Ulrike Meinhof was Mind Controlled and Innocent
2011-11-04 00:25
Listen to this short words to learn about the extremely strange story of Ulrike Meinhof's brain: The strange saga of Ulrike Meinhof’s brain.
In 1962, while she was pregnant with her twins, she suffered from extremely strong headache. It is easy to induce headache with pulsed microwave weapons without an implant. Ulrike Meinhof started in 1962 to be the key person in the left-wing German newspaper konkret. She was well known and powerful in Germany which could be a good reason to mind control her. A lot of important journalists are mind controlled.
The suspicion that Ulrike Meinhof got an implant in order to mind control her is overwhelming. The argument that the brain surgery caused the severe changes in her personality is nonsense, because they did not remove anything from her brain in 1962. There was no tumor. Rather, there was a blood vessel in her brain that had swollen. The brain damages which were found after her death do not correspond to the implications of a swollen blood vessel: injuries in the cortex and parts of the brain tissue show substantial scars. That are typical traces from brain implants and microwave beams! The remote controlling, the Mind Control, with a brain implant usually causes strange changes in the personality and character of a targeted individual (TI).
And why did they kept her brain secret during 30 years? Why are the brains from the other RAF members still missing? Why was the brain examined a second time by a psychiatrist, Bernhard Bogerts, in Magdeburg, Germany?
The final proof that Ulrike Meinhof was mind controlled is her own description of strange symptoms, which correspond very well with all the countless testimonies from other TI's all over the world. You can listen to some of them on White TV:
From the period between June 16, 1972 and February 9, 1973:
The feeling, one’s head explodes (the feeling, the top of the skull will simply split, burst open)—
the feeling, one’s spinal column presses into one’s brain
the feeling, one’s brain gradually shrivels up like, like dried fruit, for example—
the feeling, one is constantly, imperceptibly, flooded, one is remote-controlled—
the feeling, one’s associations are hacked away—
the feeling, one pisses the soul out of one’s body, like when one cannot hold water—
the feeling, the cell moves. One wakes up, opens one’s eyes: the cell moves; afternoon, if the sun shines in, it is suddenly still. One cannot get rid of the feeling of motion. One cannot tell whether one shivers from fever or from cold—
one cannot tell why one shivers—one freezes.
The second time (December 12, 1973 until January 3, 1974):
Ears buzzing. Waking up, one feels as if one has been beaten.
The feeling, one moves in slow motion.
The feeling, finding yourself in a vacuum, as if you’re encased in lead.
Afterwards: Shock. As if an iron plate had fallen on your head.
Comparisons, concepts that invade one’s mind:
(Psycho) shredding—
The feeling of traveling through space packed into a barrel so that the acceleration causes your skin to flatten—
Kafka’s penal colony—The version with a bed of nails—
A non-stop rollercoaster ride.
The radio: it offers minimal stress reduction, like when one, for example, reduces one’s speed from 240 to 190.
Her death was no suicide but cold-blooded murder from the same secret services that performed the Mind Control on her.
Anna Ardins Twitter avslöjar Assange konspiration
2011-11-02 21:05
Det är inte bra att Julian Assange skall utlämnas till Sverige. Här väntar inte rättvisa utan rättsröta. Det kan jag som EU-Advokat med över 20 år av praktisk erfarenhet i Sverige bekräfta.
Kort innan Anna Ardin polisanmälde Assange för våldtäkt som skulle ha begåtts under natten från den 14 till den 15 augusti 2010 i Sverige förstörde hon sin mikroblogg på Twitter. Även cachen på henens twitterinlägg har tagits bort av konspiratoriska händer. Men något snille har ändå lyckats återställa hennes twitterinlägg:
Den 14 aug skriver hon kl. 14 :
Kl. 02.00 på morgonen den 15 aug, alltså efter den påstådda våldtäkten, skriver hon:
Electrosmog Damages your Blood
2011-11-01 00:15
Electrosmog is a huge problem even for those who don't feel the Smog directly:
Hjärnans Frihet: Enkla Mind Control Bevis
2011-10-26 19:45
de hetaste i världen just nu, är det underligt nog helt tyst om resultat och metoder. Mötet visade att teknik för hjärnkontroll (eng: Mind control - en teknik som kan fjärrstyra djur och människor) finns sedan 50 år tillbaka. Kreaprenörs sekr Lars-Olof (LO) Landin ledde mötet och intervjuade Robert Naeslund om bl.a. hans egna erfarenheter och hans mångåriga research. Filmen ger en sammanfattning av datorutvecklingen under 60 år och att hjärnkontroll är en realitet. Trots detta förekommer ingen etisk diskussion om detta och Kreaprenörerna frågar sig varför? Kreaprenör www.kreaprenor.se är en tankesmedja i Medvetandeeran och kommer att fortsätta att sprida kunskap om den kontroversiella hjärnforskningen.
Waco Mind Control operation by super criminal organisation: FBI
2011-10-18 21:49
"David Koresh was a long time CIA asset. Waco had been a CIA center for mind control every since the end of World War Two. Many of the German mind control scientists were brought to Waco to continue their experiments.....Gunther explained to me that there were only seven fully programmed mind control "sleepers" in the Davidian Compound. For a more complete explanation on how mind controlled "sleepers" are created, you can read Operation Open Eyes MIND CONTROL IN AMERIKA ~ Five Easy Steps To Create A Manchurian Candidate! .....Gunther told me that the Waco "sleepers" had somehow been triggered, and they were preparing to carry out their mission. The "sleepers" in the compound were created to be programmed domestic terrorists."
This is confirmed by Mind Control victim Gunther Russbacher and former law enforcement officer (Retired Sergeant with a California Bay Area Police Department) Raymond Ronald Karczewski.
For me Waco was a pretext for sacrificing humans in order to produce as much suffering as possible. There are mighty interests who harvest on human suffering. White TV will at a later stage reveal who those interests are.