Putin och ryska media börjar tala om reptiloiderna

Saturday, 04 November 2017 00:01

Den 2 november 2017 hade tyska Spuntnik (rysk konkurrent till RT, Russia Today) ett inslag med titeln: Avslöjar det amerikanska nyhetsankaret här sitt reptiloida sätt? (Verrät hier US-Moderatorin ihr Reptiloiden-Wesen?). Se närmare första filmen nedan.

Tidigare hade Simon Parkes bekräftat att Putin har betecknat den största delen av vår styrande elit som icke mänsklig, underförstått reptiloid:

Shockwaves are reverberating around the Kremlin today as word spreads regarding an extraordinary meeting called by Vladimir Putin yesterday where, according to sources, the Russian president said that “95% of the world’s ruling class are not even human,” but are “cold-blooded hybrids” who are “members of an ancient cult.”

Did Putin just out the world’s political and financial elite as cold-blooded hybrid human reptilians?  Did he really just go there?

Speaking at a behind closed doors forum for the highest echelons of government and staff in his home city of St. Petersburg, Putin responded to questions about the Panama Papers leak by pointing out who was behind the plot: the U.S. government, their spy agencies, and George Soros’s OCCRP.

Putin slammed his fist on the table and exclaimed, “George Soros, you sly dragon, this is war,” according to sources close to the President.  Putin then vowed to ramp up sanctions against Soros’s Open Society even further." skriver YourNewsWire.com

källa; drottningen av England (bilden), Hillary Clinton, George Bush, George Soros, Jean-Claude Juncker och förmodligen även Erdogan är kroppsväxlande reptiler

Läs även att Putin anser att den engelska drottningen är en reptiloid hybrid som kan växla kropp.

Vladimir Putin is the latest in a long line of people to have come forward recently claiming to have witnessed The Queen, and other members of the British Royal Family, shapeshift into a reptile, such as Lady Gaga, and Oscar Winning actress Dame Helen Mirren, but perhaps none of them quite command the same sort of authority as the Russian President. According to sources close to the President, Queen Elizabeth II shapeshifted into a "reptile form" in front of him "as a warning" to him personally and a "show of power". Mr. Putin told senior staff and associates that The Queen "is a reptilian that shapeshifts between human and reptile form" at will, and that she uses it to intimidate and show strength to warn him and others not to mess with the dominant reptilian-Illuminati bloodline.

Read more at: http://www.nnettle.com/news/1800-president-putin-the-queen-is-a-shapeshifting-reptile-
© Neon Net

"Vladimir Putin is the latest in a long line of people to have come forward recently claiming to have witnessed The Queen, and other members of the British Royal Family, shapeshift into a reptile, such as Lady Gaga, and Oscar Winning actress Dame Helen Mirren, but perhaps none of them quite command the same sort of authority as the Russian President.

According to sources close to the President, Queen Elizabeth II shapeshifted into a "reptile form" in front of him "as a warning" to him personally and a "show of power".

Mr. Putin told senior staff and associates that The Queen "is a reptilian that shapeshifts between human and reptile form" at will, and that she uses it to intimidate and show strength to warn him and others not to mess with the dominant reptilian-Illuminati bloodline."

Ögonen är oftast det första som växlar. De får slitsade pupiller som reptiler.

Se även på WTV:

Om reptiloidernas kroppsbyte/formväxling och drakar med Simon Parkes;

Säg inget om reptiloiderna, Don't Mention The Reptiles - Credo Mutwa vittnar;

David Icke on Reptiles and Archons, AI the biggest danger;



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