HAARP och Chemtrails orsakade Frankenstorm Sandy

2012-10-30 22:13

Enligt filmerna nedan finns det starka misstankar, att HAARP i kombination med chemtrails orsakade Frankenstorm Sandy. Kolla HAARP kartan som visar att antennskogen i Alaska och Gud vet vilka andra orter har kört på maxfart, se kartan här under.

Källa: http://exopermaculture.com/2012/10/27/frankenstorm-sandy-haarp-u-s-elections-and-mercury-srx-wtf/

White TV kör med omvänd bevisbörda, när tunga indicier kan påvisas, som i det här fallet. Då skall Obama-regeringen visa motsatsen. Fram tills det påstår vi, att HAARP ligger bakom stormen Sandy.

Jim Stone är inne på samma spår:

"I have a few questions

1. How could they predict "sandy" would hit New York when it was still in the Gulf?

2. How can Sandy be a category 1, with a strong category 4 barometric reading of 940??

3. How can Sandy build strength going north, when we are heading into winter? Hurricanes never build strength in the North Atlantic, hurricanes need tropical heat, and Sandy is well out of the tropics.

4. Why is this happening at election time?

Interesting it is that Sandy built up strength as it approached land, where the weather machines work the best. This is the false flag terror in the name of the environment I warned everyone about with the Fukushima report, and it's too bad so many big players did not adequately spread the word a year ago, when it was needed. A few big players did. And now, I am not so certain it won't be horrible when it makes landfall, the only saving grace is that it will be a relatively dry hurricane. Little good that will do when it bumps up against that cold front they have ready and waiting. A strong category 1 changes the equation, I would bet that they will stall it now, and beef it up where it sits as much as possible. It's like watching Fukushima in slow motion, this could really be another big one. I thought they had lost it, but it looks like they recovered it, either that or the media is lying about it.

It is obvious our enemy is within. I have a hunch that regardless of outcome, what the reservist said farther down the page is probably going to be implemented. Hopefully not nationwide, but I would not place any bets against that possibility.

"Hurricane Sandy" is definitely a "haarp" storm"


Kolla in även White TV:s inslag om morgellons i samband med chemtrails, chemtrails och den praktiska Monsanto-konspirationen, meteorologer borde känna till chemtrails, Congressman Dennis Kucinich erkänner chemtrails officiellt, chemtrails en stor okänd fara, jetplan stänger av sin chemtrail, och den viktiga intervjun med Pernilla Hagberg (MP) från Vingåker,

Se och läs även: http://www.infowars.com/iran-accuses-u-s-of-using-weather-weapons/

Titta även på tidigare inslag från White TV ang. HAARP: HAARP har Plasma-Kikarsikte, Planeten Jord missbruks som vapen, HAARP Magnetometern bevisar japanska tsunami massmordet, NASA data bekräftar att HAARP utlöste Japan tsunamin, Ryska Väder-vapen, Jordbävning på 10km djup = Indikation på HAARP, US-försvarsminister medger vädervapen, Hillary Clinton kontrollerar EISCAT i Tromsø, Tjernobylkatastrofen orsakades av USA, HAARP terroriserar Kina-Sverige medskyldig?, Sveriges delaktighet i amerikanska HAARP, Chemtrails, Morgellons och HAARP skall avla den nya robotmänniskan,