Thank You President Trump for Educating Fake News Main Stream Media

Saturday, 25 February 2017 19:42

The harsh citicism that Donald Trump started against the established media in the US, but even in the rest av the world, has given an amazing effect even in Sweden. That president Trump pointed out Sweden several times as a bad example for uncontrolled mass migration put little Sweden in the focus of the world during the last week. The result became an improvement by the fake news media outlets in Sweden with an amazing an unexpected speed! Thank you Mr. President for that gift! Your education gave immediate results.

1. Some days ago the leading tabloid Aftonbladet made several alarming reports of the Stockholm no go zones Rinkeby and Husby with the title Laglöst Land, Land without Law.

2. Famous Expressen reporter Elisabet Höglund confessed yesterday that she had censored and covered up news.

3. Expressen published today a serious discussion on the question: is the rise of the crime rate related to the rise of immigration? A question that had been a no no for fake news media until last week. They focused on the brave police man Peter Springare.

4. Constantly lying Swedish state owned television SVT published yesterday an interview with economist and statistics expert Tino Sanandaji, who links crimes to immigration in Sweden with arguments that are indisputable. Several libraries and fake news media had covered up Sananadajis recent book Massutmaning, Mass Challenge.

source; if every journalist would be so courageous as Katarina Janouch the world would be a better place

5. SVT even invited Katerina Janouch, a courageous immigrant and journalist, who dared to criticize Sweden´s immigration politics and main stream medias disinformation. She got directly attacked by Sweden´s Prime Minister and fake news politician Stefan Löfven.

6. War mongering daily Dagens Nyheter with a very long tradition of fake news mentioned Alex Jones from Infowars yesterday. They never informed their readers about Alex Jones except one time earlier February 2017. Clearly a Trump effect.

Conclusion: it is not easy to educate fake news journalists, but it is possible with a lot of spanking. Trump is the first president who shows the way. Nice feeling ....

And don´t forget: the word fake news came into the game by main stream media to cover up Hilary Clinton´s and John Podesta´s #PizzaGate!


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