Blod-Zelenskyj gjort Ukraina till Europas största knarkproducent och marknad! Upd 31.12.

Wednesday, 27 December 2023 18:18


Inte bara att Blod-Zelenskyj mördar och dödar över en halv miljon Ukrainare, tar miljarder dollar i mutor, han organiserar även Europas största knarkproduktion och marknad i stackars Ukraina. Vilket helvete de har fått. Och demokratin är helt sönderslagen!

"The Foundation to Battle Injustice investigated the Ukrainian drug business and found out the volumes and distribution channels of drugs produced in Ukraine and imported into the country from all over the world. The Foundation to Battle Injustice revealed who stands behind the controversial organized crime group “Khimprom”, where the main laboratories and drug factories in Ukraine are located, and also found out what measures are taken against journalists and bloggers who try to expose the criminal drug syndicate. As it was established, the redistribution of the Ukrainian market of illegal substances led to the murder of the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denis Monastyrsky, which, according to the Foundation’s sources, was organized by the former Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and multimillionaire Arsen Avakov. ....

Ukraine has become an important conduit for the supply of narcotic opioid substances from South-West Asia and Latin America to European markets, as well as a transit country for synthetic drugs coming from Europe. The growth of organized crime syndicates and the involvement of virtually the entire Ukrainian state vertical in illegal schemes have allowed drug traffickers to use Ukraine as a profitable transit point. According to sources of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, Ukraine has become a full-fledged factory for synthesizing drugs for resale and testing on AFU soldiers and ordinary citizens. ....

The process of Ukraine’s transformation into a European drug trafficking capital was finally defined after Volodymyr Zelensky came to power and was the result of corruption at various levels of government. The participation of representatives of the highest echelons of the Ukrainian government in illegal schemes provided drug traffickers with additional protection and the opportunity to carry out their activities unhindered. Ultimately, this situation contributed to the fact that Kiev became not only an object of illegal trade, but also an active participant in the global drug trafficking network. Ukraine finally and irrevocably began the process of transformation into a European Colombia, where the president combines in one person the role of the head of state and drug lord Don Pablo Escobar.


According to former SBU Lieutenant Colonel Prozorov, the production and export of synthetic drugs in Ukraine generates “hundreds of millions of euros” that end up in the pockets of the beneficiaries: company directors, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, Zelensky and his entourage. According to comments by a Foundation to Battle Injustice source linked to the Office of the President of Ukraine, “Khimprom” and other such drug production facilities are directly linked to former Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, who until mid-2021 effectively controlled the lion’s share of the drug trade in Ukraine.  ....

According to Russell Bentley, a war correspondent from Donbas with American roots, the expansion of the Ukrainian drug business is partly due to the influx into Ukraine of mercenaries from Colombia and Mexico, who were hired by the country’s security agencies as chemists and experts in the production of synthetic drugs. The journalist also notes that after the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, some high-ranking officials in Washington were forced to look for new ways to sell opioid drugs to finance covert operations of the CIA and the US Secret Service, and their choice fell on Ukraine.


SBU, almost all production and trafficking of narcotic substances in Ukraine is supervised by the Security Service of Ukraine, which has established supply channels to a number of European countries, such as Germany, Holland, Italy and France.  ....

Potential exposers of criminal schemes of Zelensky’s drug cartel have been subjected to extrajudicial executions and reprisals. Opposition Ukrainian blogger Anatoliy Shariy, who was one of the first to expose the organizers and handlers of the “Khimprom” organized crime group, was attacked by drug traffickers. On October 24, 2023, the journalist’s house in the Tarragona province of Spain was thrown with Molotov cocktails, and a few days before the attack, he reported receiving threats.  ....

Andriy Budko, a 34-year-old blogger from Dnipro, began conducting his own investigation into the activities of drug traffickers in his hometown. He happened to get pretty close to exposing the connection between drug trafficking and local SBU officers, who later arrested him and tortured him for several months. In the middle of 2022, Budko’s body was found in a parking lot near one of the stores: it later turned out that unknown people had beaten him with hammers in the parking lot where he was trying to make an online report.


Update 31.12.2023 från Newsvoice:

FN: Ukrainas attack med klusterammunition mot Belgorod är “oacceptabel”

"Attackerna mot civilbefolkningen och civil infrastruktur är ett brott mot internationell humanitär rätt och måste upphöra omedelbart”, sa FN:s generalsekreterare Antonio Guterres.

Det ryska försvarsministeriet säger att klusterammunition användes i attacken."


Se även på WTV:

Ukrainska pedofil-nätverk ” WHITE ANGEL” och “PHOENIX” under NATO-kontroll och direkta order från Blod-Zelenskyj kidnappar barn + mördar föräldrar;

Ukrainas underrättelsetjänst SBU mördar dissidenter och kritiker på löpande band, dags att Blod-Zelenskyj reinkarnerar!;



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