Inga bilder på flickor eller spädbarn ifrån Trumps barnläger. USA vållade flykten från Mellanamerika!

2018-06-20 18:30

källa; även stora delar av USA:s befolkning är jätte förbannad över Trumps barnövergrepp

Det är inte bara White TV som ser ett smaband mellan Trumps barnläger och pedofilringarna i USA. The Free Thought Project gör det också (tack David Icke för länken):

‘Where are the Girls?’: Child Trafficking Feared as DHS Can’t Say Where Immigrant Girls are Being Held

Fears of child trafficking are rising as independent media and citizens realize that the only footage of children refugees is boys. DHS was asked where the girls are, and they could not answer.

......  There is something particularly disturbing about the minuscule amount of footage recently released by HHS last week—it only shows boys, and only boys age 10 and up. Where are the girls? Where are the toddlers? Where are the babies?

... Are the places where girls are kept so disturbing that none of this footage can be released?

According to official policy, the government does not remove toddlers and babies from their mothers. However, as TFTP reported, a mother from Honduras who came to the U.S. seeking asylum with her family said she was breastfeeding her infant at a detention center when her baby was suddenly taken from her with no warning and no explanation.

Now, the question of “where are the girls?” has become such an issue that it made its way to the White House and a reporter asked Department of Homeland Security Chief Kirstjen Nielsen.

Monday afternoon, during a White House press briefing, a reporter asked, “Why is the government only releasing images of the boys being held? Where are the girls & toddlers?

Nielsen could not answer. When asked about the now infamous footage released by HHS that has been played all day on every major network, showing boys inside the Brownsville, Texas Walmart turned detention center, Nielsen claimed she never saw it.

When pressed on the issue, Nielsen then deflected the reporter claiming that she will “look into that.”



Since the question of “where are the girls?” began to gain traction, a firestorm has erupted on social media of people fearing the worst. Many people are claiming that they are being trafficked or abused. Indeed, as TFTP reported yesterday, a police officer was arrested for abusing one of these little girls and threatening her undocumented mother with deportation if she spoke up."

"Recently White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly backed up the policy when he explained that, “the children will be put in foster care or whatever.” This comes at the same time as a new report revealed that there are some 1,500 undocumented children, who have been placed by federal authorities in homes of “sponsors,” and are now missing in the system." skriver Counterpunch idag.

"A closed Walmart has been taken over to warehouse 1400 of them in Texas while the Department of Health and Human Services is considering shipping the children to military bases." Där finns ofta underjordiska baser där miljoner barn har försvunnit under det senaste århundradet. Där möts satanister ofta, då militären förhindrar att polis eller andra kan rädda barnen.

"This is not the first time that the policy of the U.S. government has been to forcibly separate children from their families. Beginning in 1862 and lasting for over 100 years over 40,000 Native American children from 62 tribes were forced from their families into Christian missionary run “schools” separating them not just from their families but from their history and culture as well. The schools emphasis was not on education but on discipline and punishment. The trauma from this mass separation continues in Indian communities to this day."

Till råga på allt så är det USA som har förstört länderna i Mellanamerika genom sin kriminella knark- och vapenpolitik. USA har sedan 1800-talet manipulerat regeringarna hos sina grannländer för att ha makt över båda de amerikanska kontinenterna.

Under kvällen kommer nyheter, att Trumps hustru Melania skall ha lyckats att han ångrar sig och kommer förbjuda barnfängelserna för migranterna. Men Trump kan man aldrig lita på. Återstår att se om han igen bryter ett löfte till det amerikanska folket.

Expressen skriver med all rätt: "Experter varnar för att familjerna kanske aldrig kan återförenas. Barnlägren drar skam över "the land of the free"." Så även om Trump stoppar barntortyren nu, så kan det vara för sent för många barn ändå, särskild flickorna. De är kanske redan i händerna på satanisterna ....

Mycket skamligt att Katarina Janouch (partiet Medborgerlig Samling) och alla de andra semi-alternativa media tiger om den här extrema barnskandalen i Trumps USA. Ofria Fria Tider har stött Trumps barntortyr hela tiden genom att tiga om det. Trots detta har de den omoraliska osmakligheten att hänga ut Peter Fonda för sin överdrivna kritik mot Trump. Denna överdrift är dock tusen gånger bättre än tigandet från ofria Fria Tider. Ytterligare ett bevis att de fjärrstyrs av negativa krafter och är kontrollerad opposition.

Läs även:

US officials took baby daughter from mother while she breastfed in immigration detention centre, says attorney


Here’s How the Government Managed to Lose Track of 1,500 Migrant Children

The problem is getting “even more disturbing” under Trump, says an expert on immigrant detention.

se även på WTV:

Trumps kidnappning av migrationsbarn hjälper pedofiler + satanister som styr USA;



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