Israels dagliga brott mot Palestinier gör det till världens mest föraktade land
2017-12-29 22:49
Alternativmedia rapporterar dagligen om vidriga övergrepp som Israel begår mot Palestinier. David Icke hade idag ett inslag om en palestinsk femtonåring som gjorde inget men fick en kula i huvudet från israelisk militär. Pojken ligger i koma:
"'The bullet entered from the back of his neck and exited through the eye socket, shattering his head and face. A single bullet fired by an Israel Defense Forces soldier lurking in ambush with his buddies in the shade of olive trees. The soldier sees the person approaching the fence, unarmed, not endangering anyone, a slim teenager, dozens of meters away – but still shoots him in the head with live ammunition, wounding him seriously, destroying his life and that of his family, probably for all time. At first the IDF claimed that the soldier had thwarted a knifing attack, and later that the teen had “put his hand in his pocket in a suspicious way.”
In the end, it turned out that the Hamed al-Masri hadn’t done anything wrong at all."
annat från David Icke:
IDF soldiers grab eight year-old Palestinian boy and drag him away ‘to find stone-throwers’
Fourteen-year-old Palestinian teen shot by IDF, left handcuffed to ICU bed
'A Palestinian teen shot in the chest by an Israeli rubber-coated steel bullet has been left handcuffed in intensive care. Israeli forces also shot a 9 year-old girl in a raid on the Shufat refugee camp.
Abdullah Haroun al-Anati, 14, from the Shufat camp in occupied East Jerusalem, was shot by the IDF during a raid on Monday. Israeli forces accuse the teen of throwing stones at military vehicles, a charge his mother denies.
“The bullet ripped through his left hand and his lung and has caused internal bleeding,” his mother Abir said.'
Twitter account of imprisoned Palestinian teenage girl Ahed Tamimi deleted
Israeli court extends detention of Palestinian teen who slapped soldiers
Modiga Nordfront var de enda som rapporterade om detta hemska illdåd från Israels armé:
Israels militär: Inget fel i att mörda handikappade palestinier
"Efter att en rullstolsbunden palestinier sköts till döds av israelisk militär under en demonstration mot Donald Trump frias nu de israeliska soldaterna helt. En israelisk utredning menar att det inte ligger något ”moraliskt eller professionellt fel” i händelsen.
Under förra veckan deltog den rullstolsbundne palestiniern Ibrahim Abu Thraya, som förlorat sina ben i en israelisk flygräd 2008, i en demonstration vid Gazaremsans gräns som protesterade mot USA:s president Donald Trumps beslut att erkänna staden Jerusalem som Israels huvudstad. Under demonstrationen öppnade israelisk militär eld mot deltagarna och sköt ihjäl Thraya med ett skott i huvudet."
Märkligt att många i Israel inte kan förstå att de är världens mest avskydda land därför att de beter sig vidrigt mot Palestinier.: "The world hates Israel. Take a look at any newspaper or news website on the globe. Israel is the most hated nation in the world. What else is new? They hate us even more than they hate Isis. It’s been that way for years. In fact, it’s been that way since the beginning of time. Let’s see if we can figure out why?" skriver Tzvi Fishman i Jewish Press. Han kommer med föga övertygande förklaringar men tiger naturligtvis om det faktum att Israel har byggt upp och kontrollerar ISIS.
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