Joe Bidens dotter Ashley anklagar fadern för pedofila övergrepp i sin dagbok som bekräftas av FBI, update 11.11.viktig

2021-11-09 23:17

FBI har indirekt bekräftat att Ashley Bidens dagbok (ovan) är äkta. Där anklagar hon i förtäckta ord sin far Joe Biden för att ha utsatt henne för pedofila övergrepp. Hon är 39 och hans yngsta dotter.

"The diary also suggested that the younger Biden was sexually molested as a child."

"The diary was started while the author was in a drug rehabilitation facility in Florida, and details her romantic interests, crumbling marriage, struggle with drug and sex addiction, and family life as her father began to run for president.


National File’s whistleblower also has a recording of Ashley Biden admitting the diary is hers, and employed a handwriting expert who verified the pages were all written by Ashley. National File has in its possession a recording of this whistleblower detailing the work he did to verify its authenticity.

In the recording, the whistleblower also adds that his media organization chose not to release the documents after receiving pressure from a competing outlet.


fact that the author believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father, the months of entries detailing the author’s struggle with drug abuse, the entries that detail the author’s crumbling marriage with multiple affairs, the entries showing the family’s fears of a potential scandal due to her brother’s new home, and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation."


I intervjun berättar ett barnsexoffer hur först hennes mor och sedan socialtjänsterna "hyrde" ut henne till överklassens pedofiler i Hollywood eller Senaten. Hon berättar om underjordiska tunnlar där man slussade henne till pedofilernas sexövergrepp och tortyr. Hon ger ett trovärdigt intryck.


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