Adrenochrome Whistleblower: 'Zelensky and Other Leaders Are Addicted to Children’s Blood' and Extreme Torture Upd 20.8

Monday, 12 August 2024 12:53

Hundreds of Ukrainian children living in slavery were liberated by Russian special forces this week as Putin’s Adrenochrome Task Force made a series of grisly discoveries deep inside Ukraine.

Reports from the front line reveal that hundreds of children were found in degrading “factory farm” conditions at a location in Ukraine’s Donetsk region, the focal point of Russia’s slow advance along the eastern part of the front line.

Russian soldiers are describing finding children with fragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodies were expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global adrenochrome trade.

The adrenochrome industry in Ukraine is larger than previously expected and Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing crimes against children – including the politicians and celebrities who are hooked on the drug he calls “the devil’s work."


Och på Bakom Kulisserna:

Ryska soldater avslöjar grym Adrenochrome Harvesting Network i Ukraina – barn utsatta för den globala elitens mörka handel



Se även på WTV:

Putin räddade ukrainska barn som skulle våldtas och torteras till döds för Adrenochrome produktion;

Nya bevis Ukraina Europas centrum i organstölder, pedofil barn handel och barnproduktionsfabriker!;

Ukrainska pedofil-nätverk ” WHITE ANGEL” och “PHOENIX” under NATO-kontroll och direkta order från Blod-Zelenskyj kidnappar barn + mördar föräldrar;

Moldavien, Rumänien och Ukraina Europas centrum för pedofili, sex trafficking, organhandel och adrenochrome produktion, Chriss Cornell + Chester Bennington mördad;

Adrenochrome Leaked Documents Prove Harvesting Under the US and UN Military! Extremt viktiga bevis!;



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