ISIS sexslav undrar varför inget muslimskt land har förklarat IS som otrogen grupp inom islam

Wednesday, 22 June 2016 22:10

Den jazidiska flickan Nadia Murad som lyckades fly från ISIS, där hon hållits som sexslav under flera månader, är föreslagen för Nobels fredspris av den irakiska regeringen. Alex Jones Infowar rapporterar, att hon vittnade inför den amerikanska kongressen nyligen och klagade över att muslimska länder inter fördömer Daesh:

"“I am not saying that ISIS represents the Islam,” Murad told the Senate Homeland Security Committee with the aid of a translator, “but ISIS is using the Islam to commit these crimes, and this needs to stop as an ideology first. Many people in the area they had the choice to leave when ISIS came, but they were happy to join the Islamic State when they came.”

I delivered this message to Egypt and to Kuwait because this, what is happening, is been happening under the name of Islam,” she explained, “people there they have a sympathy, and they said this does not represent us, but we have not seen that Daesh has been labeled as infidel group within Islam from any Muslim country.”

Murad referenced her December trip to Cairo saying, “I ask the leader of al-Azhar in Cairo is to say that ISIS is an infidel group within Islam, and he has not committed to it yet.

White TV:s första inslag om Nadia Murad blev bortcensurerat av Google:

Hade media rapporterat att USA, Israel, Turkiet, Qatar mm är bakom IS hade Nadia Murad inte behövd lida



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