SVT Agenda förtiger 50 avhuggna huvud från IS-sexslavar
Monday, 25 February 2019 02:55
SVT gav igår kväll nya osmakliga prov för att vi måste stänga den ständigt ljugande statliga TV-kanalen. Agenda kom med en snyfthistoria om ISIS-barnen, som ska missbrukas som verktyg att ta "hem" deras terrorist föräldrar. SVT gör allt för att Sverige översvämmas med islamistiska terrorister.
källa; staden Baghuz där de 50 avhuggna yazidi-huvuden hittades
Den 23 feb 2019 kom dock Daily Mail med nyheten att brittiska soldater har funnit 50 avhuggna huvuden från yazidiska sexslavar i soptunnor. Massakern hade skett nyligen i en av de sista ISIS-enklaverna, just dessa varifrån de av SVT intervjuade ISIS-terroristerna hade tillfångatagits.
"'In their hour of defeat, the jihadis' cruelty knew no bounds. They conducted a cowardly slaughter of these desperately unfortunate women as a final act of depravity and left their severed heads behind for us to find. The motivation for such a sickening act is beyond comprehension for any remotely normal human being.
'None of the SAS troops who entered Baghuz will forget what they saw, which some soldiers likened to a scene from the film Apocalypse Now. Their only solace is that they have contributed to bringing Islamic State's reign of terror to an end.' .......
'Most of those leaving the town were women and children, but the convoy also included IS fighters disguised as women, who were taken into captivity.'
From February 12, SAS and SDF troops equipped with sophisticated night-vision equipment were inserted covertly into Baghuz, an agricultural town where 10,000 citizens have been terrorised by IS. ...
The fighting continued last week, which is when The Mail on Sunday understands that SAS troops made the horrific discovery of the heads of the murdered Yazidi sex slaves. They also found the remains of IS fighters killed in the battle and jihadis assassinated by their commanders, apparently on suspicion that they were spies."
Det sägs inget heller i Agenda att Mossad och CIA byggt upp ISIS. Om några länder ska ta tillbaka dem så är det Israel och USA.
Se även på WTV:
Sveriges fiende Mossad bakom IS;