Ryska journalister som dödades igår var på väg att rapportera om en massaker i Shchastye

2014-06-18 17:13

Källa: Russia Today: Rossiya TV journalist Igor Kornelyuk (R) and sound engineer Anton Voloshin (L) dödad

FN:s säkerhetsråd, som hittils skyddat nazistjuntan i Kiev, har idag trots allt krävt en utredning om morden på talrika journalister i den östra delen av Ukraina. "The statement also called for an investigation into violence against reporters, and expressed anxiety about journalists being detained and harassed as part of the battle to control information about the situation in Ukraine." rapporterar Deutsche Welle.

I Igor Kornelyuks kropp hittades sedan en krypskyttekula. De var alltså kallblodigt mord.

"Två andra journalister som arbetar för rysk statlig tv hävdar att de misshandlats av ukrainska nationalister, enligt AFP. Journalisterna uppger att de togs de tillfånga vid en kontrollpunkt i östra Ukraina i lördags, varpå de fördes till en källarlokal där de förhördes av medlemmar i ultranationalistiska Högra sektorn. När de inte svarade rätt på frågor ska de ha blivit slagna. Nationalisterna ska också ha hotat att döda journalisterna och krävt 200.000 dollar för deras frigivning." rapporterar DN/TT.

källa: Right sector militants are roaming the streets of atm and killing, arresting russian sympathizers

Översättning från http://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=1692984 Ukraine: in the village of Happiness punitive cut out almost all the local population 16.06.2014 22:57 Author: Igor Korneluk Tweet Save 344 A few hours ago Lugansk militia destroyed mortar calculation of the Ukrainian nazvanii. During the battle near the village of Happiness reportedly killed about forty military - those that's all the last days indiscriminately shelled the outskirts of Luhansk of heavy artillery. . Their fault already killed more than a hundred civilians. Destroyed dozens of houses. Reporting from the war zone. The road to the front line empty. Road connections between the suburbs of the city of Lugansk and the village Happiness, where is heading the national guard under Ukraine, interrupted. Near the gas station burns truck and it seems that no one was around. However, this is not the case, the militia found his way around. Its position was asked at the camera does not shoot. Of the three possible variants of the attack on Lugansk active combat operations are conducted only here - in the borders of the village of Metalist and Happiness. All night and all day today, the national guard under firing at the positions of the militia of heavy artillery, including tanks and howitzers. According to the fighters, artillery fires are illiterate, without a spotter. Therefore, the missiles hit, anywhere. Humanitarian corridors, too, and not to expose civilians danger, all machines militias deploy and return to Lugansk, even on the distant approaches. About what is happening in the village of Happiness, captured by the national guard under, there's a lot of alarming information. "In the village of Happiness is now undergoing a massive cleaning. Kill civilians, cut women and children, all from 16 to 50 years - cut out completely. This information is obtained from a woman who directly lives there. A neighbor of one of my fellow soldiers," says the soldier of army of the South-East nicknamed "the Lizard". Control of the village of Happiness militia lost in the night of June 13 after a massive air RAID and blow tanks. To lose control of the current checkpoint they do not intend - from here Lugansk sweep a few miles. Again firing, to stay at the roadblock dangerous. From attacks of nazvanii, suffering, primarily civilians. The number of victims is already in hundreds. In the village of Lugansk to stop the advance guards, residents blew up the pedestrian bridge. He was a natural barrier on the highway. During the last attack there killed three people. At the checkpoint, still stands shot by the Germans "Zhiguli". The driver was killed on the spot.

"This time of the morning. Many went to the market, there are many vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers brought to market. And came under fire," says the fighter of self-defense Sergey. In stanitsa hospital silence. The staff went on vacation, part simply fled. The chambers were only seriously ill. Nurses are asked them not to shoot, I'm afraid that the national guard under blame in cooperation with the militia. Shelter there, we agreed to show only a damp basement, where under fire on hands will transfer patients. Supply of water made in advance. Hope for a better outcome, there is only fear and despair.

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