Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 is also supposed to fight Corona

2020-04-15 19:33

"Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, H2O2 may help fight the coronavirus, according to Dr. Thomas Levy. He said people can utilize hydrogen peroxide using its aerosolized form in a standard nebulizer.

Levy suggested using at least a 3 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide. It is important to know that some products have higher concentrations and people should inhale only 3 percent." reports Medical Daily.

Shop: https://shop.endlich-schmerzfrei.net/en/produkt/h2o2-special/

If you don't want to be infested by the Corona-Panic, you can actively protect yourself now. H2O2 is the all-purpose weapon that neutralizes viruses and other pathogens, so diseases are choked in the germ. No matter what the corona hysteria is all about, you should take the wind out of the sails and directly neutralize viruses with the help of H2O2.

H2O2 is also referred to as Oxygen-Water because it brings Atomic Oxygen O into the body and helps with many diseases. The immune system produces H2O2 constantly, but we can raise the H2O2-levels a bit by supplying it. Unfortunately, this important knowledge is still hidden and suppressed. There's only one option left: Self-Medication! You can now help yourself with this video.

The measures for Corona could escalate further. Self-report at the doctor to voluntarily get sick from toxic medication or forced vaccinations are the wrong strategies. You need to help yourself now and spread the message in your community, in your family, company, sports club etc. Pass on the information to the corporate bosses, maybe they'll finally listen when their financial existence is at risk. You can spray H2O2 into the air in the house / office or inhale it using a nasal pump spray to clean the lungs. In order to protect against acute infectious diseases, H2O2 can be sprayed in the ears, throat and nose.

Anyone who implements this solution for themselves realizes that Corona unfortunately costs us our freedom and the entire social life will be paralyzed. Even politics and the economy are powerless and must watch teeth grinding. The Expert-Talk with Bio-Chemist Dr. Jochen Gartz at the Health-Meeting in Germany makes it obvious that H2O2 is a real Miracle Cure that can be used for so many diseases.

Interview topics:

* H2O2 destroys pathogenic anaerobic viruses, bacteria, fungi, spores...
* Self-medication: Applications of A-Z in all diagnoses
* Documented successes-stories in medicine since 150 years
* Bio-Hacking: Boost the immune system with Atomic Oxygen O
* H2O2 generates O = Atomic Oxygen that cleans the body
* Inhalation by Bill Munro - cured lung cancer and prostate cancer
* Never again sick! Companies can keep their employees healthy
* H2O2 is far superior to all other remedies
* Comparison with MMS, DMSO, Black Salve, Colloidal Silver...
* Nikki Lauda - Summer flu escalates through conventional medicine

Hydrogen superoxide is a forgotten remedy that improves the body's oxygen supply, efficiently eliminates, cleanses and disinfects pathogens and prevents diseases. H2O2 special without toxic stabilizers in highly energized, hexagonal, double-distilled primal water can be found here: https://shop.endlich-schmerzfrei.net/en/produkt-kategorie/ears/ <https://shop.endlich-schmerzfrei.net/en/produkt-kategorie/ears/>

Also important homepage on Chlordioxide ClO2 CDS: https://andreaskalcker.com/en/

Se även om kolloidalt silver mot Corona på WTV:

Kvacksalvaren Björn Olsen konspirerar mot kolloidalt silver, Akademiska sjukhuset bör avskeda honom;

Tips från en tittare:

Hej! Tydligen är Väteperoxid H2O2 borttaget från Apotekets sortiment! Det står så i varje fall i Fass. Även andra mediciner har man tagit bort trots att de registrerades och blev godkända redan 2018! Kommer inte ihåg men det var medicin som stärkte immunförsvaret. TT



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