Atombombsattack på Jerusalem varnar insider
Saturday, 22 July 2017 00:00
White TV fick idag följande varning från en insider som jag känner. Personligen tror jag inte att de positiva krafterna som kommit till jorden kommer att tillåta en atomattack på Jerusalem, men man kan aldrig vara hundra procent säker. Detta är den gamla planen enligt den gamla tidslinjen.
Här ser vi också tydligt den stora konspirationen mot alla människor, även judarna. Israel har inget som helst intresse av en atomkrig på egen mark.
EMERGENCY 1. 8. 2017: Shadow One World Government/Terror Network of the Illuminati, led by Prominent Satanist/Paedophile William van Duyn, is planning to cause HUGE CHAOS in several countries, NUCLEAR ATTACK IN THE MIDDLE EAST, most probably in JERUSALEM, probably False Accusations of Jemen for the Nuclear Attack, an excuse for a planned attack against Jemen. The "Supply" to ISS launched on 28. 7. 2017 from Kazachstan has to do with the planned Nuclear False Flag by the Illuminati.
Planned Coup D´etat in the USA and installing of William Windsor as the ruler of the USA and many other countries in a totalitarian New World Order Regime, called by the Illuminati: "The Holy Roman Empire". William van Duyn is in fact the leader of western Secret Services/Military-NATO/Police/ Vatican/UN/Hollywood/Music Industry. On 23 September 2017, William van Duyn wants to enter the Third Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem as One World Ruler - Tyrant, before that he wants to sacrifice by fire William Windsor and his wife, declare William Windsor to be the AntiChrist and himself to be Christ. William van Duyn is an extremely dangerous terrorist, responsible for the most severe organized international criminality incl Paedophilia, Child Rapes/Murders, William van Duyn eats human flesh and he calls himself a hybrid, Reptilian/Human Hybrid, who wants to exterminate 7 Billion people within a couple of years in a horrible way, incl severe Torture.
According to Geologist Phil Schneider NATO/UN/Vatican have meetings with non-human beings in underground military bases, who dictate enslavement/extermination of the Human Race. In several years the Illuminati have been trying to open the Star Gate Hoover Dam by a Bomb with conserved energy produced by terrorist device CERN (see below).
In many years the Illuminati have been covering up the coming NIBIRU-Planet X flyby in October-December 2017 and that the internet/mobile phone net/electric power grid cannot be in function, risk for radiation from nuclear power plants, people need to prepare a lot of water, food, some should move to safer locations. To western Illuminati Secret Services/Military-NATO/Police: STOP THE NUCLEAR ATTACK, THAT YOU ARE PLANNING IN THE MIDDLE EAST/JERUSALEM, STOP COUP D´ETAT IN THE USA, STOP TRYING TO PROVOKE THERMONUCLEAR WW3 AND MARTIAL LAW, STOP TRYING TO INSTALL TOTALITARIAN NWO, STOP YOUR FALSE FLAG ATTACKS ALL OVER THE WORLD, ARREST WILLIAM VAN DUYN, EVELYN/JACOB/DAVID ROTHSCHILD, OTHER ILLUMINATI CRIMINALS AND CONFISCATE ALL THEIR PROPERTY. If the described attacks will occure anyway, Top-Illuminati Elizabeth Windsor, kings of Belgium/the Netherlands are co-responsible and all their property should be confiscated for their involvement in planned Genocide of Billions of people. Do not allow the Illuminati to leave the Earth during NIBIRU flyby, the Illuminati want in that case exterminate all people, who remain on Earth, which the Illuminati call "The Purification of the Earth". The Illuminati consider themself superior to other human beings. Alexandra Jitka Brozikova,