26.12.2024 när folk firar jul släpps en Covid CIA biovapen bomb som underrättelsetjänsterna hemlighållit Upd 30.12.24

Friday, 27 December 2024 00:00

Källa: Wuhan CIA COVID -19 biolabb



Annandag jul 2024, när folk har bättre för sig än att läsa skräptidningar släpps bevis i USA att COVID-19 tillverkades under ledning av Anthony Fauci med US-pengar i Wuhan Institute of Virology i Kina som hemligt biovapen med gain of function forskning, vilket betyder att "vaccinet" skal mörda så många som möjligt! Alltså inga djur som smittat människor!

"Spy chiefs “silenced” researchers in the Defense Department and FBI who discovered strong evidence that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a Chinese lab, The Post has learned.

As a result, their findings were kept out of an August 2021 report to President Biden on the origins of the global pandemic. .....

After the pandemic erupted in Wuhan, China, three scientists from the Defense Intelligence Agency began trying to figure out exactly where it came from — whether SARS-CoV-2 jumped from bats into humans, or whether the virus was man-made and came from a lab accident.

The “zoonotic origin” theory was backed by powerful members of the public health establishment, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, and questions about a possible “lab leak” were repeatedly dismissed as a conspiracy theory.  .....

The analysis was conducted by John Hardham, Robert Cutlip and Jean-Paul Chretien, three scientists in the Defense Intelligence Agency’s National Center for Medical Intelligence, which is tasked with examining potential biological weapons threats and dangerous infectious diseases.


Among their damning findings:

The COVID virus contained a feature allowing for easier transmission to humans that was constructed in a manner similar to that described in a years-old Chinese study

A Chinese military researcher applied for a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine just weeks after the virus was first sequenced in 2020. (He later died after falling from the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology’s roof, according to US investigators.)

WIV researchers worked with US researchers who trained them to construct viruses without leaving a trace of them being engineered.


Rather than amplifying these findings, they were all but ignored as Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines was preparing her report on COVID origins — which Biden ordered in May 2021."

Den extremt osympatiska Haines var biträdande CIA-chef under Obama. Fauci hade aktiverat CIA (eller tvärtom) att mörklägga hans Covid-forskning och -massmord och f d EcoHealth VP Dr. Andrew Huff avslöjade att EcoHealth Alliance och Hunter Biden’s Metabiota styrde Biolabs (bl a i Ukraina mot etniska ryssar) finansierade av CIA.

The New York Post fortsätter: "The spy chiefs further forbade the scientists from sharing the information with Congress — even after Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) expressly requested them in a March 2021 letter — or from rebutting a since-disgraced March 2020 paper — prompted by Fauci — that sought to discredit the lab leak theory.  ....

Cutlip, Hardham and Chretien in their investigation had determined that a region of a “spike protein” that permitted the virus to get into human cells mirrored methods described in a 2008 Chinese paper that had been developed in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The paper was published by researchers at the now-infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), where the US government funded so-called “gain-of-function” research, which increases the infectiousness of viruses, long before the pandemic.

Dr. Shi Zhengli, the notorious “bat lady” at the WIV, and her team of virologists also trained up on their techniques at a US lab in Galveston, Texas, where they learned how to make a whole coronavirus genome with “seamless assembly,” according to sources close to the probe who believe the trick was likely used to construct the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Additionally, Zhou Yusen, a Chinese military researcher who worked with the WIV, applied for a COVID vaccine patent on Feb. 24, 2020 — a feat that must have taken at least six months’ work to complete despite SARS-CoV-2 not being fully sequenced until the end of January 2020.

“He had to have that sequence well before,” one source added, pointing out how Zhou also plummeted to his death from WIV’s roof in May 2020, US investigators later claimed.  .....

The COVID-19 virus is believed to have killed over 1.2 million Americans since its inception around late 2019 into early 2020."












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