Journalisten Michael Collins Piper förmodligen mördad av Mossad med strålningsvapen
Tuesday, 09 June 2015 19:26
Michael Collins Piper (55) hittades död den 30 maj 2015 på ett hotellrum, därför att hans hem hade bränts ner kort innan av fega kräk. Den officiella döden är hjärtattack. Piper var en av USA:s modigaste journalister som vågade peka ut sionister som brottslingar. Han skrev så berömda böcker som The NEW JERUSALEM: Zionist Power in America, The NEW BABYLON: Those Who Reign Suprem,The HIGH PRIESTS of WAR och den banbrytande boken om Kennedy-mordet: Final Judgment som kan laddas ner gratis här. Boken lästes av mig för ca.15 år sedan och är mycket övertygande, att Mossad styrde mordet på JFK.
"Near the beginning of the AFP Hour radio show of 120111 on RBN, Mike says that he has already completed the 7th edition of Final Judgment and it was ready to go to the printers. I wonder what ever happened to that 7th edition. - See more at:" skrivs i en kommentar på AFP.
Att Michael Collins Piper inte redan mördats tidigare kan tyckas förvånande. Han hade en av världens mäktigaste fiender mot sig. Att trigga en hjärtinfarkt med skalärvapen är så enkelt för Mossad. Mossad mördar alltid på ett fegt och lömskt sätt. De vågar aldrig att kämpa öppet och de flesta av deras agenter är så dumma och arroganta, att de inte märker, vilka deras egentliga uppdragsgivare är. Odd Engström fick samma öde kvällen innan han ville prata öppet om sänkningen av M/S Estonia med tyska journalisten Jutta Rabe.
En annan känd amerikansk journalist, senior utgivare av Veterans Today, Gordon Duff, blåste pipan:
"I believe Piper was likely murdered. Moreover, I also believe his heart condition was induced as well. I believe this for reasons, reasons like Michael Hastings and John Wheeler and John O’Neill and Serena Shim and Mike Ruppert and Gary Webb and Roland Carnaby.
I believe it when I find someone who had become vulnerable, an easy target and easy “example” .....
Carefully timed to his death is a distasteful concerted attack on him in Wikipedia that traces back to Israeli intelligence. Those who produced this smear/bio, well outside any Wikipedia guidelines are also regularly tied to cover ups like Charlie Hebdo, the Boston Marathon bombings and Sandy Hook.
It is best to assume Piper was murdered. He was a target, he was living in a hotel in Idaho, he had been living in a cabin but it was “accidentally” burned down. This put him in a hotel where his body could be conveniently found.
I’ve been to this dance before. ........
Attempts to add substance or balance to the Wiki were immediately removed but the garbage stayed, on a page that is earmarked to be continually monitored but one where there is no mention of controversy nor is there any question of the wild and unsubstantiated libelous insanity it carries.
We might want to take a second or two to discuss Wikipedia. Were it not for an army of Tel Aviv and Haifa housewives who work off their welfare payments writing smears and playing the toad in chatrooms and comment boards, the rest of Wikipedia is quite something.
Collins is dead. They will murder more, but let them head into Lebanon first and meet with Hezbollah again."
Michael Collins Piper är redan känd för White TV tittare: