 26, 2017

American Soldier: We got a fuckin‘ problem

Security-Adviser: What happened? Is it the Trump ignoring the Intel and going to try to hit the Syrians? And that we’re pissing on the Russians?

AS: This is bad…Things are spooling up.

SA: You may not have seen Trump’s press conference yesterday. He’s bought into the media story without asking to see the Intel. We are likely to get our asses kicked by the Russians. Fucking dangerous. Where are the goddamn adults? The failure of the chain of command to tell the President the truth, whether he wants to hear it or not, will go down in history as one of our worst moments.

AS: I don’t know. None of this makes any sense. We KNOW that there was no chemical attack. The Syrians struck a weapons cache (a legitimate military target) and there was collateral damage. That’s it. They did not conduct any sort of a chemical attack.

AS: And now we’re shoving a shit load of TLAMs (tomahawks) up their ass.

SA: There has been a hidden agenda all along. This is about trying to ultimately go after Iran. What the people around Trump do not understand is that the Russians are not a paper tiger and that they have more robust military capability than we do.

AS: I don’t know what the Russians are going to do. They might hang back and let the Syrians defend their own borders, or they might provide some sort of tepid support, or they might blow us the fuck out of the airspace and back into Iraq. I honestly don’t know what to expect right now. I feel like anything is possible.  The russian air defense system is capable of taking out our TLAMs.  this is a big fucking deal…we are still all systems go…

SA: You are so right. Russia is not going to take this lying down

SA: Who is pushing this? Is it coming from Votel (General Joseph L. Votel, Commander of United States Central Command, editor‘s note)?

AS: I don’t know. It’s from someone big though. . . . This is a big fucking deal.

AS: It has to be POTUS.

AS: They [the russians] are weighing their options.  Indications are they are going to be passive supporters of syria and not engage their systems unless their own assets are other words, the sky is fucking blue.’

April 7, 2017

SA: What are the Russians doing or saying  Am I correct that we did little real damage to Russia or Syria?

AS: We didn’t hit a damn thing, thankfully. They retrograded all their aircraft and personnel. We basically gave them a very expensive fireworks display.

AS: They knew where ships were and watched the entire strike from launch to end game.

AS: The Russians are furious. Claiming we have the real Intel and know the truth about the weapons depot strike.

AS: They are correct.

AS: I guess it really didn’t matter whether we elected Clinton or Trump. Fuck.

AS: No one is talking about the entire reason we’re in Iraq and Syria in the first place. That mission is fucked now.

SA: Are any of your colleagues pissed or is everyone going along with it and saying this is OK

AS: It’s a mad house. . . .Hell we even told the Russians an hour before impact

SA: But they clearly knew it was coming

AS: Oh of course

AS: Now Fox is saying we chose to hit the Syrian airfield because it is where the chemical attacks were launched from. Wow. Can’t make this shit up.

SA: They are. I mean, making it up

AS: It’s so fuckin evil

SA: Amen!!!

April 8, 2017

AS: Russians are being extremely reasonable. Despite what the news is reporting they are still trying to deconflict and coordinate the air campaign.

SA: I don’t think the russia yet understands how crazy Trump is over this. And i don’t think we appreciate how much damage the Russians can do to us.

AS: They’re showing amazing restraint and been unbelievably calm. They seem mostly interested in de-escalating everything. They don’t want to lose our support in the help with destroying Isis.

SA: But I get the get the feeling are simply trying this approach for as long as they feel it might work. If we keep pushing this current aggressive stance they’re going to hit back."

The original source of this article is Die Welt Copyright © Die Welt, Die Welt, 2017

Läs även:

White House Says It Will Fake "Chemical Weapon Attack" In Syria

Se även på WTV:

Trump massmördare, tappat makten och svikit sina vallöften;
Intelligence officials doubted the alleged Sarin gas attack at Khan Sheikhoun. WELT AM SONNTAG presents a chat protocol of a security advisor and an active American soldier on duty at a key base in the region.
Intelligence officials doubted the alleged Sarin gas attack at Khan Sheikhoun. WELT AM SONNTAG presents a chat protocol of a security advisor and an active American soldier on duty at a key base in the region.

All terrorism är statsterrorism

2017-06-25 19:20