USA:s John McCain träffade ISIS ledning som massakrerar Yazidis i Irak

Tuesday, 12 August 2014 20:28


Tydligen har den amerikanske toppolitikern John McCain, som förrådde sina kamrater i nordvietnamesisk fångenskap, inte bara träffat och sponsrat nynazister i Ukraina som Carl Bildt, utan även mött och stött sina skyddslingar ISIS. Komprometterande bilder sprids på alternativa media som Red Ice Creations:

"Remember when Sen. John McCain took that tour of Syria with the rebels? This is what he said about it when he came back:

“It was a very moving experience to meet these fighters who have been struggling now for over two years,” McCain said on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” on Wednesday night. “And they’re very aware of the battlefield situation and they’re very disturbed about the dramatic influx of Hezbollah fighters, more Iranians, and of course, stepped-up activities of Bashar Assad.”
Here’s one of the photos released to Politico



Idag tipsades White TV om den här bilden som visar krigsförbrytaren McCain med ISIS ledaren och tillika Mossad-agenten Abu Bakr al Baghdadi:

källa; och här en annan källa

För White TV tittare är det ingen nyhet att USA och Israel ligger bakom ISIS.
Därför är dessa länder och deras säkerhetstjänster CIA och Mossad ansvariga för alla vidriga illdåd som ISIS begår i Irak och Syrien. Senast skrämdes världen med nyheter om förföljelsen av en religiös minoritet i Irak, yazidier, som skall ha förlorat redan över 500 medlemmar, vissa av dem begravdes levande. Ca. 300 kvinnor har kidnappats som sex slavar: "Kvinnorna dödar de inte, de sätter prislappar på dem och säljer dem som slavar i Syrien och andra delar av Irak" raporterar DN.

SINJAR: displaced Yazidis, women and children, persecuted by Daesh [ISIS] ~ 500 Yazidis, buried some alive including women and children. Extremists from the Islamic State have killed at least 500 people, including women and children, Iraqi officials said. Some of the victims were buried alive. The killings reported by Iraqi Human Rights Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani to Reuters add to a long list of atrocities reportedly committed by the radical group in Iraq and neighboring Syria, where it wants to create a caliphate. "We have striking evidence obtained from Yazidis fleeing [their ancient home city of] Sinjar and some who escaped death, and also crime scene images that show indisputably that the gangs of the Islamic State have executed at least 500 Yazidis after seizing Sinjar," Sudani said. "Some of the victims, including women and children were buried alive in scattered mass graves in and around Sinjar," he added. Some 300 women were kidnapped as slaves, he said. Hundreds of Yazidi minority women taken captive by ISIS in Iraq Yazidis are one of many Iraqi minorities persecuted by the Islamic State, which adheres to a fundamentalist branch of Sunni Islam. The militants offer people living in territories they control to either convert to their faith or face death. At least 300 Yazidi families in the villages of Koja, Hatimiya, and Qaboshi, which were surrounded by the Islamists, are being forced into converting, witnesses reported on Saturday. The threat posed by the militant offensive sent an estimated 130,000 of Iraqis, many of them Yazidis, fleeing for their lives. They are seeking refuge in Iraqi Kurdistan, where Kurd militias have been battling with the Islamic State for weeks. According to UN reports, at least 40,000 Yazidis have been stranded in several locations on Mount Sinjar in north of Iraq, where food and water are scarce. Over 30,000 Iraqis trapped in mountains as IS threatens to kill them The refugees rely on airdrops for survival and the hardship has already claimed dozens of lives, especial of children. * SyrianFreePress.NETwork thank the author of this video and Temur Makhmudi for its pubblication: shukran.
källa: ISIS har ofta huggit huvuden från kristna barn

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