Påven inblandad i barnsexskandal, ärkebiskop Vigano som avslöjade rädd för sitt liv
Wednesday, 03 October 2018 21:55
F. d. ambassadören från Vatikanen (nuntius) i USA, ärkebiskop Carlo Maria Vigano, är rädd för sitt liv. Han är en katolsk whistleblower att Påven kände till barsexskandaler i den katolska kyrkan, men sopade dem under mattan för att skydda brottslingarna.
The Archbishop Currently Exposing Vatican Pedophilia Fears For His Life & Flees The Country"A high-ranking Vatican Official, Carlo Maria Vigano, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States and Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City, recently released a huge statement implicating Pope Francis in the cover-up of sexual abuse within the Vatican. We’ve covered numerous stories of pedophilia, torture and ‘Satanic’ rituals within the Vatican; this latest disclosure of sexual abuse is the most recent to emerge, and most likely will not be the last one. .....
The document offers information on “who in the hierarchy knew what, and when, about the crimes of Cardinal McCarrick.” The testimony implicates multiple high-ranking officials within the church, including Pope Francis.
Now, what’s being reported as the latest news, which is never covered (at least not appropriately) by mainstream media, is the Vigano has fled the country in fear for his life. We don’t know this for sure, but it would not be surprising. Whistleblowing is very dangerous, and the powers that be make it nearly impossible to do. If there is any way to help, it’s with more publicity. With enough publicity, a death makes it even worse for ‘them.’"
Annat om påvarnas ruttenhet på WTV:
Nya pedofilanklagelser mot ex-påven Joseph Ratzinger + Bilderberggrundaren prins Bernhard;
Upprop att Påven och Vatikanen skall agera mot barnsex;