Did Russian Mind Control humiliate Germany in FIFA World Cup 2018?
Wednesday, 27 June 2018 17:03
This is very difficult to explain with the low level of the German Jogi Löw team. They had been weak in the games with Mexico and Sweden, but finally beaten Sweden 2-1 three days before.
The most simple explanation is that Germany fell victim for Russian mind control technology. We know from the Korean war 1950 that Russia was the leading nation in remote controlling humans. The films Manchurian Candidate with Frank Sinatra and Denzel Washington had been the secret confirmation from the US that that the Soviet Union was leading in mind control. That's why the CIA started the secret MK-Ultra program, which was revealed in the 1975 Church-Committee.
Russia was always leading, during the cold war until now, because in Russia was the conspiracy against the Tesla waves, also called scalar waves, not so effective as in the West. Scalar waves are used in mind control, because our brain uses them. Our brain is a biological computer using magnetic scalar waves. This is unfortunately kept secret by western science and mass media.
All what Russia need is the DNA of the German soccer players or implants, which almost everybody has nowadays by vaccinations, chemtrails or other means.
Putin's Russia is leading in the world wide scalar wave war. That was confirmed by the most skilled physics professor on the scalar wave topic, Dr. Konstantin Meyl, from southern Germany. 2016 he published the book Scalar Wave War (in German).
Russia showed the world recently in the Syrian war, that they have developed scalar wave weapons which can give an invisible shelter / shield around a region or a building. To use this technology on a soccer goal is easy. No football passes through.
The MI5 whistle-blower, physics Dr. Barrie Trower, confirmed inte the breaking interview with Dr. Henning Witte from White TV September 2012, that the UK, US, Russia and China are able to use mind control technology in sports. That was the reason why the UK scored higher than Russia in the 2012 summer Olympic Games in London, watch the interview below.
Russia had been humiliated not only in London 2012 but under the last two Olympic Games with fake accusations of systematic state doping. The West including Germany had a leading roll there.
Germany was even leading in Europe with the economic sanctions against Russia without any moral reason. It was only the US wanted it that way, because the USA plans war with Russia to trigger WW3.
Today we do not have the tools to proof if Russia used mind control on the German soccer team 2018. But the extremely strange loss by the World Champion against one of the less skilled teams in the whole FIFA Cup 2018, South Korea, the last Korean goal even without the German goal keeper, is not explainable with natural reasons …....
In the Winter Olympics in South Korea Russia was humiliated. Is just South Korea the secret hint and connection? Now Russia humiliates Germany against South Korea on Russian soil, where they have the mind control supremacy?
Here the link to the Dr. Barrie Trower article on WTV:
MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower: dangerous radiation everywhere;
Russia Won the Scalar Wave War and stopped WW3;
Vatten är miljövänligare som drivmedel än bensin och diesel
Sunday, 17 June 2018 14:47
"We intend to bring to market a conversion kit for gasoline vehicles and power generators that allow use of Water as fuel. Through atmospheric water generation we can supply fuel to anyone, anywhere on the planet emission free. Our spark plugs preform electrolysis on water creating Hydrogen and Oxygen, the Hydrogen is combined with Nitrogen extracted from the atmosphere for free clean sustainable gaseous NH3 fuel on demand. " skriver http://watersparkplugs.com/
Tack för tipset! OBS! Tipset kom inte från Miljöpartiet!
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Alla former av pentagram är farliga, särskilt som tatuering
Monday, 04 June 2018 23:00
Simon Parkes kom i söndags med mycket viktig info om pentagram. Det spelar ingen roll om den är upp och ner eller ej. Den är farlig i alla former då den kan vara en portal för negativa varelser från den fjärde dimension, i synnerhet demoner. Farorna med pentagram tas upp från min 22:10.
Även andra former av tatueringar kan vara farliga portaler. Färgen kan vara giftig. Låt bli tatuera dig!
Dessutom hänvisar Simon Parkes på sin hemsida på ett centralt dokument som bekämpar barnsex-nätverk.
USA använder cyborgs i kriget mot Syrien, genetiskt manipulerade terrorister utan medkänsla
Friday, 18 May 2018 20:11
White TV har sedan länge fokuserat på cyborgs, en blanding av maskin och människor. Nyligen fick vi ett tips, att USA använder cyborgs i Syrien. Tack för tipset!
Detta förklarar varför ISIS- och de andra islamisterna (finansierat, beväpnat och aktiverat av USA, Israel, GB, Saudiarabien samt Qatar) är så otroligt grymma och primitiva, många av dem är fjärrstyrda cyborgs. Vitsen med dessa är att man kopplar bort samvete, medkänsla samt smärta och ersätter det med känslokalla datorer och andra maskindelar. Detta är den del i att förslava hela planeten med artificiell intelligens, AI. Alla de idioter som hyllar och främjar AI borde skjutas till månen.
P.S. Putinfilmen hade engelsk översättning som nu har manipulerats bort. Putin bekräftar att cyborgs finns och uppmanar forskare att agera etisk och låta bli genmanipuleringar på folk. Cyborgs kan vara farligare än atomvapen.
NYT + Ny Teknik: biljoner virus och bakterier faller från himlen på oss, kan ändra vår DNA
Friday, 04 May 2018 18:25
Filmen är inte speciellt bra gjord, men fokus på New York Times inslaget från den 13 april 2018 är värdefullt. Senare kommer delar av en Dr. Barrie Trower intervju om farorna med 5G.
NyTeknik är en ganska bra tidning. De skrev redan den 7 feb 2018:
Forskare hävdar att det regnar virus från atmosfären – över hela planeten
Tack för tipset!
Se om de misstänkta bovarna som sprider virus på WTV:
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