Ny engelsk studie hittade också icke registrerad grafenoxid i AstraZenecas och andras vacciner, Upd 12.2. namninsamling

Thursday, 10 February 2022 15:11

Obs! Studien innehåller inga namn på forskare eller labbet som gjorde den, inga namn på journalister, bara Mark Playne, och inga för lekmän enkla bevis. Det finns bara en källa.

Jag skrev såhär till Dr Mikael Nordfors idag 12 februari:

Hej Mikael,

Hoppas du mår bra!

Jag är väldigt osäker om detta är en MI6 fake news kampanj eller en äkta studie. De fem femuddigga stjärnor och orden Intelligence  Defence & Security bådar inte gott. Och inga forskarnamn.

H d Henning.

Det finns därför en risk att denna nyhet är fake news.

Update 12 Februari 2022: the new UK Lab Report

"Months of work have been validated.

Over the past year we have lined up labs and spent months trying to get a sample vial of the vaccine - but failed.
Meanwhile, someone in the UK has just succeeded!
The results are in.
Graphene is confirmed!
A UK lab has analysed a sample using RAMAN Spectroscopy and found Graphene.
(RAMAN Spectroscopy is the same technique used by Dr Campra in Spain to confirm GO in Spanish samples)
The sample was obtained by a UK doctor who kept the vital chain of evidence intact meaning the analysis will stand up in the UK courts.
A British Medical Practitioner came forward in December 2021 offering to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr’s Noack and Campra could be replicated in the UK and also to examine the COVID-19 injection vials for the discovery of toxins or unexpected contents.
Further vials have since been obtained which cover the three main manufacturers in the UK: Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca.
A summary of the findings detailed in the attached quality assured report is as follows: RAMAN Spectroscopy discovered the following particles -
SP3 Carbon
Iron Oxide
Carbon derivatives
Glass shards"
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