Linda Collins-Smith, Senator Jonathan Nichols och andra Clintonkritiker mördad under 72 timmar
Tuesday, 04 June 2019 00:00
Bakom Kulisserna och Fritjof Persson (POP) gav fokus till en stor mördarskandal i början av juni 2019 mot republikanska politiker som var kritiska till Hillary Clinton. Senator Jonathan Nichols (REP) och ex-senator Linda Collins-Smith från Clintons hemområdet i Arkansas är de mest kända mordoffer. Hennes mord är totalt mörklagd i USA och naturligtvis också av det USA-vänliga media i Sverige.
OBS! Inslaget blir saboterat, viktiga delar kommer inte upp!
källa; ex Arkansas senator Linda Collins-Smith blev så bru talt mördad, att det var svårt att identifiera kroppen
Åklagaren och domare i Arkansas har hemligstämplat allt material direkt, men trovärdiga källor pekar på att listan med Clinton Body Count har vuxit, då dessa personer varit viktiga vittnen om Clintons olagliga finansiering via deras stiftelse samt deras beröringspunkter med pedofila nätverk.
Här några YT-kommentarer under nedanstående filmer: She was exposing the trafficking of children and corrupt care and judicial system.
She was about to disclose involvement of the largest child trafficking players in Arkansas, including child protective services, judges, & political figures... do the math. Death by Clintoncide.
She was exposing the trafficking of children and corrupt care and judicial system.
She was exposing the trafficking of children and corrupt foster care and judicial system
They don't even mention that she was investigating the $27 mil. of missing money from the DHS department... But I guess that's the point...
Judge seals the case...judge made to look like the instigator. Divorce blamed conveniently
Death by Clintoncide. Horrific but sadly not uncommon, The only way to prevent more Clintoncides is to catch the perpetrators behind them. Which will happen eventually
I'm sure the MSM will do a stellar job of reporting on this story juuuuuust enough to not look suspicious......but juuuuuuust enough to not answer any questions. Shady shady
She was exposing the trafficking of children and corrupt foster care and ju dicial system
They don't even mention that she was investigating the $27 mil. of missing money from the DHS department... But I guess that's the point...
Judge seals the case...judge made to look like the instigator. Divorce blamed conveniently
Death by Clintoncide. Horrific but sadly not uncommon, The only way to prevent more Clintoncides is to catch the perpetrators behind them. Which will happen eventually
I'm sure the MSM will do a stellar job of reporting on this story juuuuuust enough to not look suspicious......but juuuuuuust enough to not answer any questions. Shady shady
She was about to disclose involvement of the largest child trafficking players in Arkansas, including child protective services, judges, & political figures... do the math
She was exposing the trafficking of children and corrupt foster care and ju dicial system
They don't even mention that she was investigating the $27 mil. of missing money from the DHS department... But I guess that's the point...
Judge seals the case...judge made to look like the instigator. Divorce blamed conveniently
Death by Clintoncide. Horrific but sadly not uncommon, The only way to prevent more Clintoncides is to catch the perpetrators behind them. Which will happen eventually
I'm sure the MSM will do a stellar job of reporting on this story juuuuuust enough to not look suspicious......but juuuuuuust enough to not answer any questions. Shady shady