Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) blockerar ärlig bankreform

2015-06-14 18:15

Vid sidan om Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) och Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) lurar en annan avtalsdrake i vassen: Trade in Services Agreement (TISA). Detta reptiloida missfoster har dragits igång av USA och EU och bara det är skäl nog att avspisa avtalsutkastet, som skall hållas ännu längre hemligt än TTIP.

Enligt TISA skall bankindustrin skyddas och deras makt förstärkas, så att hela finansektorn är to big to fail. Bail out och bail in skall underlättas. Istället för att regulera finasmarknaden som det var förr efter kraschen 1929 och i väldigt liten utsträckning efter 2008 skall nu samtliga hinder för de globala / privata storbankerna rivas.

Därför vill regelverket stoppa alla vettiga bankreformer, som vill förstatliga pengarna men inte bankerna, som det isländska parlamentet föreslog den 31 mars 2015.älla

Den amerikanska advokaten Ellen Brown varnar:

"TiSA Exposed

On June 3, 2015, WikiLeaks released 17 key documents related to TiSA, which is considered perhaps the most important of the three deals being negotiated for “fast track” trade authority. The documents were supposed to remain classified for five years after being signed, displaying a level of secrecy that outstrips even the TPP’s four-year classification.

TiSA involves 51 countries, including every advanced economy except the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). The deal would liberalize global trade in services covering close to 80% of the US economy, including financial services, healthcare, education, engineering, telecommunications, and many more. It would restrict how governments can manage their public laws, and it could dismantle and privatize state-owned enterprises, turning those services over to the private sector.

Recall the secret plan devised by Wall Street and U.S. Treasury officials in the 1990s to open banking to the lucrative derivatives business. To pull this off required the relaxation of banking regulations not just in the US but globally, so that money would not flee to nations with safer banking laws.  The vehicle used was the Financial Services Agreement concluded under the auspices of the World Trade Organization’s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). The plan worked, and most countries were roped into this “liberalization” of their banking rules. The upshot was that the 2008 credit crisis took down not just the US economy but economies globally.

TiSA picks up where the Financial Services Agreement left off, opening yet more doors for private banks and other commercial service industries, and slamming doors on governments that might consider opening their private banking sectors to public ownership.

Blocking the Trend Toward “Remunicipalization”

In a report from Public Services International called “TISA versus Public Services: The Trade in Services Agreement and the Corporate Agenda,” Scott Sinclair and Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood note that the already formidable challenges to safeguarding public services under GATS will be greatly exasperated by TiSA, which blocks the emerging trend to return privatized services to the public sector. Communities worldwide are reevaluating the privatization approach and “re-municipalizing” these services, following negative experiences with profit-driven models. These reversals typically occur at the municipal level, but they can also occur at the national level."

Andra varningar för USA:s och EU:s införande av bolagsdiktaturen:

Stoppa det farliga TTIP avtalet mellan EU och USA;

EU-USA handelsavtalet TTIP döljs i hemlighet, enbart de positiva sidorna får publiceras;