Kent Ekeroth (SD) skrev redan 2010 talrika straffrättsliga reformer som S, M och de andra i Riksdagen saboterade
2021-08-06 13:21
Kent Ekeroth skriver idag på Samnytt:
"Låt mig bara ta några av numera ofantligt många exempel:
The Galactic Federation puts Implants into People without consent, that is a cosmic No-No
2021-07-25 18:37
For me there are more negative aspects to the Galactic Federation than positive ones. Simon Parkes shared that view several years ago. They have to much pyramides and five-pointed stars in their symbols. In the testimony below the lady was abducted by the Grey's, under the surveilliance of the Galactic Federation, when 5 and 9 years old and implanted and remote controlled as a slave by a Reptilian. That is also totaly forbidden!
Today that's not necessary any longer. The Covid-19 PCR-tests and vaccines are organizing the mass implantations for the Reptilians. They are a tool of the Devil.
Se even att WTV:
Staged Alien Salvation next Risk Scenario?
Staged Alien Salvation next Risk Scenario?
2021-07-24 21:48
A staged Alien Invasion was predicted by Wernher von Braun already for almost 50 years ago. Project Bluebeam is well known.
But what about a staged Alien Salvation? That would be a surprise nobody ever heard about. And it would fit if we got help against the Corona Hoax soon. That Alien Salvation would suggest a one World government and the super dictatorship would be perfect.
Se even att WTV:
The Galactic Federation puts Implants into People without consent, that is a cosmic No-No
Frimureriet är satanisternas lömska förtryckarverktyg, mycket välgjord film
2021-05-29 03:55
Tack A för tipset!
Film från David Icke om satanism och #Pizzagate:
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Israels Talpiotteknologi har programmerat Iron Dome att enbart släppa igenom ofarliga raketer
2021-05-23 20:31
I den här intervjun meddelas av en Talpiot-expert att Iron Dome raketförsvaret är så programmerat att släppa igenom enbart ofarliga raketer från Gaza. Så sparas ammunition och det blir en bra pr-effekt mot Hamas och världen hur Israel "attackeras". Hamas är ju som bekant Israels kontrollerade opposition.
Från min 20:28 i filmen nedan
Se även på WTV:
Did Israel cause the Ukrainian Boeing 737-800 crash over Teheran with Talpiot cyber attack?
Reptil Anunnaki Benjamin Netanyahu vill starta WW3 precis till nymånen;