Tre Clinton kritiker mystiskt döda inom en månad

2016-08-05 00:00

Fram till maj 2016 hade redan 47 människor ur makarna Clintons umgängeskrets blivit självmördade eller mördad enligt officiella bekräftelser. I samtliga fall var personerna farliga för makarna Clintons maktgirighet. Samtliga hade kunnat vittna om deras brott och omoraliska handlingar, men tystades för alltid.

Nu kommer alarmerande uppgifter från alternativ media att tre Clinton kritiker gick samma öde till mötes:

"Three Anti-Clinton Officials Found Dead In One Month

Over the last month three anti-Clinton officials have been found dead under suspicious circumstances, amid a widespread media blackout.

DNC staffer, Seth Rich, who had blown the whistle on widespread election fraud within the Democratic Party was found murdered near his home earlier in July. Victor Thorn, a prominent writer and vocal critic of the Clinton’s, was shot to death at the beginning of August. And Shawn Lucas, an official who served the DNC with election fraud papers, was found dead on August 2nd. reports:

On August 1st, Victor Thorn, a seasoned Clinton researcher and writer for American Free Press, was found dead from a gunshot wound on a mountaintop near his home. It was his birthday. He would have been 54 years old.

His death is being called a suicide.

Via AFP:

Best known for his investigate research on the Clintons, Thorn wrote theClinton trilogy —three definitive works that delved into the history of the power couple including their sordid scandals, Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of multiple women, and the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state.

Four days later, and no official press releases have gone out on Thorn’s “apparent” suicide."

Uppgifterna bekräftas av ryska Sputnik, som är en mycket pålitlig källa:


"Shawn Lucas, a man who served the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with a lawsuit suggesting that the Party heavily favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the primary election, has suddenly died under unspecified circumstances.  ...

The lawsuit, triggered before the notorious WikiLeaks revelations, charged the DNC then-chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz with fraud. On July 22, a batch of some 20,000 internal DNC emails was made public, confirming the allegations that the organization had been playing into the Clinton camp’s hands."

Folk dör som flugor runt Clinton gänget, men gammelmedia tiger.

Bättre med Hilary som sprider döden omkring sig än med Donald som säger opassande saker tycker fuljournalisterna tydligen.

Tack K för tipset!

Upd. 18 aug 16: Läs även:


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