Risk för kemisk attack från ISIS

2016-06-12 21:28

"– En kemisk attack är nog det mest troliga, säger Fjellström i podcasten Sporthuset." alarmerar t.o.m. Expressen! (röd genom White TV)

"Inte om – utan när"

källa: Reports from Syria and Iraq have confirmed that the Islamic State (Isis) used improvised chemical bombs against civilians and Kurdish militia groups in many of its recent suicide attacks.

ISIL Equips Suicide-Attackers with Chemical Bombs

varnar persiska FARS News:

"The ISIL has equipped its terrorists with chemical bombs to use them in suicide attack in Iraq, Syrian or any other country," General Akram Mohammad Abdulrahman said, adding, "The ISIL suicide-attackers will use both explosive and chemical material simultaneously in their attacks."

"The ISIL has trained scores of youngsters to take part in such attacks," the YPG general said.

In May, an intergovernmental organization warned of the “extremely worrying” signs that ISIL terrorist group could be developing chemical weapons of its own.

Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Ahmet Uzumcu said that the Takfiri terrorist group might have already used them both in Iraq and Syria.

Uzumcu said fact-finding teams from The Hague-based watchdog have discovered evidence that suggest the use of sulfur mustard in attacks in the two crisis-hit Arab countries."

ISIS planning 'dirty bomb' terror attack on European city claims nuclear expert

skriver The Mirror:

"A 'dirty bomb' terror attack on a European city is more likely than at any time since the end of the Cold War, nuclear experts claim.

Islamic State terrorists want to seize nuclear materials to strike terror in the West and have already launched many chemical attacks in Iraq and Syria.

The group attacked rebels and government forces in Iraq and Syria and militants linked to both the Paris and Brussels attacks are thought to have studied a Belgian nuclear power plant.

Moshe Kantor, head of the Luxembourg Forum on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe, warned: “ISIS has already carried out numerous chemical weapons attacks in Syria . We know it wants to go further by carrying out a nuclear attack in the heart of Europe.  ...

Brussels suicide bomber brothers Khalid and Ibrahim El Bakraoui had originally planned an attack on a nuclear site in Belgium and had filmed the routine of the head of Belgium’s nuclear research and development programme."


Läs här om tidigare kemiska vapen som ISIS har använt:

Over 600 people injured in ISIS chemical attack as jihadi group's triple suicide bomb assault is foiled by Kurdish forces in Iraq

Hemska filmer efter kemiska ISIS-attacker från CNN kan ses här:


Turkey commanding Daesh near Syria’s Aleppo: Russia

liknande varningar på White TV:

Stor risk för smutsig bomb med Iridium-192 från ISIS-terroristerna;


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