Stor risk för Ukrainas attack med nazister på Novorussia

2015-08-21 16:33

De negativa bakgrundskrafterna försöker förtvivlat att dra igång tredje världskriget, men misslyckas gång på gång. Vore det att de attackerar Jemen och slaktar oskyldiga civila, många barn, vore det att Israel attackerar Syrien utan folkrättsligt giltiga skäl, vore det att USA bombar Tianjin hamnen nära Peking, vore det att Nordkorea bombar Sydkorea eller vore det att Nazi juntan i Kiev samlar enormt många trupper på gränsen till Novorussia, de ukrainska landsdelar, som fick fly undan nazismen i Väst-Ukraina efter USA:s iscensatta statskupp den 21 februari 2014.

"Novorussian officials have called a press conference today to warn about the high risks of an Ukronazi assault on Novorussia in the very near future. .... The press conference was unique in that Edward Basurin, the Deputy Defense Minister and spokesman for the Novorussian armed forces showed a map with what he described as the Ukrainian attack plans:


While I don’t doubt for one second that the Novorussians have pretty much near perfect intelligence about the situation in the Nazi-occupied Ukraine and the plans of the junta (all that provided courtesy of the Russian GRU), I have to say that what this maps shows is extremely predictable too and not fundamentally different from what the Ukronazis tried last year: surrounding and cutting off Donetsk from Lugansk and taking control of key parts (or even all) of the Ukrainian-Russian border.  Basurin also quoted the figures for the junta forces and those are in line with what others, including Cassad, have reported.  The Ukronazi force is most definitely numerically large.

Basurin also warned that the attack would be preceded by a false flag attack organized by the junta and blamed on the Novorussians.  Again, nothing new here. .......

The real danger for the junta does not come from the Russian military, but from the disillusioned and impoverished Ukrainian people with whom the regime will remain “one on one” unless the Russians intervene.  And as long as this situation will remain like this, a Ukronazi attack will possibly at any moment.  Starting right now." skriver The Saker.

Mer om västvärldens hemska brott i och mot Ukraina på White TV:

NATO:s Stay Behind krypskyttar mördade på Maidan: Fuck the NATO!


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