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Mind Control over Norwegian Massacres?

Sunday, 24 July 2011 22:17

Anders Behring Breivik behaved so strange that Mind Control is the best explanation for the bloodbath in Norway. The Norwegian social democrats planned to acknoqwledge Palestine as a independed state. The Norwegian Secretary of State Jonas Gahr Störe demanded at the summer camp that Israel has to pull down it's wall and end the illegal occupation.

"Norway Had Decided to Stop Bombing Libya August 1" writes Webster Tarpley in his blog.

There was an exercise at the spot the bomb went of only hours before it happened. The same duplicity happend in the M/S Estonia massmurder, 7/7 London, and 9/11 New York.

The secret services as Mossad, CIA and MI6 control the Mind Control technology. For me the suspects are to search there. I know several Mind Control victims in Norway personally. This technology is nothing new to Norway.

Listen to this interview with a guy from Sweden who knows Anders Behring Breivik. He suspects that he was brainwashed. That is an other explanation for Mind Control:

Look at other Breivik artikels: drill, multiple boms in Oslo,


Jose Delgado remote controlling Bull

Monday, 18 July 2011 21:52

In this film you can follow the Mind Control experiment from the Spanish Yale Dr. José Delgado totally controlling the behavior of a bull without any direct contact to the animal. They do the same to humans.



Mind Control - beam voices into auditory cortex

Monday, 18 July 2011 21:32

A lot of targeted individuals (TI) claim that they hear voices in their skull coming from outside. It is very difficult to prove what is going on in your brain. Others don't hear those voices. Because there are so many similar testimonies we are able to get the picture: voices can be induced into the human mind by modern weapons.



CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons

Monday, 18 July 2011 21:11

Here you can watch old films from CNN Special Assignment, 1985, on Mind Control Weapons with emphasis on Russian technology from that time. Dr. José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado is also mentioned. He is one of the big devils in Mind Control.



Mind Control Technology already on consumer level

Monday, 11 July 2011 11:56

In Japan Honda shows how a human brain is able maneuver a robot just by thinking. No cables tied. This is evidence for a human brain-computer (BCI) or Brain Machine Interface (BMI) interface working successfully.

There are a lot of Brain-Computer Interface Projects. In Germany, USA, Wadsworth Center, UK, Austria, Russia, China, (film in Chinese here) etc.


In the next film you see how a mind control head set steers a computer by thoughts. The secret technology always is at least 30 years ahead of the technology allowed to be known and used by the public. Therefore it is now easy to understand that targeted individuals can be remote controlled by a hidden hand (Mossad, MI6, CIA, FSB, SÅPO, FOA) as we showed in White TV by lots of testimonies from ordinary people suffering by the torture of Mind Control.