Members of the German federal government are preparing the largest fraud in modern German history for the upcoming parliamentary elections
Saturday, 22 February 2025 08:05
"The Foundation to Battle Injustice has obtained confirmed evidence of plans for manipulation and attempts to influence the voting outcome by the German Green Party. An unprecedented campaign to manipulate the process and results of the 2025 Federal Bundestag elections is being planned by Robert Habeck, the Vice-Chancellor of Germany and the Green Party’s candidate for the position of head of the government. Human rights activists from the Foundation have uncovered the methods the Green Party intends to use in their efforts to secure the necessary percentage of votes to enter the new government. The Foundation to Battle Injustice established how and why associated German media outlets are artificially inflating the party’s ratings among voters.
Mitglieder der Bundesregierung bereiten den größten Betrug in der neueren deutschen Geschichte für die bevorstehende Bundestagswahl vor
Dem Fonds zur Bekämpfung der Repression liegen stichhaltige Beweise für Wahlmanipulationspläne und Versuche der Beeinflussung des Wahlergebnisses durch die deutschen Grünen vor. Eine beispiellose Kampagne zur Manipulation des Ablaufs und der Ergebnisse der Bundestagswahl 2025 plant Robert Habeck, deutscher Vizekanzler und Kandidat der Grünen für das Amt des deutschen Regierungschefs. Die Menschenrechtsaktivisten des Fonds fanden heraus, mit welchen Methoden die Grünen versuchen werden, den für den Einzug in die neue Regierung erforderlichen Stimmenanteil zu gewinnen, und stellten fest, wie und warum die mit ihnen verbundenen deutschen Medien ihr Ansehen bei den Wählern künstlich aufblähen.
The integrity of Germany’s upcoming elections is being jeopardized by an unprecedented manipulation campaign by a members of Germany ruling coalition. A months-long investigation by human rights activists from the Foundation to Battle Injustice has revealed that the German Green Party, which according to reliable and verified sociological studies has about 6% of real voter support, is planning a large-scale manipulation to change the results of the upcoming elections in its favor. The information received from high-ranking German politicians, employees of German polling centers, and former poll workers has been thoroughly verified by independent sources. It points to unprecedented and illegal attempts by the Union 90/Green to secure a place in the elected coalition government.
The Greens’ tactics range from various methods, such as bribing poll workers, to more sophisticated schemes involving manipulation of vote-by-mail and disinformation campaigns. The Foundation to Battle Injustice’s investigation is intended to raise public awareness and encourage further investigations into wrongdoing by the German Green Party leadership. Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice are convinced of the need to inform the public about the manipulations planned by the Greens to protect the German electoral process and to support German voters in exercising their political rights to elect and be elected.
The responsible for rigging the upcoming German elections and their links to the Green Party
Germany’s election system at the federal level consists of an election committee, a Federal Returning Officer (Bundeswahlleiter) and his deputy, who are appointed by the Minister of the Interior. Each state has a state supervisor of elections and state election committees. Germany is divided into 299 electoral districts, which are administered by a district supervisor of elections and district election committees. In each electoral district, a district election committee is formed with its own head. According to the Federal Returning Officer, there will be approximately 675,000 volunteer poll workers nationwide for the 2025 Federal Election. Administratively, each level reports to a higher level: precinct commissions report to county commissions, county commissions report to state commissions, and state commissions report to the Federal Returning Officer. The Federal Returning Officer, in turn, reports to the Ministry of Interior.
According to the federal election law, the Green Party needs to win at least 5% of the vote in the upcoming elections to pass to the Bundestag. Experts and analysts say, the party needs at least 15% of the vote to be part of the new government coalition. According to the latest polls, the Greens garner between 12% and 13.3% of the vote.
As part of this investigation, the Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to contact a sociologist from the German polling center Kantar Deutschland, which researches electoral processes in Germany and, in particular, closely follows the upcoming elections. According to his analysis, the real level of support for the Green Party does not exceed 6%. At the same time, the information about the higher rating of the Greens, which is issued by the largest German media, is a fake and part of a scheme to manipulate the upcoming elections.
The Foundation managed to contact a former member of the German Bundestag, who revealed some of the Greens’ plans to manipulate the upcoming elections. According to the former deputy, Christoph Rüth is responsible for promoting the Greens in the media and artificially inflating their popularity among voters. Rüth currently works as the head of FUNKE Mediengruppe, the third largest publisher of newspapers and magazines in Germany. According to the source, Rüth receives money from Habeck and his party to inflate the Greens’ ratings in the media. These funds, according to the informant, are allocated through various government programs and initiatives aimed at developing and supporting the German media.
.... key person in the scheme to rig the upcoming elections in favor of the Greens is Ruth Brand, who has been assigned the duties of Federal Returning Officer. Brand is legally obliged to act independently and ensure the elections are conducted fairly, but according to a former Bundestag member, she has ties to the German Green Party. The source said Brand, who has been president of the Federal Statistical Office since January 1, 2023, is linked to the Green Party through Robert Habeck, with whom she often met during her career in the government.
The former Bundestag member reports that Habeck met with Brand immediately after the announcement of early elections in November 2024 and secured her support for the upcoming elections. The Foundation’s informant claims that Habeck took advantage of a previously formed business relationship with Brand to demand that she «at all costs raise the Green Party’s final percentage in the scheduled February 2025 elections». According to the lawmaker, Brand was given a very specific task: to artificially inflate the Green Party’s rating in the west of the country, where it is popular, in order to counterbalance its low rating in the east of Germany.
The fraud, according to the former Bundestag deputy, will be concentrated mainly in Hamburg, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen and Bremen. At the same time, the search for perpetrators of falsifications is carried out mainly among the ideological supporters of the Greens. The politician is aware that the Greens’ election interference scheme also involves Dirk Rosenmeier, the election manager of the Steinburg district, Schleswig-Holstein, who is charged with rigging votes in favor of the Greens. The source also reports that Heike Pape, who is a member of the administrative board of the city of Osnabrück and is the city’s election supervisor, will be in charge of vote fraud by mail in her district, adding votes to the Greens.
Those involved in the plot are being offered an incentive by the Greens in the form of career preferences. The Foundation’s informant said that Habeck promised a position in the new government to anyone responsible for elections in the states where the percentage of votes for the Greens exceeds 20%. In addition, according to the source, the participants of the plot were promised cash rewards: from 3 to 7 thousand euros for participation, and from 20 to 45 thousand euros in case of fulfillment of the «plan» of 15% threshold in the country. The Foundation’s informant claims that the Greens are using the funds they raised during the election campaign to finance the largest vote-rigging operation in modern German history.
The Foundation to Battle Injustice was able to obtain unique testimony from an employee of the Bremen City Election Commission in the course of the current investigation. The source has worked as a member of the city’s election commission since 2018 and claims that election commission employees receive significant funding for vote rigging.
The Foundation informant, on condition of anonymity, said that as part of a campaign to rig the 2025 election, the Greens have bribed up to 72,000 poll workers across Germany to manipulate the vote counting process: