PayPal diskriminerar Palestinierna, bojkotta PayPal!
2016-10-20 20:16
White TV stödjer Jewish Voice for Peace, eftersom det inte är judarna som ligger bakom den stora konspirationen utan Archons och Drako-reptiler, som seglar under falsk judisk flagga. Just nu har Jewish Voice for Peace startat en namninsammling mot PayPal, som mobbar Palestinierna:
Dear Dr. Henning,
There are physical walls in Palestine -- the apartheid barrier that separates Palestinians from their jobs and their homes, and the electrified fences of Jewish-only settlements. There are legal walls too -- the military “justice” system that Israel uses to suppress dissent, and racist housing laws that mysteriously always seem to come down in favor of Israeli Jews.
And then there are digital walls. We’ve written to you before about Airbnb’s presence in occupied settlements -- vacation rentals in homes stolen from Palestinians, in towns and villages where Palestinian people are not allowed to go.
Facebook has blocked admins from two of the largest Palestinian-run news sites.
And here’s another digital wall -- Jewish settlers in the West Bank can use PayPal, but Palestinians can’t. Palestinian families and businesses are being strangled by PayPal, while occupiers in illegal Jewish villages can use it as they please.
For Palestinians in the Occupied Territories who want to use PayPal's services to run a business, or raise money for a charity, or send cash to a relative -- PayPal won’t allow it.
Palestinians have to get around concrete, legal, and digital walls just to participate in the world. But we can change that.
Here’s why we should:
Businesses in Occupied Palestine aren’t allowed to use it, preventing them from providing jobs, and building Palestine’s economy. Palestinian NGOs can’t use Paypal, and that puts already stretched organizations doing essential human rights and direct service work at an needless disadvantage. Ordinary Palestinians can’t use PayPal to send/receive money from family members, make everyday purchases, and all the other things you (or at least I) use it for.
Sign our petition -- PayPal must offer their service to all the people of Israel/Palestine.
There's another reason why this #PayPal4Palestine campaign matters -- we have a real chance to make change.
Pro-occupation forces are deeply entrenched, in Congress and in the Knesset. But we can - and have to - chip around the edges of every single thing that keeps those formal policies standing. And that includes changing corporate policy.
Paypal can make a real material difference for Palestinian people, businesses, and NGOs. And there’ll be nothing Netanyahu or AIPAC can do about it.
Click here to sign our petition -- #PayPal4Palestine.
We’re proud to be partnering with The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights and SumOfUso launch this next phase of the #PayPal4Palestine campaign - with a goal of 10,000 signatures by the end of this week. Can you add your name?
Thank you for all that you do,
Ari Wohlfeiler
Deputy Director
P.S.: jag har haft flera klienter som råkat mycket illa ut för PayPal. Det finns därför all anledning att bojkotta PayPal!