Fransk polis: 78% av ensamkommande skäggbarn är vuxna; ingen överraskning!

2021-05-08 21:10

"The Paris police prefecture has thus set up an innovative system. The fingerprints of those arrested are sent via the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ) and the Directorate of International Cooperation (DCI) to the Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian authorities, which check their own files. Paris then receives a response within four to eight weeks.

Fifteen months after the implementation of this procedure, Le Figaro published an interesting result: Out of 1,162 requests, the DSPAP has already received 330 formal identifications, establishing that 263 of these individuals are adults. That means that 78.7 percent of these so-called foreign minors lied about their age."


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