Oskyldig journalist Karma Khayat skall dömas till fängelse av FN-domstol
2015-06-22 21:39
Libanons premiärminister Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri mördades med 20 andra för ca. 10 år sedan. En FN-domstol startades för att hitta och döma mördaren. Efter att ha slösat bort 500 milj. dollar i skattepengar jagas istället journalister av FN-domstolen, som försökt avslöja mördaren. En av dem är den libanesiska journalisten Karma Khayat med hennes Beirut baserade TV news station Al-Jadeed, som skall böta 7 milj USD i böter.
"In closing statements on June 19 and in an interview with The New American later in the day, Khayat lambasted the UN court and what she said was its outrageous assault on fundamental human rights. “This is a case against freedom of speech and the free press,” she told The New American from Holland after the last day of the trial. “It’s definitely illegitimate to prosecute journalists. The tribunal’s role was to find those who assassinated our prime minister. It should not be used against journalists. We have enough dictators in the Arab region, and we certainly don’t need this.” rapporterar the New American.