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8th February International Day against Mind Control

Thursday, 04 February 2016 16:45


Hommage à Dr. Rauni Kilde on 1st International Day against Mind Control


Dear All,

As you recall, in Berlin I proposed on behalf of the Polish delegation and the originator, the NTV editor, Mr Zagórski, to proclaim the date of death of dr Rauni Luukanen-Kilde, International Day Against Mind Control. You have liked the idea and 8th of February is coming soon, so it’s time to put it into life and pay back the moral debt to her, who made so much for the TI’s movement.

last picture taken of dr Rauni Luukanen-Kilde in Brussels by Henning Witte: we miss you so much Rauni !

On this occasion STOPZET association together with the internet televisions: Swedish - WHITE TV and Polish - NTV propose to all the TIs’ of the world and their allies to take part in the common medial event.

Our aim is to proclaim the International Day Against Mind Control, to pay tribute to dr Kilde and to broadcast most widely via Internet the information about necessity of immediate prohibition of inventing, testing, producing and using the newest generation weapons that can remotely control human behavior.

On this occasion we plan to put online 2 following petitions to sign for you:

1)    To the Polish Parliament about the prohibition of testing those weapons on the Polish citizens and about setting up the special parliamentarian committee to research the issue of secret EU and NATO experiments that were undertaken on us in this matter.

2)    To EP (the letter edited by Mojmir Babacek that you know from Berlin)

We plan at least 3 hours long program block. Our guests in studio will be Mojmir Babacek and dr Henning Witte that you know from Berlin, but we also count on the presence of the other TI friends on Skype or by video.

The first hour will be devoted to dr Kilde’s memory and the necessity of lobbying for the prohibition of weapons remotely influencing human beings’ nervous system.

The second hour will be filled up with the statements of the victims of secret harassing from Poland and from all over the world.

Then we start the debate with the participation of Polish politicians and journalists.

We would like to invite also you to take part in this event.

We ask the representatives of national groups for a short video recording (2-3 min) about the situation of TIs in a relevant country. If there are a few associations in a country, we ask each of them to introduce itself, give the number of members, estimated number of victims of mind control, if it is known, as well as briefly mentioned the most important issues and initiatives. Please send us the recorded video till 5 february into the following address This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by WE TRANSFER.

The point is to make other Internet users aware of global scale of the problem and the fact that it may happen to themselves at any time as well. In addition, we would like the decision-makers and persecutors realize that their victims start organising themselves and demanding the compensation.

You need not expose your personal details or the face if you don't want. However a tongue of the transmission i.e. English is a crucial element, because the entire meeting and all video materials are live broadcast online, repeated in the evening program. Later it will be put on YT on the special Playlist. In the case your English was a barrier, please record yourself in your mother tongue and provide the recording with English subtitles.

We also want to invite the politicians and journalists, who feel displeasure of the violence applied towards us and would like to hurry with help. They will be invited into the studio in person as well as virtually (via Skype). If you know such people in your countries, ask them to support our event with the brief presentation on video. Best in English, and if it is impossible, then with translation in subtitles into English. A few words will literally be enough in a style like this: My name is, I am representing …, I am supporting etc.

Please, do it as soon as possible, as we will still have to put Polish subtitles and assemble that for Polish viewers in the end. In order to make the work easier for editors, we ask you to mark every recording with a category in English:

TI - for groups and associations of Tis, JOURNALIST, POLITICIAN or DIFFERENT.

We are waiting for your recordings till 4 February and this deadline is intransigent.

At last, we will open a special page for private persons or organizations, which would like to express their support for the movement of TIs. An e-mail address, a full name or a name will be enough for an organization. You will get relevant links and materials soon and we ask- let us do it together.

It is only a small pace and marathon is in front of us, but it is necessary to start one day. Jointly and definitely. See you in NTV!

for NTV – Janusz zagórski

for STOPZET – Ewa Pawela

for WHITE TV – Henning Witte

the link to our baner:



Dear All,

The 8th february – the first anniversary of death of dr Rauni Kilde - approaches and, as we promised at Berlin, we would like to honour her memory by proclamation of this date as International Day against Mind Control. Our public at Berlin accepted this idea, so we try now to maintain our engagement and realize this project.

As our budget is limited or inexistent, finally, we opted for the formula of special edition ( at least 3 hours long program ) at NTV, translated into English and with live transmission on the Web ( the 8th February 2016, 12:00 – 15:00 . Then the whole edition will be repeated in the evening broadcast and put on YT.

Our aims:

to promote International Day against Mind Control (IDAMC)

- to honour memory of dr Kilde

- to lobby for the ban of remote neural arms

- to present to the large public the movement of TI’s all over the world

- to mobilize our allies to support us


We will have a pleasure to welcome Mojmir Babacek and Henning Witte at the studio of NTV . This kind of medial event has his own dynamism but the schema of program is:

The first hour will be dedicated to evoke the personality and work of late Rauni Kilde (Henning Witte). Afterwards, we would like to present the letter of Mojmir Babacek and our associations to PE. Stopzet is preparing a separate petition to Polish Parliament. If we reach to formulate a good text before IDAMC, it will be commented too and so on concerning the others petitions – to others national parliaments or UN – if they exist and they promotors manifest the will, to talk about.

Soon we will put on the Web the special website for IDAMC (for a moment in two languages: Polish and English) and we can present there all these texts and invite our visitors to sign. If Peter help us, every pression of button can be connected with the site of authors of petition and transmit the voices.

However, first of all, we want invite all of you to participate at this event via Skype ( we will try to organize the teleconference) or with the video pre-recorded in English and translated with subtitles into Polish.

I will contact you separately for the details but the main idea is to ask all organizers from Berlin to record, if possible, a short presentation (5-7 minutes) and to send it to us via WE TRANSFER at this address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Normally, we would like give you a possibility to participate actively to our discussion via Skype but the danger of malicious actions of secret services is so high that for elimine the risk of interruption of connection and secure your presence at this event we need the plan B.

We realize that you are very busy and the time for realization is very short ( we need the films for 3 february to put the Polish subtitles) but we hope that it could be possible.

The second part of program will be filled with the testimonies of victims of MC. We wil give the opportunity to tell their stories to 2 Poles ( in studio) and 2 foreigners (on video). Mojmir would also present a dramatic case of harassement in Czech Republic.

In the third hour, we project to organize a debate on the mind control problem with the Polish journalists and politicians present in studio and with our foreign guests via Skype.

If you can mobilize for the occasion your friends or contacts, representants of these “professions” or the others representative persons from your countries, we will be happy to enlarge our circle of disputants. It can be done on video too (the limit date of reception – 3th February).

On our website we project to constitute a Honour Committee where the VIPs could express their support for our struggle ( this time just with the usual data: name + function or title)

Finally, we have invited the associations of TIs from all over the world to participate in the project of IDAMC. You will find the details of the formula of this kind of participation in the separate letter but I ask all the disposers of forums or mailing lists of TI? to promote our initiative on putting my letter addressed to the national groups on theirs websites or on sending it to theirs correspondents. Perhaps, in this way, we can show our number, power and determination.

With Janusz, we sincerely apologize to inform you only now but the level of malicious actions of perpetrators against us since Berlin is quite inimaginable and our work seems a real obstacle race. So see you soon at video or Skype…

Warm regards from Wroclaw

Janusz I Ewa


Dr. Rauni Kilde on chips in Mind Control;

Dr. Nick Begich at the Covert Harassment, 2. World Mind Control Conference 2015;

Dr. John Hall Who are the Targeted Individuals? Mind Control Conference 2015;

Etheric Implants by Dr. Henning Witte on 2. Mind Control Conference Berlin;

Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde dead, probably murdered Update 10.2.


Igen ett mind control mord genom 38-åringen som mördade sin mamma med yxa

Tuesday, 02 February 2016 15:03

"I dag startade rättegången mot den 38-årige man som misstänks ha dödat sin mamma med en yxa i Urshult i september.

Mannen har erkänt de faktiska omständigheterna men förnekar uppsåt.

– Han går med på att han har slagit ihjäl sin mamma med en yxa, men han menar att han har varit fjärrstyrd, inte har kunnat kontrollera sitt handlande och inte haft något uppsåt att döda henne, säger kammaråklagare Emma Berge." skriver Expressen. "Enligt vad poliserna senare har uppgivit i förhör gjorde 38-åringen ett förvirrat intryck: han talade om demoner och om att han hör röster i huvudet." (fet genom White TV)

Mind Control offer föreningen EUCACH hade skrivit till DN förra veckan för att uppmärksamma dem på att det kan finnas en tredje variant, att 38-åringen inte är psykisk sjuk och handlade ändå utan uppsåt: när han är fjärrstyrd, under mind control. Men DN svarade aldrig och inslaget de hade om fallet går inte att hitta på Googles sökmotor.

Om journalister inte ständigt skulle mörklägga mind control teknologin, så skulle mindre mord ske med detta. Teknologin att fjärrstyra en människa är över 60 år gammal och extremt förfinat sedan dess.

Mind Control föreningen EUCACH:s historiska tal på Almedalen;

Tankekontroll/Mind Control introduktion av Lars Drudgaard;


Morgellons are a real disease, test for cyborgs

Monday, 18 January 2016 15:57


"Morgellons disease is an uncommon, unexplained skin disorder characterized by sores, crawling sensations on and under the skin, and fiber-like filaments emerging from the score" explains Mayo Clinic.

The fiber like fragments are not organic, but artificial an-organic material. They are a test to create cyborgs, a combination of human and machine, a kind of superrobot. Morgellons are also an aspect of artificial intelligence, which is something very negative, because the plan is to make humans inhuman.

The reason for the research on human guinea pigs, which never gave their consent to that torture, is the ineffectiveness of the mind control weapon. It is rare that you can remote control a human for 100% as Mijailo Mijailovic, the killer of the former Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, who was under Mossad mind control.

The dark forces are not able to get total control over the majority of humans and therefore a combination of human and robot is more convenient for the full spectrum dominance of planet earth, the New World Order.

The film is in Polish, bur the two most important witnesses speak English.

Se även Ivan Björns viktiga bidrag till Mogellons forskningen:

En berättelse om Morgellons sjukdom

Other Morgellons research on White TV:

Morgellons biologisk krigföring mot oss alla;

Chemtrails, Morgellons, HAARP, AI och nanoteknologi skall förslava människor till robotar;

Morgellons orsakad av Chemtrails?


Förbjud trådlös Internet, WIFI, i alla skolor, attackerar främst flickor

Saturday, 16 January 2016 14:17


White TV tittare är säkert redan väl bekant med Dr. Barrie Trower, f.d. MI5 agent, som vill förbättra sin dåliga karma efter alla illdåd han begick under engelsk kommando. Han går nu ut i hela världen och varnar för trådlös Internet och strålning från mobiltelefonteknologin.

I den här föreläsningen sätter han en extra fokus på farorna med trådlös Internet, WIFI, i skolor och förskolor. Barn är extra känsliga för den sortens strålning, som inte kommer främst från mikrovågorna, som är elektromagnetiska vågor. utan från skalärvågorna, som är longitudinella vågor. Dr. Trower har tyvärr inte lärt sig på sina dagar att det finns även skalärvågor och att de är biologiskt relevanta.

Men bortsett från det ger han utmärkta analyser av de stora farorna för barn, i synnerhet flickor, med trådlös Internet. Det förstör mitokondriernas DNS och dessa genetiska skador ärvs av barn och barnbarn, tills alla blir ofruktbara, då även outvecklade kvinnliga ägg skadas allvarligt.

Israel och delar av Frankrike och Italien har redan infört förbjud mot WIFI i skolor och/eller dagis.

Se även i Ny Teknik:


Frankrike bromsar wifi i skolorna




Botemedel mot autism hittat - aluminium och Monsantos glyfosat skall utplåna mänskligheten

Monday, 04 January 2016 23:19

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, en tysk läkare som praktiserat länge i USA, föreläser om sin och andras vetenskapliga forskning hur aluminium och glyfosat från Monsanto i chemtrails och vacciner resp. andra fördelare systematiskt skall förgifta, fördumma och efter två generationer även utplåna så många människor som möjligt. Detta är en extrem viktig och aktuell föreläsning som är ett måste att se. Översättningen till engelska fördröjer tyvärr litet.


Här några skrämmande axplock ur Klinghardts gedigna forskning:

- efter traumata och gifter som aluminium i kroppen skadas vår epigenetik, som är kroppens mekanism att slå av och på olika gener i olika situationer. Dessa skador kan gå i arv och efter två generationer kan biologin slå ut vår fruktbarhet för att skadan inte skall spridas vidare;

- skalärvågorna från mobiltelefoner och deras sändningsmaster skadar också vår epigenetik;

- autism kan vara resultatet av epigenetiska skador;

- idag många gifter i modersmjölken, ett av det värsta är aluminium som då kommer in redan i det ofödda barnet;

- I vacciner tillsätts med flit aluminium och ibland även glyfosat och andra gifter för att skada och mörda så mycket folk som möjligt;

- aluminium, ett av de starkaste gifter, orsakar även minnesförlust;

- USA hotar alla labb med stängning, som analyserar aluminium från chemtrails;

- chemtrails behövs också för att utvidga telefonavlyssning i vissa fall;

- chemtrails skall ändra klimatet;

- snöboll-analyser i Schwarzwald efter chemtrails innehöll massor med gifter;

- i Norge har chemtrails förgiftat så mycket gräs, att kossorna vägrar att äta det, så att vissa bönder var tvungna  att importera gräs som kofoder;

- man har hittat utarmad uran i chemtrails;

- aluminium vållar de flesta neurologiska sjukdomar;

- efter att många slutade röka ökade lungcancer, som är den mest dödliga sjukdomen för kvinnor i USA, då de  förgiftades med chemtrails och annat;

- Monsanto förgiftar våra hjärnor med flit, glyfosat plus aluminium dödliga för hjärnan; hemska studier i Mexiko;

- mobiltelefonstrålning förstör enzymer som tar i tu med aluminiumförgiftningar; snacka om målmedveten konspiration mot homo sapiens!

- USA har flest neurologiska sjukdomar i världen;

- billigt ryskt botemedel mot aluminium-förgiftningar förbjöds direkt i USA, lyssna på föreläsningen, om du vill  veta namnet på medlet;

Annan glyfosat och Monsanto alarm på White TV:

Monsanto anklagas vålla ADHD och autism genom glyfosat;

William Engdahl: EFSA in bed with Monsanto;

Ny bok om chemtrails: De vita linjerna i skyn;

March against Monsanto Stockholm Maj 2015;

Tal efter marschen mot Monsanto Stockholm 2015;

Uppror mot Monsanto och myndigheterna: aldrig har så många vakna marscherat genom Stockholm;

March against Monsanto Stockholm Maj 2014;