Vatikanen var en av brottslingarna i US-valfusket med italienska satelliter, upd 10.01.2021
2021-01-07 15:30
Många av de amerikanska rösträkningsdatorerna var uppkopplade till italienska militära krypteringssatelliter som koordinerade det historiska valfusket i USA. Dessa satelliter är under Vatikanens kontroll, seglandes under falsk italiensk flagga. Vatikanen har alltid varit ett av Reptiloidernas viktigaste förtryckarvertyg så att påven inte är Guds ställföreträdare på jorden utan djävulens.
Denna upptäckt på juldagen var både en julklapp och ett fördröjningsmoment i kampen att avslöja valfusket och att visa att Trump vunnit en historisk jordskredsseger november 2020.
Simon Parkes uppgifter bekräftas av ett vittnesmål av en IT-expert inför en italiensk domstol:
"The voting machines were connected to the internet and the vote tallies were carried to servers in Frankfurt, Germany. From there they passed down via a Leonardo mini satellite to the American Embassy in Rome where two data scientists from MI6, supervised by someone from the State Department, manipulated the vote tallies. When news of this activity broke in the Italian media, it caused a massive crisis for the Prime Minister there. The corrupt, fake media in the US, here and the rest of Europe, understandably, haven't touched it." skriver Gisborneherald från Nya Zeeland.
"It was a solemn day in a federal court room in Rome, when Arturo d’Ello took the stand. The former employee of the 8th largest defense contractor in the world Leonardo SpA — which is partially owned by the Italian government –began his shocking testimony with the usual swearing in on the Bible. That was the last thing that was ordinary about the day.
As the crowd gasped, he outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy to help Dominion steal the U.S. election for Joseph Biden. He explained how recent reports of a hack at Leonardo were orchestrated to cover their tracks.
The news connects the dots between Eric Coomer’s actions for Dominion Voting Systems in the U.S., the CIA raid in Frankfurt, Germany to protect Dominion’s servers and destroy the evidence of election fraud, and now the actions at Leonardo in Italy.
It even ropes in the deep state in the U.S. government. According to the Federal Enquirer, the U.S. government has awarded $1 billion in contracts to Leonardo SpA in the last year." rapporterar Shockya.
"You are about to see proof that the Vatican is now implemented in The Steal. Many reading this may wonder as to why the Vatican would involve itself in a so-called American election. The Answer is because America has been operated (occupied) by agents of the CROWN – VATICAN for over 150 years and when Trump took office he moved to take back our nation from the Black Nobility Child Sacrificing Crime cartel behind the Crown (Vatican) criminal Luciferian cabal. The following will help frame the latest expose on the Vatican / Crown involvement in The CROWN [Vatican] UNITED STATES CORPORATION Election Steal [which never was an American election]! Three videos at the end of this post will help you better understand why this was a CROWN UNITED STATES Corporation election and not an American election!" skriver Beforeitsnews.
Det amerikanska valfuskexemplet visar hur Reptiloidernas makttentakler omfattar hela planeten. Många kallar det nuförtiden för Deep State, djupa staten, i brist på kunskap om Reptilierna, Rymdödlorna.
Se även på WTV: CIA-chefen tjuvhöll valfusk-bevis i Frankfurt, mördade US-soldater
Drako-reptilerna hjälpte Hitler