WANTED: identity of Odessa murder suspect

Thursday, 08 May 2014 21:48


In this film a man in blue with body armour fires with his pistol against the fire trapped people in the Odessa Trade Unions House at May 2, 2014:

Here comes a film with the same thug from the other side:

"Another video of the same man shows him speaking on the phone passionately arguing that he and his people are unarmed, while having to confront armed anti-government protesters. The man introduces himself as sotnik Mykola (“sotnik” is what Maidan group leaders in Kiev call themselves) He also says he was wounded in the leg by protesters, although he doesn’t look hurt in the footage." reports Russia Today.

"Both the videos have gathered thousands of views on YouTube, stirring a wave of indignation at the man’s hypocrisy and his shooting at the people trapped inside the burning building."

Who knows the real identity of this murder suspect? His fat face indicates that he is not from Ukraine but UK or USA. He looks similar to the CIA-agent Robert Baer:


källa:official Ukrainian search from 2012 for Nikolai Wolkow

The German blogg Hinter der Fichte claims, that the murder suspect is Nikolai Wolkow, born in Odessa and wanted for other crimes since 2012. He is in close connection with nazi Maidan-leader Parubij, the man who let the Maidan snipers kill undisturbed:

källa: Parubij and Wolkow April 29, 2014 in Odessaa

Watch also on White TV: How the thugs killed over 100 Odessa inhabitants in the Trade Unions House;


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