Nobelpristagaren i fysik, Geoffrey Hinton, varnar för att AI-varelser kan få kontroll över hela mänskligheten genom att koppla upp våra hjärnor till dem
2024-12-10 22:05
Nobelpristagaren i fysik, Geoffrey Hinton, höll bästa Nobeltalet sedan länge, se från min 3:38:53 på SVT Play.
I hans mycket korta tal varnar han för farorna med AI. Att det skapas för närvarande nya AI-varelser som är intelligentare än vi och som kommer att ta kontroll över oss, om vi inte sätter stopp för det nu. Och detta är inte science fiction!
Han påpekar också att den nya AI kan skapa nya konstgjorda neurologiska nätverk (artificial neural networks) att koppla upp homo sapiens med AI-VARELSER! Detta är inget annat än mind control som WTV har varnat för sedan 14 år!
Samma tematik hade redan Stanley Kubrick i sin film Odysse 2001.
Översättning från AB:
"Tyvärr kommer de snabba framstegen inom AI med många kortsiktiga risker. Den har redan skapat splittrande ekokammare genom att erbjuda människor innehåll som gör dem indignerade. Den används redan av auktoritära regeringar för massiv övervakning och av cyberbrottslingar för nätfiskeattacker. Inom en snar framtid kan AI användas för att skapa fruktansvärda nya virus och fruktansvärda dödliga vapen som själva bestämmer vem de ska döda eller lemlästa. Alla dessa kortsiktiga risker kräver brådskande och kraftfull uppmärksamhet från regeringar och internationella organisationer.
Det finns också ett långsiktigt existentiellt hot som kommer att uppstå när vi skapar digitala varelser som är mer intelligenta än vi själva. Vi har ingen aning om vi kan behålla kontrollen. Men vi har nu bevis för att om de skapas av företag motiverade av kortsiktiga vinster, kommer vår säkerhet inte att vara högsta prioritet. Vi behöver akut forskning om hur vi kan förhindra att dessa nya varelser vill ta kontroll. De är inte längre science fiction."
Update 31.12.2024 kl 00:55
Se även på WTV:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) not Artificial, Secret Scalar Waves used;
Örebros kommun del av Sveriges pedofila nätverk! Precis som Vingåkers kommun! Tack Markus Allard för modiga larmet!
2024-09-02 23:32
I förra veckans avsnitt på Riks går Markus Allard igenom turerna kring skandalfritidsgården i Vivalla. Där jobbar inte bara misstänkta pedofiler som påstås ha begått grova sexualbrott. Även politiker och islamister är anställda, varav två dömts för att ha deltagit i korankravallerna, varav en av de två i sin tur anställts på fritidsgården under tiden för sitt pågående straff.
Ett år sedan Sveriges bästa läkare Dr. Mikael Nordfors mördades, Mossad huvudmisstänkt
2024-08-19 15:28
Detta skrev WTV den 21 augusti 2023:
Jag, Henning Witte, lade upp en film om Mikael Nordfors på min SwebbTube kanal. Men den togs bort av SwebbTube. Mossad är huvudmisstänkt för det precis som för mordet på Sveriges bästa läkare. Han berättade själv att Mossad-agenter hade uppsökt honom under hans sista dagar i liv i tillflyktsorten Tanzania.
Japan Declares State of Emergency After 'Nanobots' Found in 96 Million Citizens
2024-08-10 23:41
The courageous Peoples Voice:
"Japan has issued an apology to its citizens for the disastrous consequences of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and has launched far-reaching scientific inquiries and criminal investigations to establish the truth and punish the perpetrators.
The globalist elite and Big Pharma are panicking, terrified of what the Japanese are finding, and they are doing everything they can to discredit these investigations, including ordering the mainstream media to initiate a total media blackout of any news coming out of Japan.
But we are not going to allow the elite to succeed in gaslighting the public any longer. Japan are uncovering crimes against humanity and the whole world needs to hear this information."
CIA Mind Control Whistleblower Dr. Robert Duncan found dead 8th July 2024, Murdered with Directed Energy Weapons? Upd 28.7
2024-07-21 10:24
Unfortunately for millions of Mind Control victims all over the world, ex CIA whistleblower on directed energy weapons, Dr. Robert Duncan, passed away 8th July 2024. That is a huge loss for the millions of Targeted individuals all over the world.
Unfortunately he did not open his mind for the vital information that directed energy weapons use the secret magnetic scalar waves to do mind control against humans. They are similar to longitudinal sound waves, but often quicker than sound and light. And NOT electromagnetic waves! Only against those you can shield and you can scan them. Not so with scalar waves. There you can not shield against them! They penetrate everything. You only can destroy the resonance, f ex with homeopathic gold Aurum Metallicum or this device from physics Professor Konstantin Meyl, the reinkarnation of Nikola Tesla.
The PACTS, International Newsletter - Friday, July 19, 2024 - writes:
"For over a week now, many in our community have been grappling with the news that Dr. Robert Duncan had passed away. Many could not believe it and we have spent many days and hours exploring alternate possibilities, hoping that this announcement was not true.
However, the truth as we know it so far is that he was apparently found in his home by police on July 8 after a request for a wellness check by one of his friends. This was further confirmed by a friend of his from our community when he called the local coroner's office which informed him that Robert Duncan had passed away on July 8.
As for the reasons for his passing, I think most of us believe he was killed by the targeting program. He had reported to a couple of his friends that he had been receiving heavy directed energy weapons attacks lately. One even said that Dr. Duncan told him that he was working on something (paraphrasing) and that if he wound up dead, he would know what happened.
The news has been difficult for our community to process because he touched the lives of so many. He had given us so much awareness and understanding of what was happening to our minds and bodies due to advanced technologies, so we will be forever grateful for his immeasurable contributions to our cause, from his three books: "The Matrix Deciphered," "Project Soul Catcher", and "How to Tame a Demon," to his appearance on "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura", meetings with congressional representatives, countless internet radio interviews, conferences, and community conference calls. He did all that he could to liberate our community from the technologies that he himself had unknowingly developed.
I admire his courage and dedication to humanity and truly believe that he was heartily celebrated upon his arrival to the "pearly gates" and is at last in a place where the perpetrators can no longer torture him.
We will therefore dedicate our next podcast to the memory of Dr. Robert Duncan. Those that wish to share their thoughts of him (as long as they are positive) may do so this weekend at our Saturday Night Podcast.
And for those who may not have seen it, below is a link to that Jesse Ventura episode, which also features the late Dr. Terry Robertson who has also recently passed. "
Link: Brain Invaders - featuring Dr. Robert Duncan
Se även på WTV:
Röster i huvudet teknologi med CIA:s Dr. Robert Duncan;
Jesse Ventura med sensationella Mind Control avslöjanden;