Trumps ekonomiska politik bara bra för de rika, över 1/2 miljon hemlösa
2019-06-11 00:00
Trumps ekonomiska siffror blev en succé. Direkt efter valet steg börsen, tvärt emot alla ekonomiidioter i Sverige som spådde motsatsen. Visst börsen går bra i USA och skatter sänkts, men detta gynnar bara de rika.
Att antalet hemlösa i USA är på rekordnivå under vår moderna tid visar tydligt att Trump har totalt misslyckats med sin ekonomiska politik. Han kritiserar visserligen den amerikanska centralbanken Federal Reserve, men han gör inget. Han säger knappast att de är privatägda, hän säger inget om att de privata affärsbankerna skapar pengar ur tomma intet, han säger inte att vårt banksystem är ett olagligt pyramidspel, ett Ponzi Scheme.
"Once again tonight, countless numbers of Americans will sleep in their vehicles, and this is a problem that is getting worse with each passing year. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the homeless population in the United States hit 552,830 in 2018, but many believe that the true number is actually a lot higher. Because in order to accurately count the homeless you have got to find them first, and many homeless do not want to be found. But even if the HUD figure is accurate, it is still a great national tragedy to have such a high number of homeless, and a large percentage of those homeless Americans are living in their vehicles." alarmerar Zero Hedge.
se även detta inslag med film:
och: California's "Staggering" Homeless Count
"With 28 of 40 regions within the state having reported the preliminary estimates of their 2019 Point-In-Time (PIT) counts of the homeless population within the state, California officials are struggling to grasp that the number of homeless already exceeds the official count of 129,972 for the entire state in 2018, and will almost certainly surpass 150,000 when those counts are finalized in December 2019.
We base this observation on our analysis of the preliminary data that individual "Continuums of Care", which consist of one or more counties in the state of California, have reported through 7 June 2019. With those regions reporting an average 17.1% increase over their 2018 figures, if we apply this percentage to the 12 regions that have yet to report data, we project the number of people who will be counted as homeless in California for 2019 will be 152,332."
Wealthy Elites Freak Out As Homeless Hordes Take Over West Coast Neighborhoods