UBS-banken skall böta för guldprismanipulation

Monday, 10 November 2014 22:09


Den schweiziska UBS-bankjätten har tydligen ertappats att manipulera guldpriset. Chefen för guldhandeln i Zürich, André Flotron, fick nyligen sparken i smyg. UBS, HSBC, JP Morgan och några få andra av de största bankdrakarna har sedan länge riggat guldpriset i samarbete med FED och andra centralbanker. De bestämmer guldpriset varje dag efter eget bevåg och tyvärr inte marknaden.

Igår kom Finacial Times med glädjande nyheter:

UBS to settle allegations over precious metals trading

"UBS is to settle allegations of misconduct at its precious metals trading business alongside a planned agreement between UK and US authorities and seven banks over accusations of foreign exchange market rigging.

The Swiss lender is one of a group of banks including Barclays, Citigroup, HSBC, JPMorgan and Royal Bank of Scotland that are set to announce an agreement of at least £1.5bn on Wednesday to settle forex rigging allegations with the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority.

Several US authorities are also expected to be part of the settlement, including the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in the US, while Switzerland’s Finma may also take part. Bank of America Merrill Lynch is also expected to settle but only with US authorities.

UBS is expected to strike a settlement over alleged trader misbehaviour at its precious metals desks with at least one authority as part of a group deal over forex with multiple regulators this week, two people close to the situation said. They cautioned that the timing of a precious metals deal could still slip to a date after the forex agreement.

Regulators around the world have alleged that traders at a number of banks colluded and shared information about client orders to manipulate prices in the $5.3tn-a-day forex market.

UBS has previously disclosed that it launched an internal probe of its precious metals business in addition to its forex investigation. It declined to comment for this article.

Unlike at other banks, UBS’s precious metals and forex businesses are closely integrated. The business units have joint management and the bank’s precious metals staff – who mainly trade gold and silver – sit on the same floor as the forex traders.

One person familiar with UBS’s internal probe said that the bank found a small number of potentially problematic incidents at its precious metals desk."

Många anser att de konstiga "självmord" som spridit sig bland bankanställda på sista tiden hänger ihop med guldprismanipulationen. Vissa kretsar har inget behov av sådana vittnen.

Tyska finansinspektionen BaFin har nu också börjat utreda guld- och silverprismanipulationerna.

Läs även: UBS Investigated For Gold Manipulation Suggesting Gold Inquiry Goes Beyond London Fix

Missa inte det spännande inslaget från Paul Craig Roberts om detta ämne: The Hows and Whys of Gold Price Manipulation

Se även på White TV: UBS Whistleblower Brad Birkenfeld fick 104 milj USD för att tiga om CIA:s pengar till IS;

Olja för guld, nya guldbörser och en konkurrent till SWIFT knäcker USA;

USA har stulit Tysklands guld för att manipulera guldpriset;

Rothschild, sluta manipulera guldpriset!;

Även Valutamarknad manipulerad;

Guld-, silver- och andra marknader ständigt manipulerade;


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