Nya bilder ökar misstanken att MH370 och inte MH17 sköts ner över Ukraina

Thursday, 24 July 2014 22:37

Igår visade White TV den här bilden:

Idag kom den:


och Jim Stone körde med de här bilderna:

MH370 registration 9M-MRO utan extra fönster under flaggan


MH17 registration 9M-MRD med extra fönster under flaggan

Jim Stone: "There is no way out of this, this is irrevocable proof the shot down plane is flight 370. Now there is another spare jet out there for another false flag, 9M MRD.  .....

It is important to note that MH370 was new, and therefore never repainted. This is the way the flag ALWAYS looked on Flight 370, and it forever pegs the shoot down plane as flight 370.

Next is flight MH17. Notice the flag position, and ALSO, that MH17 has an extra window on this side of the aircraft, TOTALLY BUSTING THE OFFICIAL STORY. ...

A development in the rotten bodies report

Now it is being said that a Dutch doctor who was at the scene within a day has released testimony that the bodies on the plane were rotten and dead days before the crash, which would corroborate what the military commander said and that evidence is there that they were also tortured before the crash. However, the translation from Dutch is very poor and I am working on secondary confirmation."

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