DN:s Nathan Shachar hjälper nazister genom smutskastning av Abel Basti

Saturday, 25 April 2015 00:00

källa; Den argentinske mainstream journalisten Abel Basti var den förste som samlade seriösa fakta att Adolf Hitler hade flytt och gömt sig i Argentina efter andra världskrigets slut. Han är en mycket pålitlig källa. Därnere vet alla att Hitler varit där och de är förvånade över att vi inte vet det. Abel Basti har publicerat gediget bevismaterial som White TV har studerat och först därefter blivit helt övertygad om att det stämmer: Hitler begick inte självmord den 30 april 1945 utan tilläts gömma sig i södra Argentina.

Alla som smutskastar och mörklägger forskningen om denna jätteskandal hjälper nazisterna att undkomma rättvisan och att kunna fortsätta agera ur det dolda.

DN:s journalist Nathan Shachar är en sådan hjälpande hand för nazisterna. Han skrev:

"...... i de argentinska nazistasylerna har det glesnat i det gamla gardet. I gengäld har koryféerna alltså återvänt som våldnader i turismens tjänst. I avsikt att haussa upp Patagoniens nazistiska renommé ytterligare har de turistansvariga städslat en journalist vid namn Abel Basti, som producerar fabulösa nazistlegender och publicerar dem i bokform. Källorna är oftast höljda i dunkel, hans uppgiftslämnare har lovats anonymitet, men böckerna har strykande åtgång. De judiska och amerikanska forkargrupper som spårat nazisternas guld i olika riktningar har vederlagt Bastis fantasier om guldexport i u-båtar till Patagonien, men rövarhistorierna är guld värda.

Det kostar på att tänka sig den ängslige Hitler till häst, sprängande fram mellan andinska pass. Men turismen, här som på andra ställen, formar legender efter behov. Att allvarliga saker förvandlas till trams och skoj på kuppen bekymrar endast gammalmodiga resenärer."

För presstitutes som Nathan Shachar spelar bevis ingen roll, men för många läsare, framförallt de yngre, gör det. Därför förlorar fulmedia varje dag nya läsare och abonnenter. Aldrig har pressdöden varit sto stor. Gammelmedias dåliga karma slår till. Här har vi en förklaring.

Här kommer en kort sammanfattning av Abel Bastis senaste bok, El Exilio de Hitler:

"Since the 1930´s Hitler had been receiving significant financial support from the United States. His political campaigns to reach power were supported by important businessmen and politicians from this and other countries of the world.
Amongst the people who actively participated in obtaining financing which would benefit both German companies and the Nazi party were the American brothers John Foster Dulles and Allan Dulles (a lawyer for various US companies). They had both met Hitler and Martin Bormann in 1933 in Hamburg.
Hitler´s arrival to power, as Chancellor in 1933 quietened the international right wing since they knew that from that moment there would be an iron will ready to control the advance of communism.
The Third Reich received credits, several times in the millions, which would facilitate Germany moving out of a crisis situation to then become a great power. With that help German rearmed and prepared for the greatest armed conflict in history.
Hitler enjoyed popularity in Europe and America to such a point that in 1938, less than one year before the start of the war, the Time magazine named him as "man of the year". When the United States entered the war again the Axis, Allan Dulles was made Ambassador for the United States in Switzerland from where, as well as fulfilling his diplomatic functions, he maintained permanent negotiations so that the war would not damage the German economic groups.
As for the Dulles brothers, it is worth noting that in 1953 John would be named Secretary of State for President Eisenhower, whilst Allan was second in command of the centre of intelligence of that country (CIA) between 1950 and 1953 and then Director from 1953 to 1961. What is certain is that the help which Hitler received from the Americans was absolutely amazing and that from Wall Street the road was prepared which would lead to him being the most powerful man in the world.
In 1945 when Berlin fell, the main agreements between the Nazi hierarchy and the American military were already finalized and at that stage began to be carried out. Within the negotiations between the Nazis and the Americans the role carried out by General Reinhardt Ghelen was fundamental. He was Hitler´s chief of espionage, and had abundant documentation at his disposal which showed that British and American businessmen and politicians were involved with Hitler and his policy. The fact that these reports were not broadcast formed part of the agreement which would give impunity to the Nazis after the conflict.
The war, which made a select group of businessmen rich, was ending (there would be time to invent other new conflicts) and the other business, also in the millions, began, that of the era of reconstruction of the areas destroyed in the war.
During the month of May 1945 after Germany had surrendered, the Russian criminologists, guided by Major Ivan Nikitine, chief of Stalin´s security police, reconstructed Hitler´s last days in Berlin.
In those days, according to an article in the Time magazine, "a removable concrete plaque was found next to a bookshelf in Hitler´s personal quarters. Behind it there was a man size tunnel which led to a super secret cement refuge 500 metres away. Another tunnel connected it with a tunnel belonging to a line of the underground/tube. Remains of food indicated that ther had been between 6 and 12 people there until 9th May".
The knowledge of this secret passage tells us nothing. We do not know who used to save their skins. Only free access to Russian archives which remain secret, will allow us to know the details about that hidden "emergency exit" which enabled escape from the underground refuge.
On the other hand, in the interrogations which the Soviets carried out amongst the captured Nazis there was one common thread amongst all the testimonies: nobody had seen the Fuhrer die.

Forska om Hitlers asyl i Sydamerika på White TV:

Nyligen frisläppta FBI-dokument bekräftar Hitlers asyl i Argentina;

F D Roosevelt mördades för 70 år sedan då han vägrade Hitler låta fly;

Två nya böcker med nya bevis att Hitler gömde sig i Argentina efter 1945;

Hitlers flykt till Argentina bekräftas av nya fakta;

Brittiska forskare bekräftar Hitlers flykt till Argentina;

Film med nya bevis att Hitler flydde och överlevde i Argentina;

Hitler överlevde troligen i Argentina;

Tunga argument att Hitler flydde;

Hitler hade redan atombomber;

Tyvärr är filmerna enbart på spanska.


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