Anthony Fauci torterade tusentals barn till döds i olagliga medicinska "experiment"! Dagens Mengele!

Monday, 30 December 2024 22:48

Once hailed as America’s doctor, Anthony Fauci is now compared by many to the infamous Nazi, Dr. Josef Mengele - and for good reason.

Like Mengele, Fauci is a psychopath who has pushed science into the realm of sadism and there is an unmarked mass grave in New York state bearing witness to his sickness.

Behind the accolades and the white lab coat lies a chilling legacy: experiments on vulnerable children, lives destroyed, hundreds of child-sized coffins, and a trail of evidence too damning to ignore.

One thing is clear - this isn’t just a scandal. It’s a crime against humanity. And while President Biden seems determined to grant Fauci a sweeping, career-spanning pardon to shield him from justice, others are fighting back.


Se även på WTV:

USA:s Anthony Fauci skapade Covid-19 biovapnet i labb, han är en av historiens värsta massmördare!;

15 US-myndigheter visste redan 2018 att Fauci betalar Wuhan-labb utveckla biovapnet Covid-19! CIA mörklade;