Walmart seems to build secret prisons and FEMA camps

2016-02-15 22:36


USA is developing with quick steps to a total dictatorship. Police violence is reported daily. Jade Helm. Obama is almost without power. Wall Street is pulling the strings. Well-paid private companies take over what the state should do and therefore are more difficult to control. They don't have to obey to public law, which protects the people's interests.

Were Mysterious Wal Mart Jail Cells Discovered In Texas? New TV Series Out This Fall Warns: 'Freedom Is Under Control'

Liknande på White TV: USA sätter författningen ur spel för att starta krig i hela världen utan folkets kontroll;

Government Sachs Sucks;

Byggs en underjordisk bas under Hallandsåsens tunnel?;

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