Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) tycker att centralbanker skall ge pengar direkt till folket då bankerna tjuvhåller

2014-09-03 21:38

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) slutar inte att förvåna. I samma nummer som White TV redan uppmärksammade, då CFR lägger skulden på Väst i Ukrainakrisen, kommer USA:s mäktigaste think-tank med ett vettigt förslag: låt centralbankerna ge pengar direkt till folket och inte bankarna, då de tjuvhåller på pengarna och använder dem i spekulationssyfte på den skumma derivatmarknaden:

Print Less but Transfer More

Why Central Banks Should Give Money Directly to the People


Governments must do better. Rather than trying to spur private-sector spending through asset purchases or interest-rate changes, central banks, such as the Fed, should hand consumers cash directly. In practice, this policy could take the form of giving central banks the ability to hand their countries’ tax-paying households a certain amount of money. The government could distribute cash equally to all households or, even better, aim for the bottom 80 percent of households in terms of income. Targeting those who earn the least would have two primary benefits. For one thing, lower-income households are more prone to consume, so they would provide a greater boost to spending. For another, the policy would offset rising income inequality.

Such an approach would represent the first significant innovation in monetary policy since the inception of central banking, yet it would not be a radical departure from the status quo. Most citizens already trust their central banks to manipulate interest rates. And rate changes are just as redistributive as cash transfers. When interest rates go down, for example, those borrowing at adjustable rates end up benefiting, whereas those who save -- and thus depend more on interest income -- lose out.   ........

There is another way: instead of trying to drag down the top, governments could boost the bottom. Central banks could issue debt and use the proceeds to invest in a global equity index, a bundle of diverse investments with a value that rises and falls with the market, which they could hold in sovereign wealth funds. The Bank of England, the European Central Bank, and the Federal Reserve already own assets in excess of 20 percent of their countries’ GDPs, so there is no reason why they could not invest those assets in global equities on behalf of their citizens. After around 15 years, the funds could distribute their equity holdings to the lowest-earning 80 percent of taxpayers. The payments could be made to tax-exempt individual savings accounts, and governments could place simple constraints on how the capital could be used.


CFR hänvisar till att ingen mindre än förre FED chefen Ben Bernanke redan hade denna idé i december 1998.

Den amerikanska advokaten Ellen Brown uppmärksammade oss på CFR:s moderna sväng. Hon inleder med ett Churchill citat:

You can always count on Americans to do the right thing, after they’ve tried everything else.

Lösningen är dock inte optimalt, då pengarna fortfarande kommer in i samhället i form av lån, så att penningmängden för räntorna inte skapas och denna räntebrist kommer att fortsätta att elda på pyramidspelet. På så sätt gynnar CFR det bestående systemet, men förslaget är i alla fall mycket bättre än tramset som Reinfeldt alliansen och sossarna/gröna håller på med.