Staten Iran våldtar och torterar kvinnor som förtrycks av sharialagen
2017-05-17 20:22
Russia Today (RT) kom häromdagen med nya larm om kvinnoförtryck i den shariastyrda Iran:
Iranian woman to wash dead bodies in morgue for 2 years in adultery sentence
The 35-year-old female, who initially denied accusations, admitted her guilt after the investigators provided incontestable proof of adultery, according to the Iranian Students’ News Agency (ISNA).
After the confession, her lover was also arrested and put on trial, with the court announcing its verdict in the case on Saturday.
The judges handed the woman a punishment of 74 lashes and ordered her to wash bodies in a morgue for the next two years." (fet genom WTV)
Iran: New law legalizes suppression of women
"The suppressive plan of “Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice” gives the legal authority to Basij para-military force and state security forces to arrest youth and women with any excuse and anyone objecting this, is considered an offender." skriver NCRI.
Sexuell tortyr och våldtäkter mot kvinnor är ständig praxis i iranska fängelser. Ju vackrare kvinnan är desto mer måste hon lida, säger rapporten Raped out of Paradise, som kan laddas ner här. Många våldtäktsoffer begår självmord efteråt. Kurdiska kvinnor behandlas extra grymt av den iranska staten, precis som i Erdogans nya sultanat Turkiet.
Evin fängelset i Iran har ett särskilt dåligt rykte:
"Torture against women in Evin
Girls in Evin Prison are systematically raped by the guards and their torturers. The sexual assault against prisoners are not confined to girls; from teenagers to aging women, all female prisoners are constantly exposed to this savage treatment. Many women prisoners loss their sanity as a result of being raped repeatedly by the guards."
Läs även:
Iranian Women Prisoners Detail Torture: ‘Death Was Like a Desire’
"WOMAN (through translator): I was scared to death. The first thing he did was lick my face with his tongue. Then, he started touching my bra and all over my body. I was crying, "Please, please don't. I am innocent. I'm a virgin."
He said, "No, you are not a virgin anymore."
Then he raped me. After he raped me, he urinated on me, on my whole body.
CORRESPONDENT: Layla said her torture didn't end there.
WOMAN (through translator): Then I heard the sound of the whip in the air, and then felt it on my body. Then he untied my hands and he started caressing my arm like a lover. I felt something burning me just for a second. I screamed and he slapped me. He put out his cigarette on my left hand.
He put out another cigarette on my knee. I was still lost in the first and second pain when I felt another cigarette on my chest, another cigarette on back of my feet, another, another, and another, a pack of 20 cigarettes put out on my body.
CORRESPONDENT: Layla showed me the scars from the cigarette burns, but was too afraid to let them be filmed." rapporterar Reveal News.
Det är mycket oklokt av den iranska ledningen att förtrycka kvinnor så extremt. I synnerhet nu, när USA försöker svartmåla Iran med alla medel för att starta WW3. Men mullorna i Iran är naturligtvis lika mycket under jinn-kontroll (länken blockerad av Google, då är den farlig) som de amerikanska är under demonisk kontroll, och dessa varelser behöver kvinnoförtrycket för att kunna kalasa på energin som kommer från kvinnornas lidande.
Det är en skandal att den svenska regeringen fortfarande inte har förbjudit tillämpningen av sharia-lagar i Sverige. Det sitter dåliga feminister på UD och resten av regeringen. Vårt nya parti Populitserna har sharia-förbud med som nytt krav. FN borde bannlysa den gryma sharia-lagen över hela världen!
Den första filmen är på svenska.