Var Parisattackerna redan på Twitter och Wikipedia innan de ägde rum?
2015-11-17 18:33
Det är möjligt, att denna information är felaktig och planterad med flit för att svartmåla alternativa media, för att de gör det jobb, som gammelmedia egentligen borde göra. Samma sak gäller de obekräftade uppgifterna om en övning samma dag, den 13 november 2015, när Parisattackerna hände.
White TV har inte kompetensen att kunna avgöra eller kontrollera om uppgifterna är äkta, att attackerna på minst sex olika platser i Paris skulle redan blivit publicerade i förväg på Twitter och Wikipedia. Sådant har hänt tidigare, t.ex. BBC:s rapportering om WTC 7 kollaps i samband med 911.
"Paris Attack Reported on WIKIPEDIA and TWITTER before it happened !!!
Thanks to the reader who identified the IP address ( as belonging to a block of addresses assigned to VirginMedia Consumer Broadband UK.
The massacre in Paris is reported to have occurred at 21:16 CET.
By 23:06 Wikipedia had an article up that is extremely detailed, containing statements from a former French President and a complete outline of events at several locations, matters that the press I read had not by then reported.
It piqued my interest that an article would be up on Wikipedia within two hours of the event happening. So I went there.
I began reading the current version of the article and then decided to read a much earlier version. I chose the 23:18 version for this article, not overly consciously. At that point I did not understand very much.
By the time I got myself organized here, I saw that the earliest versions of the article had just been erased from Wikipedia’s change record. Everything before 00:00 was erased from the record, preventing access to the originals of the story. That aroused my suspicions immediately.
(That list of deleted versions was gotten again by going to the user page of the person who wrote the article, known only by his number The list appeared there and the articles proved linkable and recoverable. You can reach them, until they’re taken down, by clicking on the list given in Footnote 1.)
The 23:18 version includes discussions of the hostage-taking, complete with an approximate number of hostages involved (60), as well as detailed accounts of events at several locations. It even has a detailed bibliography. How could your average Wikipedia author have done this incredible piece of work and in less than two hours? Obviously this was not your average Wikipedia author.
You’re invited to read this early version of the Wikipedia article, which appears at the bottom of this post."
Läs mer under länken ovan.
Annat om Parisattacken på White TV:
Parisattackerna skulle även bli en krigsförklaring mot Tyskland;
Tyska Rikskrim hade varnat Paris en dag före den 13 november 2015;
Dags att stänga gränserna helt, kontrollera ALLA, + kalla in militären;